
使用CORS和javascript将xhtml文件加载到div元素,javascript,html,cors,Javascript,Html,Cors,我想将另一个域中的页面加载到页面中的div元素。我正在使用CORS,它可以工作,因为它显示文件已加载到控制台日志中,但我无法将其添加到我的div中。 下面是我的代码,让它更清楚: <script type="text/javascript"> function createCORSRequest(method, url){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); if ("withCredentials" in xhr)

我想将另一个域中的页面加载到页面中的div元素。我正在使用CORS,它可以工作,因为它显示文件已加载到控制台日志中,但我无法将其添加到我的div中。 下面是我的代码,让它更清楚:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function createCORSRequest(method, url){
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        if ("withCredentials" in xhr){
            xhr.open(method, url, true);
        } else if (typeof XDomainRequest !== "undefined"){
            xhr = new XDomainRequest();
            xhr.open(method, url);
        } else {
            xhr = null;
        return xhr;

    var request = createCORSRequest("get", "http://localhost:8080/test/header.xhtml");
    if (request){
        request.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (request.readyState === 4) {
                if (request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400) {
                    var hpage = request.responseText;
                    document.getElementById("theader").innerHTML = hpage;
                } else {
                    alert("An error occured! Request Status: +"request.status);
    <div id="theader"></div>
如何在ader div中显示加载的页面

我发现这发生在firefox和chrome中,因为我使用localhost。它在ie中工作,但只加载没有css和图像的文本。知道如何将整个页面加载到div中吗? 我想我现在的问题是,页面是否像iframe一样加载CORS中的所有资源?如果是这样的话,怎么办?




var hpage = document.createElement("html");
hpage.innerHtml = request.responseText;

//Below you might want to write more robust code
//depending on the content of the response and how much you trust it
var head = hpage.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var body = hpage.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
document.getElementById("theader").innerHTML = body.innerHTML;

//Now iterates over the children of head to find 
//the script and style elements, and you can append them to the head of the document
var currentHead = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
var scripts = head.getElementsByTagName("script");
for (var i=0; i<scripts.length; i++) {
//same thing for style elements, 
//you could even do that for all elements
//depending on what the response may contain
