Javascript 使用php在会议视频呼叫中获取websocket错误

Javascript 使用php在会议视频呼叫中获取websocket错误,javascript,php,websocket,handshake,video-conferencing,Javascript,Php,Websocket,Handshake,Video Conferencing,我已经从GIT安装了一个代码 但在控制台中获取错误 WebSocket连接到'wss://'失败:WebSocket握手期间出错:意外响应代码:404 我已经配置了api, 下面是一些带有路径的代码(我不知道哪里出错了) /server.php `require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use Amir\Comm; use Ratchet\App; //set an array of origins allo

我已经从GIT安装了一个代码 但在控制台中获取错误


我已经配置了api, 下面是一些带有路径的代码(我不知道哪里出错了)


`require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Amir\Comm;
use Ratchet\App;

//set an array of origins allowed to connect to this server
$allowed_origins = [''];

// Run the server application through the WebSocket protocol on port 8080
$app = new App('', 80, '');//App(hostname, port, 'whoCanConnectIP', '')

//create socket routes
//route(uri, classInstance, arrOfAllowedOrigins)
$app->route('comm', new Comm, $allowed_origins);

//run websocket

 import h from './helpers.js';
    const wsUrl = 'wss://';
    var servers = {
        iceServers: []