Javascript 函数外部变量的访问值

Javascript 函数外部变量的访问值,javascript,Javascript,我知道这个问题已经问了很多次了,但我仍然找不到任何解决办法! 这是我的代码:我正在编写一个加密货币值数组,但当我试图创建图形时,我被卡住了 ajaxGet("", function (reponse) { // Transforme la réponse en tableau d'objets JavaScript var monnaie = JSON.parse(reponse)

我知道这个问题已经问了很多次了,但我仍然找不到任何解决办法! 这是我的代码:我正在编写一个加密货币值数组,但当我试图创建图形时,我被卡住了

ajaxGet("", function (reponse) {
    // Transforme la réponse en tableau d'objets JavaScript
    var monnaie = JSON.parse(reponse);

    var tr;

    function page1(event) { 

        var timestamp = Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);

        for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

            ajaxGet("" + monnaie[i].symbol + "&tsym=USD&limit=28&aggregate=6&toTs=" + timestamp, function (reponse2) {

                var monnaieGraph = JSON.parse(reponse2)['Data'];
                var points = '';
                var maximum = Math.max.apply(Math,{return o.high;}))
                var minimum = Math.min.apply(Math,{return o.low;}))

                for (var j=0; j<=28; j++){
                    var moyenne = ((monnaieGraph[j].high)+(monnaieGraph[j].low))/2;
                    echelle = ((-100/(maximum-minimum))*(moyenne-minimum))+100;

                    points += (j*12) + ',' + echelle + '\n';

            tr = $('<tr/>');
            tr.append("<td>" + monnaie[i].rank + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "<img class=imageCrypto src=logos/" + monnaie[i].symbol + ".png" + " " + "style=width:37.5px; height:37.5px;" + ">" + "<div class=nomCurr><a href=" + monnaie[i].id +">" + monnaie[i].name + "</a>" + "<div>" + monnaie[i].symbol + "</div></div></td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_btc) + " BTC" + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].market_cap_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].available_supply) + " " + monnaie[i].symbol + "</td>");
            if (Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) > 0) {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentPositif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-up'" + "</td>");
                //tr.append("<i class=fa fa-caret-up>" + "</i>");
            else {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentNegatif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-down'" + "</td>");
            tr.append('<td><svg viewBox="0 0 336 100" width=116 height=35><polyline fill=none stroke=#0074d9 stroke-width=6 points="' + points + '"/></svg></div>');


正如我所说,我正试图为每种货币添加一列图表! 我尝试了3种不同的代码,但都不起作用! 以下是3个代码以及每个结果的图像:

for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

            ajaxGet("" + monnaie[i].symbol + "&tsym=USD&limit=28&aggregate=6&toTs=" + timestamp, function (reponse2) {

                var monnaieGraph = JSON.parse(reponse2)['Data'];
                var points = '';
                var maximum = Math.max.apply(Math,{return o.high;}))
                var minimum = Math.min.apply(Math,{return o.low;}))

                for (var j=0; j<=28; j++){
                    var moyenne = ((monnaieGraph[j].high)+(monnaieGraph[j].low))/2;
                    echelle = ((-100/(maximum-minimum))*(moyenne-minimum))+100;

                    points += (j*12) + ',' + echelle + '\n';

            tr = $('<tr/>');
            tr.append("<td>" + monnaie[i].rank + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "<img class=imageCrypto src=logos/" + monnaie[i].symbol + ".png" + " " + "style=width:37.5px; height:37.5px;" + ">" + "<div class=nomCurr><a href=" + monnaie[i].id +">" + monnaie[i].name + "</a>" + "<div>" + monnaie[i].symbol + "</div></div></td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_btc) + " BTC" + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].market_cap_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].available_supply) + " " + monnaie[i].symbol + "</td>");
            if (Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) > 0) {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentPositif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-up'" + "</td>");
                //tr.append("<i class=fa fa-caret-up>" + "</i>");
            else {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentNegatif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-down'" + "</td>");

            tr.append('<td><svg viewBox="0 0 336 100" width=116 height=35><polyline fill=none stroke=#0074d9 stroke-width=6 points="' + points + '"/></svg></div>');





for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

            tr = $('<tr/>');
            tr.append("<td>" + monnaie[i].rank + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "<img class=imageCrypto src=logos/" + monnaie[i].symbol + ".png" + " " + "style=width:37.5px; height:37.5px;" + ">" + "<div class=nomCurr><a href=" + monnaie[i].id +">" + monnaie[i].name + "</a>" + "<div>" + monnaie[i].symbol + "</div></div></td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_btc) + " BTC" + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].market_cap_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].available_supply) + " " + monnaie[i].symbol + "</td>");
            if (Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) > 0) {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentPositif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-up'" + "</td>");
                //tr.append("<i class=fa fa-caret-up>" + "</i>");
            else {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentNegatif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-down'" + "</td>");

            ajaxGet("" + monnaie[i].symbol + "&tsym=USD&limit=28&aggregate=6&toTs=" + timestamp, function (reponse2) {

                var monnaieGraph = JSON.parse(reponse2)['Data'];
                var points = '';
                var maximum = Math.max.apply(Math,{return o.high;}))
                var minimum = Math.min.apply(Math,{return o.low;}))

                for (var j=0; j<=28; j++){
                    var moyenne = ((monnaieGraph[j].high)+(monnaieGraph[j].low))/2;
                    echelle = ((-100/(maximum-minimum))*(moyenne-minimum))+100;

                    points += (j*12) + ',' + echelle + '\n';

                tr.append('<td><svg viewBox="0 0 336 100" width=116 height=35><polyline fill=none stroke=#0074d9 stroke-width=6 points="' + points + '"/></svg></div>');




for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) {

            ajaxGet("" + monnaie[i].symbol + "&tsym=USD&limit=28&aggregate=6&toTs=" + timestamp, function (reponse2) {

                var monnaieGraph = JSON.parse(reponse2)['Data'];
                var points = '';
                var maximum = Math.max.apply(Math,{return o.high;}))
                var minimum = Math.min.apply(Math,{return o.low;}))

                for (var j=0; j<=28; j++){
                    var moyenne = ((monnaieGraph[j].high)+(monnaieGraph[j].low))/2;
                    echelle = ((-100/(maximum-minimum))*(moyenne-minimum))+100;

                    points += (j*12) + ',' + echelle + '\n';

            tr = $('<tr/>');
            tr.append("<td>" + monnaie[i].rank + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "<img class=imageCrypto src=logos/" + monnaie[i].symbol + ".png" + " " + "style=width:37.5px; height:37.5px;" + ">" + "<div class=nomCurr><a href=" + monnaie[i].id +">" + monnaie[i].name + "</a>" + "<div>" + monnaie[i].symbol + "</div></div></td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_btc) + " BTC" + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].price_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + "$ " + formatter.format(monnaie[i].market_cap_usd) + "</td>");
            tr.append("<td>" + formatter.format(monnaie[i].available_supply) + " " + monnaie[i].symbol + "</td>");
            if (Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) > 0) {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentPositif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-up'" + "</td>");
                //tr.append("<i class=fa fa-caret-up>" + "</i>");
            else {
                tr.append("<td class=pourcentNegatif>" + Number(monnaie[i].percent_change_24h) + "%" + "<i class='fa fa-caret-down'" + "</td>");

            tr.append('<td><svg viewBox="0 0 336 100" width=116 height=35><polyline fill=none stroke=#0074d9 stroke-width=6 points="' + points + '"/></svg></div>');

我在ajaxGet中添加了整个表的声明! 我不理解结果: 这一次,图形是我想要的,但是数组的其余部分每行中的每列都有第51个硬币的值,但是图形列可以工作,而我的变量I应该是0 希望我的问题是清楚的,我很抱歉我不能发布图片。。。




SVG图像不显示的问题是,显然您必须重新加载生成的实际HTML,才能在浏览器中呈现SVG图像。看见 在您的情况下,应该在每次添加行后重新加载表的HTML。使用jQuery,它看起来像这样:

// Row creation logic...

编辑: 通过使用闭包解决了作用域和异步问题。 使用单独的函数来提高可读性。 使用jQuery构建表和SVG元素。
. 您可以声明全局变量并在函数中使用它。您说过,我在for循环中声明了点!该列创建得很好,但图形是空的:多段线存在,但里面没有点。我不确定它是否是新线分隔,因为SVG规范允许它。在SVG创建行的末尾还有一个尾随。您能提供一个简单的代码片段来创建SVG部分吗?我删除了/n并尝试用一个空格替换它,但结果相同。我不知道问题是否来自这里,这个变量在我第一篇文章中展示给你的一次尝试中起作用。我把它移走了,这是个错误,它和这里没有任何关系!我认为这与您的Ajax调用是异步的这一事实有关,因此您的程序在Ajax请求之后继续,并在创建点之前创建SVG图像。谢谢!我从未使用过这种风格的代码回调和这种风格的ajax请求。学它很有趣!我仍然有一些问题需要理解,但我能够适应我真正想要的!我只是有两个问题我不明白:-数据没有有序地出现在表中-我想更改我使用的第二个API 进入 获取每种货币的名称,但我真的不明白您的请求是如何工作的:/谢谢您抽出时间!
function getTimestamp() {
    return Math.round(new Date().getTime() / 1000);

function getAveragePrice(pricepoint) {
    return (pricepoint.high + pricepoint.low) / 2;

function getPointMap(min, max) {
    return function (price, index) {
        var range = max - min;
        var offset = price - min;
        var value = 100 - (offset * 100 / range);

        return `${index * 12},${value}`;

function getPoints(prices) {
    var min = Math.min(...prices);
    var max = Math.max(...prices);
    var points =, max));

    return points.join(" ");

function getSvg(points) {
    var line = $('<polyline/>');
    line.attr("fill", "none");
    line.attr("stroke", "#0074d9");
    line.attr("stroke-width", 6);
    line.attr("points", points);

    var svg = $('<svg/>');
    svg.attr("viewBox", "0 0 336 100");
    svg.attr("width", 116);
    svg.attr("height", 35);

    return svg;

function getCell(content) {
    return $("<td/>").append(content);

function getRow(coin, points) {
    // Set id to SortOrder provided by API so 
    // we can use it to add the rows to the 
    // table in the right order.
    var tr = $('<tr/>');
    tr.attr("id", coin.SortOrder);


    return tr;

function addRow(row, table)
    var current = table.children().first();

    // While there is a next row
    while("tr")) {
        // Check if the rank of current row is 
        // larger than the rank of the row we 
        // want to add.
        if(Number(current.attr("id")) > Number(row.attr("id"))) {
            // If true, add the row before the 
            // current row and we are done.

        // Else check the next row.
        current =;

    // If the table does not contain rows yet or 
    // the end of the table is reached without 
    // finding larger ranks, just add the row at 
    // the end.

function getHistoryCallback(table, coin) {
    return function (history) {
        var prices =;
        var points = getPoints(prices);
        var row = getRow(coin, points);
        addRow(row, table);

function sortCoins(a, b) {
    return a.SortOrder - b.SortOrder;

function getCoinsCallback(table) {
    return function (coinlist) {
        var coins = Object.values(coinlist.Data).sort(sortCoins);

        for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            var coin = coins[i];

            var url = "";
            var data = {
                fsym: coin.Symbol,
                tsym: "USD",
                limit: 28,
                aggregate: 6,
                toTs: getTimestamp()
            var callback = getHistoryCallback(table, coin);

            $.getJSON(url, data, callback);

function populateTable(table_id) {
    var table = $(`#${table_id}`);
    var url = "";
    var callback = getCoinsCallback(table);

    $.getJSON(url, callback);

$(document).ready(function () {