Javascript 谷歌床单烛台图修改高低线宽?

Javascript 谷歌床单烛台图修改高低线宽?,javascript,css,google-apps-script,google-visualization,candlestick-chart,Javascript,Css,Google Apps Script,Google Visualization,Candlestick Chart,我一直在使用谷歌的烛台图表,并根据我的需要定制一切,只是烛台上下线条的宽度不能修改,或者我根本没有找到这样做的方法。我的代码如下所示: <script type="text/javascript" src="{'modules':[{'name':'visualization','version':'1.1','packages':['corechart']}]}"></script> <s


<script type="text/javascript" src="{'modules':[{'name':'visualization','version':'1.1','packages':['corechart']}]}"></script>

function drawChart() {
    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
        ['Mon', 20, 28, 38, 45],
        ['Tue', 31, 38, 55, 66],
        ['Wed', 50, 55, 77, 80],
        ['Thu', 77, 77, 66, 50],
        ['Fri', 68, 66, 22, 15]
        // Treat first row as data as well.
        ], true);

    var chart = new google.visualization.CandlestickChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

    chart.draw(data, {
        selectionMode: 'multiple',
        backgroundColor: {
            strokeWidth: 3,
            stroke: 'black',
        vAxis: {
            gridlines: {
                count: -1,
            minorGridlines: {
                count: 4,
        hAxis: {
            textStyle: {
                color: 'white',
        focusTarget: 'category',
        colors: ['black', 'black'],
        legend: 'none',
        theme: 'maximized',
        candlestick: {
            hollowIsRising: 'false',
            risingColor: {
                fill: 'green',
                stroke: 'black',
                strokeWidth: 1, // Here you can clearly see that I changed the candlestick's stroke to a smaller value which would basically be the same as decreasing the "border width".
            fallingColor: {
                fill: 'red',
                stroke: 'black',
                strokeWidth: 1, // Here you can clearly see that I changed the candlestick's stroke to a smaller value which would basically be the same as decreasing the "border width".
       <div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div>


    bar: {
        strokeWidth: 1,