Javascript 是什么让这两个功能';公共';和';私人';分别是什么意思?

Javascript 是什么让这两个功能';公共';和';私人';分别是什么意思?,javascript,oop,private,public,Javascript,Oop,Private,Public,这两个函数来自我正在学习的课程()。代码和注释来自课程提供商: /* This is the publicly accessible image loading function. It accepts * an array of strings pointing to image files or a string for a single * image. It will then call our private image loading function accordingly.


/* This is the publicly accessible image loading function. It accepts
 * an array of strings pointing to image files or a string for a single
 * image. It will then call our private image loading function accordingly.
function load(urlOrArr) {
    if(urlOrArr instanceof Array) {
        /* If the developer passed in an array of images
         * loop through each value and call our image
         * loader on that image file
        urlOrArr.forEach(function(url) {
    } else {
        /* The developer did not pass an array to this function,
         * assume the value is a string and call our image loader
         * directly.

/* This is our private image loader function, it is
 * called by the public image loader function.
function _load(url) {
    if(resourceCache[url]) {
        /* If this URL has been previously loaded it will exist within
         * our resourceCache array. Just return that image rather
         * re-loading the image.
        return resourceCache[url];
    } else {
        /* This URL has not been previously loaded and is not present
         * within our cache; we'll need to load this image.
        var img = new Image();
        img.onload = function() {
            /* Once our image has properly loaded, add it to our cache
             * so that we can simply return this image if the developer
             * attempts to load this file in the future.
            resourceCache[url] = img;

            /* Once the image is actually loaded and properly cached,
             * call all of the onReady() callbacks we have defined.
            if(isReady()) {
                readyCallbacks.forEach(function(func) { func(); });

        /* Set the initial cache value to false, this will change when
         * the image's onload event handler is called. Finally, point
         * the image's src attribute to the passed in URL.
        resourceCache[url] = false;
        img.src = url;
\u load()



window.Resources = {
    load: load,
    get: get,
    onReady: onReady,
    isReady: isReady


(function() {
\u load

  • 公共是指可以从外部调用某些内容
  • 私密是指只能从内部调用某些内容

