Javascript 未捕获类型错误:模板不是函数

Javascript 未捕获类型错误:模板不是函数,javascript,spacebars,Javascript,Spacebars,我不确定为什么会出现此错误: assignment.js:103 Uncaught TypeError: template is not a function 代码: 我使用空格键编译如下内容: $(document).ready(function() { // // compile all of our templates ready for use // var source = $("#category-template").html();


assignment.js:103 Uncaught TypeError: template is not a function


$(document).ready(function() {

    // compile all of our templates ready for use
    var source   = $("#category-template").html();
    category_template = SpacebarsCompiler.compile(source);

    source   = $("#animals-template").html();
    animals_template = SpacebarsCompiler.compile(source);

    source   = $("#animal-template").html();
    animal_template = SpacebarsCompiler.compile(source);

    //  clicking on the categorys tab shows the 
    //  thumbnails of all the categorys

    $("#category-tab").click(function () {

        // displays the categorys template
        showTemplate(category_template, animals_data);

        // make the categorys tab the active one
        // first make the currently active tab inactive
        $(".nav-tabs .active").removeClass("active");
        // then make categorys tab active

                $(".category-thumbnail").click(function (){

            // get the index (position in the array)
            // of the category we clicked on
            // "this" is the element that was clicked on
            // data("id") gets the attribute data-id
            // (which we set to the index of the category in
            // the array - @index)
            var index = $(this).data("id");

            // set the current category to this category
            current_category = animals_data.category[index];

            // displays the animals template
            showTemplate(animals_template, current_category);

            // add an on click al all the animal thumbnails
            // which displays the animal in a modal popup
            $(".animal-thumbnail").click(function (){
                // get the index (position in the array)
                // of the  we clicked on
                // "this" is the element that was clicked on
                // data("id") gets the attribute data-id
                // (which we set to the index of the animal in
                // the array - @index)
                var index = $(this).data("id");

                // set the current animal to this animal
                current_animal = current_category.animals[index];

                // displays the single animal template
                showTemplate(animal_template, current_animal);


        $("#animal-tab").click(function () {

        // displays the animals template
        showTemplate(animals_template, current_category);

        // make the animals tab the active one
        // first make the currently active tab inactive
        $(".nav-tabs .active").removeClass("active");
        // then make animals tab active

        // add an on click al all the animal thumbnails
        // which displays the animal in a modal popup
        $(".animal-thumbnail").click(function (){
            // get the index (position in the array)
            // of the animal we clicked on
            // "this" is the element that was clicked on
            // data("id") gets the attribute data-id
            // (which we set to the index of the animal in
            // the array - @index)
            var index = $(this).data("id");

            // set the current animal to this animal
            current_animal = current_category.animals[index];

            // displays the single animal template
            showTemplate(animal_template, current_animal);



$(document).ready(function() {

    // compile all of our templates ready for use
    var source   = $("#category-template").html();
    category_template = SpacebarsCompiler.compile(source);

    source   = $("#animals-template").html();
    animals_template = SpacebarsCompiler.compile(source);

    source   = $("#animal-template").html();
    animal_template = SpacebarsCompiler.compile(source);

    //  clicking on the categorys tab shows the 
    //  thumbnails of all the categorys

    $("#category-tab").click(function () {

        // displays the categorys template
        showTemplate(category_template, animals_data);

        // make the categorys tab the active one
        // first make the currently active tab inactive
        $(".nav-tabs .active").removeClass("active");
        // then make categorys tab active

                $(".category-thumbnail").click(function (){

            // get the index (position in the array)
            // of the category we clicked on
            // "this" is the element that was clicked on
            // data("id") gets the attribute data-id
            // (which we set to the index of the category in
            // the array - @index)
            var index = $(this).data("id");

            // set the current category to this category
            current_category = animals_data.category[index];

            // displays the animals template
            showTemplate(animals_template, current_category);

            // add an on click al all the animal thumbnails
            // which displays the animal in a modal popup
            $(".animal-thumbnail").click(function (){
                // get the index (position in the array)
                // of the  we clicked on
                // "this" is the element that was clicked on
                // data("id") gets the attribute data-id
                // (which we set to the index of the animal in
                // the array - @index)
                var index = $(this).data("id");

                // set the current animal to this animal
                current_animal = current_category.animals[index];

                // displays the single animal template
                showTemplate(animal_template, current_animal);


        $("#animal-tab").click(function () {

        // displays the animals template
        showTemplate(animals_template, current_category);

        // make the animals tab the active one
        // first make the currently active tab inactive
        $(".nav-tabs .active").removeClass("active");
        // then make animals tab active

        // add an on click al all the animal thumbnails
        // which displays the animal in a modal popup
        $(".animal-thumbnail").click(function (){
            // get the index (position in the array)
            // of the animal we clicked on
            // "this" is the element that was clicked on
            // data("id") gets the attribute data-id
            // (which we set to the index of the animal in
            // the array - @index)
            var index = $(this).data("id");

            // set the current animal to this animal
            current_animal = current_category.animals[index];

            // displays the single animal template
            showTemplate(animal_template, current_animal);

