Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/2/jquery/73.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Javascript 对非对象错误调用Object.defineProperty_Javascript_Jquery - Fatal编程技术网

Javascript 对非对象错误调用Object.defineProperty

Javascript 对非对象错误调用Object.defineProperty,javascript,jquery,Javascript,Jquery,关于这段代码,我在jQuery中遇到了这个错误。。而我无法修复它。。我不明白它和控制台日志。。。 代码是Blogger中运行cookie的通知工具 在非对象上调用Object.defineProperty。。。。at Function.defineProperty() $(函数(){ var view=settingsnoti[“noti bloghomepageUrl”]; var消息=void 0!==settingsnoti[“word”]?settingsnoti[“word”]:“”;

关于这段代码,我在jQuery中遇到了这个错误。。而我无法修复它。。我不明白它和控制台日志。。。 代码是Blogger中运行cookie的通知工具

在非对象上调用Object.defineProperty。。。。at Function.defineProperty()

var view=settingsnoti[“noti bloghomepageUrl”];
var消息=void 0!==settingsnoti[“word”]?settingsnoti[“word”]:“”;
var a_second=void 0!==settingsnoti.expires?settingsnoti.expires:7;
变量0x48e20c=void 0!==settingsnoti[“颜色”]?settingsnoti[“颜色”]:“#388d80”;
var styleFloat=void 0!==settingsnoti.float?settingsnoti.float:“右”;
var lessFileName=false!==settingsnoti[“ltr”];
badge_dir=“ltr badge”;
badge_dir=“rtl badge”;
var abbr;
var value=“#notibadgeBtn”;
var map_el=$(本);
var artistTrack='
  • '+load(7)+':'+item.bloggcodeNAM+'
  • ”; 如果(0!=$(“.notirights”).length){ $(“.notirights”).each(函数(){ 如果($(this.css(“不透明”)<1 | |“隐藏”==$(this.css(“可见性”)| |$(this.is(“:隐藏”)&&$(i.is(“:可见”)){ getlocation(item.bloggcodeURI); } }); }否则{ $(删除行为表单)。前置(artistTrack); } } }; types.getstyle(“div#notification badge.button,div#notification badge ul li label,#notification badge input[type=checkbox],div#notification badge.badge hover var:hover{color:+0x48e20c+”;}div notification badge.button.done,#notification badge input[type=checkbox]:选中::before,div notification badge a{背景色:“++0x48e20c++”;}div#通知徽章.按钮.完成,div#通知徽章.按钮.取消:悬停{边框:1px实心“++0x48e20c++”;}div#通知徽章.样式导入{显示:块!重要;不透明度:1!重要;可见性:可见!重要;宽度:自动!重要;高度:自动!重要;填充:5px!重要;背景色:#ffffff!重要;边框:1px实心“+0x48e20c+”!重要}”); var pix_color=“”; 数学地板(+数学[“随机”]()+1); if($(“body”).hasClass(“预览”)){ var retryLinkHref=view.replace(/\/$/,“”); }否则{ retryLinkHref=window.location.origin; } var requestOrUrl=retryLinkHref.toLowerCase()+“/feeds/posts/default?脚本中的alt=json&orderby=updated&start index=1&max results=1”; $.ajax({ “url”:请求者url, “数据类型”:“jsonp”, “类型”:“获取”, “成功”:功能(xhr、状态、自定义){ if(xhr.feed中的“条目”){ var i=0; 对于(;i$(function() { var view = settingsnoti["noti-bloghomepageUrl"]; var message = void 0 !== settingsnoti["word"] ? settingsnoti["word"] : ""; var _0x322dc6 = false !== settingsnoti["allow-noti"]; var a_second = void 0 !== settingsnoti.expires ? settingsnoti.expires : 7; var _0x48e20c = void 0 !== settingsnoti["color"] ? settingsnoti["color"] : "#388d80"; var styleFloat = void 0 !== settingsnoti.float ? settingsnoti.float : "right"; var lessFileName = false !== settingsnoti["ltr"]; language_form = "" !== message ? message : ["تحديد الكل كمقروء", "قبول", "إلغاء", "عرض", "زيارة", "إشعار", "إعلان", "تحديث", "راجع مالجديد!!"]; var load = function(_height) { return language_form[parseInt(_height - 1)]; }; switch (lessFileName) { case true: badge_dir = "ltr-badge"; break; case false: default: badge_dir = "rtl-badge"; }! function($) { var abbr; var i = "#notification-badge"; var element = 'input[name="badge[]"]'; var value = "#notibadgeBtn"; $.fn.ihavebadge = function(name, all) { var map_el = $(this); var item = $.extend({ "childTypes": settingsnoti, "delay": 1, "expires": a_second, "onAccept": function() {}, "ImageSize": 116, "substring": 140, "float": styleFloat, "ltr": lessFileName, "bloggcodeNAM": "PicFast", "bloggcodeURI": "https://blogg-code.blogspot.com", "macrosid": "AKfycbykx1ZVe0t0qmw4sZ2Pez4iYNFXnv8w6HAANNtXs5VCX38RS_A", "noImage": "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7CnHTs2OKS8/Wo214lKp0KI/AAAAAAAACPk/CD1mAZz7IwI32hkGM3aVbD6Tefw78IkvgCLcBGAs/s72/no-img-300x300-blogg-code.jpg", "Imgavatar": "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mP-2bvOaWuM/XAkrMTFABaI/AAAAAAAADjU/tqSHDVesLcYwQ1rXt1MVvG3TENbJqMvcQCLcBGAs/s72/no-user.png", "Monthformat": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"] }, name); var types = { "getstyle": function(p) { $(p).appendTo($("head")); }, "b": function(context, data, res, a, f, cb) { context.prop("checked", cb); context.attr("data-auto", data).parent().css({ "background-color": res, "opacity": a, "pointer-events": f }); }, "getlocation": function(index) { if (index) { setInterval(function() { window.location.href = index; }, 2E3); } }, "getcopyright": function(delete_behavior_form) { var artistTrack = '<li class="notirights px ads badg_radius5 styleimpo"><label class="notirights">' + load(7) + ':</label><span class="notirights type">' + item.bloggcodeNAM + '</span><span class="notirights ilink"><a class="notirights badgehover-opa badg_radius30" href="' + item.bloggcodeURI + '" target="_blank">' + load(5) + "</a></span></li>"; if (0 !== $(".notirights").length) { $(".notirights").each(function() { if (($(this).css("opacity") < 1 || "hidden" == $(this).css("visibility") || $(this).is(":hidden")) && $(i).is(":visible")) { types.getlocation(item.bloggcodeURI); } }); } else { $(delete_behavior_form).prepend(artistTrack); } } }; types.getstyle("<style type='text/css'>div#notification-badge .button,div#notification-badge ul li label,#notification-badge input[type=checkbox],div#notification-badge .badgehover-var:hover {color:" + _0x48e20c + ";}div#notification-badge .button.done,#notification-badge input[type=checkbox]:checked::before,div#notification-badge .ilink a {background-color:" + _0x48e20c + ";}div#notification-badge .button.done,div#notification-badge .button.cancel:hover {border: 1px solid " + _0x48e20c + ";}div#notification-badge .styleimpo {display:block!important;opacity:1!important;visibility:visible!important;width:auto!important;height:auto!important;padding:5px!important;background-color:#ffffff!important;border:1px solid" + _0x48e20c + "!important}</style>"); var pix_color = ""; Math.floor(+Math["random"]() + 1); if ($("body").hasClass("Preview")) { var retryLinkHref = view.replace(/\/$/, ""); } else { retryLinkHref = window.location.origin; } var requestOrUrl = retryLinkHref.toLowerCase() + "/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&orderby=updated&start-index=1&max-results=1"; $.ajax({ "url": requestOrUrl, "dataType": "jsonp", "type": "GET", "success": function(xhr, status, custom) { if ("entry" in xhr.feed) { var i = 0; for (; i < xhr.feed.entry.length; i++) { var data = xhr.feed.entry[i]; var version = 0; for (; version < data.link.length; version++) { var result = data.link[version]; if ("replies" == (result = data.link[version]).rel && "text/html" == result.type) { result.title; result.href; } if ("alternate" == result.rel) { var replacements = result.href; if (-1 !== replacements.indexOf(".blogspot.")) { replacements = replacements.replace("http://", "https://"); } break; } } var word = item.Monthformat; var nickname = data.updated.$t; var _0x4afe5a = nickname.substring(0, 10); var contentId = _0x4afe5a.substring(0, 4); var cPointX = _0x4afe5a.substring(5, 7); var linkCssId = _0x4afe5a.substring(8, 10) + "-" + word[parseInt(cPointX - 1)] + "-" + contentId; var _0x417c4f = (data.published.$t.substr(0, 10).replace(/\-/g, "_"), data.title.$t); var height = item.Imgavatar; if (void 0 !== data.author[0].uri) { var value = data.author[0].name.$t; if (data.author[0].gd$image.src.match("blogblog")) { var whatToScale = height; } else { whatToScale = data.author[0].gd$image.src; } var heightInCells = whatToScale.replace(/http:\/\//, "https://").replace("/72-c/", "/s220/"); var id = data.author[0].uri.$t; } else { value = "Unknown"; heightInCells = height; id = "javascript:void(0)"; } if (void 0 !== data.media$thumbnail) { var entryOrArray = data.media$thumbnail.url; var id = item.ImageSize; var timestamp = entryOrArray.replace(/http:\/\//, "https://").replace("/s72-c/", "/s" + id + "/").replace("?imgmax=800", ""); } else { if (void 0 !== data.content && null != data.content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/)) { var shapePathsCollection = data.content.$t.match(/youtube\.com.*(\?v=|\/embed\/)(.{11})/).pop(); if (11 == shapePathsCollection.length) { timestamp = "//img.youtube.com/vi/" + shapePathsCollection + "/0.jpg"; } } else { if (void 0 !== data.content && null != data.content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/)) { timestamp = data.content.$t.match(/src=(.+?[\.jpg|\.gif|\.png]")/)[1]; } else { timestamp = item.noImage; } } } if (void 0 !== data.summary) { var matches = data.summary.$t.replace(/<\S[^>]*>/g, ""); var resizewidth = matches.substring(0, item.substring) + "..."; if (300 < matches.length) { matches.substring(0, 170); } if (100 < matches.length) { matches.substring(0, 100); } } else { if (void 0 !== data.content) { var result = data.content.$t.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, ""); resizewidth = result.substring(0, item.substring) + "..."; if (300 < result.length) { result.substring(0, 170); } if (100 < result.length) { result.substring(0, 100); } } else { resizewidth = ""; } } var _0xb2707 = data.id.$t.split(".post-").pop(); pix_color = pix_color + ('<li class="px badg_radius5"><input type="checkbox" id="badge-id-cookietypeupdated-' + _0xb2707 + '" name="badge[]" value="updated-' + _0xb2707 + '" data-auto="off"/><label for="badge-id-cookietypeupdated-' + _0xb2707 + '">' + load(8) + ':</label>' + load(9) + '<abbr class="timeago idate badg_radius30" title="' + nickname + '">' + linkCssId + '</abbr><span class="icontent"><a class="badgehover-var" href="' + replacements + '" target="_blank"><img class="badg_radius5" src="' + timestamp + '"/>' + _0x417c4f + '</a></span><span class="inameauthor"><a class="badgehover-var" href="' + id + '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><img class="badg_radius100" src="' + heightInCells + '"/><i class="authorname">' + value + '</i></a></span></li>'); } } var isScaytNode = clone("badgeControl"); var workspace = clone("badgeControlPrefs"); if (isScaytNode && workspace && "reinit" != all) { var item2 = true; if (false == isScaytNode) { item2 = false; } filter(item2, item.expires, i); } else { $(i).remove(); var summaryHtml = ""; preferences = JSON.parse(workspace); $.each(item.childTypes, function(canCreateDiscussions, url) { if ("" !== url.type && "" !== url.value && "" !== url.link && url.type) { var th_field = ""; if (false !== url.link) { th_field = '<span class="ilink"><a class="badgehover-opa badg_radius30" href="' + url.link + '" target="_blank">' + load(4) + '</a></span>'; } summaryHtml = summaryHtml + ('<li class="px badg_radius5"><input type="checkbox" id="badge-id-cookietype' + url.value + '" name="badge[]" value="' + url.value + '" data-auto="off"/><label for="badge-id-cookietype' + url.value + '">' + load(6) + ':</label><span class="type">' + url.type + '</span>' + th_field + '</li>'); } }); var artistTrack = '<div id="notification-badge" class="' + badge_dir + 'badg_shadowkit badg_radius2" style="display: none;"><div id="badge-types"><p><button class="button btn-top select" id="badge-btn-select" type="button">' + load(1) + '</button></p><ul>' + summaryHtml + pix_color + '</ul></div><p><button class="button btn-bottom done badgehover-opa badg_radius5" id="badge-btn-done" type="button">' + load(2) + '</button><button class="button btn-bottom cancel badg_radius5" id="badge-btn-cancel" type="button">' + load(3) + '</button></p></div>'; $(map_el).append(artistTrack); setTimeout(function() { $.each(preferences, function(canCreateDiscussions, domRootID) { if (1 != $('#badge-id-cookietype' + domRootID).length) { abbr = $('#badge-id-cookietype' + domRootID).length; } }); var d = preferences.length; var v = $(element).length; var m = v - d; if (0 == abbr && (m = v - d + 1), d || (m = v), 10 < m && (m = "+9"), 0 < m) { var artistTrack = '<span class="' + badge_dir + 'badge alert badg_radius100">' + m + '</span>'; $(value).append(artistTrack).addClass("Animat-notifications"); } }, item.delay); $(window).scroll(function() { fn(i, value); }); $("body").on("click", value, function() { if ($(i).is(":hidden")) { $(i).hide(function() { $(".badge").remove(); $(value).addClass("active").removeClass("Animat-notifications"); var x; var orig_top = $(value).offset().top + $(value).height(); if ("left" === item.float) { x = $(value).offset().left; $(this).css({ "top": orig_top + "px", "left": x + "px" }); } else { if ("right" === item.float) { x = $(window).width() - ($(value).offset().left + $(value).outerWidth()); $(this).css({ "top": orig_top + "px", "right": x + "px" }); } } $.each(preferences, function(canCreateDiscussions, conid) { if ($.fn.ihavebadge.preference(conid)) { types.b($("#badge-id-cookietype" + conid), "on", "white", ".4", "none", true); } }); }).fadeIn(100); } types.getcopyright("#notification-badge ul"); }); $(i).click(function(canCreateDiscussions) { if ("BUTTON" !== canCreateDiscussions.target.nodeName) { canCreateDiscussions.stopPropagation(); } }); $(element).on("change", function() { if (this.checked) { types.b($(this), "on", "white", ".4", "auto"); } else { types.b($(this), "off", "#f8f8f8", "1", "auto"); } }); $("body").on("click", "#badge-btn-select", function() { types.b($(element), "on", "white", ".4", "auto", true); $("#badge-btn-done").trigger("click"); }); $("body").on("click", "#badge-btn-cancel", function() { fn(i, value); }); $("body").on("click", "#badge-btn-advanced", function() { types.b($(element), "off", "#f1f1f1", "1", "auto", false); }); $("body").on("click", "#badge-btn-done", function() { filter(true, item.expires, i); var data = []; $.each($(element).serializeArray(), function(canCreateDiscussions, nodes) { data.push(nodes.value); var item = '#badge-id-cookietype' + nodes.value; types.b($(item), "on", "white", ".4", "none"); }); trigger("badgeControlPrefs", JSON.stringify(data), 365); item.onAccept.call(this); }); } } }); }; $.fn.ihavebadge.cookie = function() { var message = clone("badgeControlPrefs"); return JSON.parse(message); }; $.fn.ihavebadge.preference = function(_relatedTarget) { var currentLineStylesCloned = clone("badgeControl"); var data = clone("badgeControlPrefs"); return data = JSON.parse(data), false !== currentLineStylesCloned && (false !== data && -1 !== data.indexOf(_relatedTarget)); }; var filter = function(key, val, enhanced) { trigger("badgeControl", key, val); $(enhanced).fadeOut("fast", function() { fn(this, value); }); }; var fn = function(id, el) { $(id).removeAttr("style"); $(el).removeClass("active"); }; var trigger = function(y, x, keys) { var expected_date2 = new Date; expected_date2.setTime(expected_date2.getTime() + 24 * keys * 60 * 60 * 1E3); var _0x491ad2 = "expires=" + expected_date2.toUTCString(); return document.cookie = y + "=" + x + ";" + _0x491ad2 + ";path=/", clone(y); }; var clone = function(method) { var data = method + "="; var PL$13 = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie).split(";"); var PL$17 = 0; for (; PL$17 < PL$13.length; PL$17++) { var PL$6 = PL$13[PL$17]; for (; " " == PL$6.charAt(0);) { PL$6 = PL$6.substring(1); } if (0 === PL$6.indexOf(data)) { return PL$6.substring(data.length, PL$6.length); } } return false; }; }(jQuery); var am_Overlay = { "onAccept": function() { console.log("%cnotification saved...", "color:tomato"); } }; if (true == _0x322dc6) { $("body").ihavebadge(am_Overlay, "reinit"); } else { $("#notibadgeBtn").remove(); } });