Javascript 石头剪刀问题

Javascript 石头剪刀问题,javascript,Javascript,作为课程的一部分,我正在为代码学院编写一个简单的石头剪刀脚本;我得到的每一个答案在最后都是警告(“摇滚乐赢了!”),不管我投入了什么;我做错了什么 var choice1 = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?"); //-------------------------------------// var choice2 = Math.random(); if (choice2 < 0.34) { choice2 = "


var choice1 = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper or scissors?");
var choice2 = Math.random();

if (choice2 < 0.34) {
    choice2 = "rock"

else if(choice2 <= 0.67) {
    choice2 = "paper";

else {
    choice2 = "scissors";

//------ possible outcomes for the computer are above this comment----------- 

compare = function(choice1,choice2){

if(choice1 === "paper" & choice2 ==="paper"){
    alert("The result is a tie!");}

if(choice1 === "rock" & choice2 ==="rock"){
    alert("The result is a tie!");}

if(choice1 === "scissors" & choice2 ==="scissors"){
    alert("The result is a tie!");}

//-possible outcomes for a tie are above this comment------------------------------

if(choice1 === "paper" & choice2 === "rock"){
    alert("paper wins!");} 

if(choice1 === "rock" & choice2 === "paper"){
    alert("paper wins!");}

 //-possible outcomes for paper & rock are above this comment------------------------

 if(choice1 === "scissors" & choice2 === "rock"){
    alert("rock wins!");} 

if(choice1 === "rock" & choice2 === "scissors"){
    alert("rock wins!");}

//-possible outcomes for a scissors & rock are above this comment--------------------

 if(choice1 === "scissors" & choice2 === "paper"){
    alert("scissors wins!");} 

if(choice1 === "paper" & choice2 === "scissors"){
    alert("scissors wins!");}

//-possible outcomes for a scissors & paper are above this comment--------------

}//<---End of compare function--//
var choice1=prompt(“您选择石头、布还是剪刀?”);
var choice2=Math.random();

if (choice1 === "paper" && choice2 === "rock") {