Javascript jstree-重命名功能问题(单击重命名后,节点上的文本输入不接受更改)

Javascript jstree-重命名功能问题(单击重命名后,节点上的文本输入不接受更改),javascript,jquery,css,jstree,Javascript,Jquery,Css,Jstree,我正在使用jquery.jstree插件,唯一的问题是,在右键单击一个节点并重命名它之后,文本输入框会打开,让我输入新名称。然后我键入新名称,但文本输入的值没有改变,就像冻结一样。如果我按enter按钮,它会将相同的文本发布到服务器,但我无法修改文本输入中的值 我在firefox和chrome上都复制了这个问题。js控制台上没有警报或错误消息 此外,当我专注于树时,其他输入也不起作用,如tab按钮、ctrl+f5等 你知道这个问题吗 我的jstree代码如下: $(function () {






$(function () {
        .bind("before.jstree", function (e, data) {
            $("#alog").append(data.func + "<br />");
            // List of active plugins
            "plugins": [
                "themes", "json_data", "ui", "crrm", "cookies", "dnd", "search", "types", "contextmenu"

            // I usually configure the plugin that handles the data first
            // This example uses JSON as it is most common
            "json_data": {
                // This tree is ajax enabled - as this is most common, and maybe a bit more complex
                // All the options are almost the same as jQuery's AJAX (read the docs)
                "ajax": {
                    // the URL to fetch the data
                    "url": "/backoffice/categorytree/getchildren",
                    // the `data` function is executed in the instance's scope
                    // the parameter is the node being loaded 
                    // (may be -1, 0, or undefined when loading the root nodes)
                    "data": function (n) {
                        // the result is fed to the AJAX request `data` option
                        return {
                            "ParentCategoryId": n.attr ? n.attr("id").replace("node_", "") : 1
            // Configuring the search plugin
            "search": {
                // As this has been a common question - async search
                // Same as above - the `ajax` config option is actually jQuery's AJAX object
                "ajax": {
                    "url": "/backoffice/categorytree/search",
                    // You get the search string as a parameter
                    "data": function (str) {
                        return {
                            "SearchString": str
            // Using types - most of the time this is an overkill
            // read the docs carefully to decide whether you need types
            "types": {
                // I set both options to -2, as I do not need depth and children count checking
                // Those two checks may slow jstree a lot, so use only when needed
                "max_depth": -2,
                "max_children": -2,
                // I want only `drive` nodes to be root nodes 
                // This will prevent moving or creating any other type as a root node
                "valid_children": ["drive"],
                "types": {
                    // The default type
                    "default": {
                        // I want this type to have no children (so only leaf nodes)
                        // In my case - those are files
                        "valid_children": "none",
                        // If we specify an icon for the default type it WILL OVERRIDE the theme icons
                        "icon": {
                            "image": ""
                    // The `folder` type
                    "folder": {
                        // can have files and other folders inside of it, but NOT `drive` nodes
                        "valid_children": ["default", "folder"],
                        "icon": {
                            "image": ""
                    // The `drive` nodes 
                    "drive": {
                        // can have files and folders inside, but NOT other `drive` nodes
                        "valid_children": ["default", "folder"],
                        "icon": {
                            "image": ""
                        // those prevent the functions with the same name to be used on `drive` nodes
                        // internally the `before` event is used
                        "start_drag": false,
                        "move_node": false,
                        "delete_node": false,
                        "remove": false
            // UI & core - the nodes to initially select and open will be overwritten by the cookie plugin

            // the UI plugin - it handles selecting/deselecting/hovering nodes
            "ui": {
                // this makes the node with ID node_4 selected onload
                "initially_select": ["node_4"]
            // the core plugin - not many options here
            "core": {
                // just open those two nodes up
                // as this is an AJAX enabled tree, both will be downloaded from the server
                "initially_open": ["node_2", "node_3"]
        .bind("create.jstree", function (e, data) {
                    "id": data.rslt.parent.attr("id").replace("node_", ""),
                    "position": data.rslt.position,
                    "type": data.rslt.obj.attr("rel")
                function (r) {
                    if (r.status) {
                        $(data.rslt.obj).attr("id", "node_" +;
                    else {
        .bind("remove.jstree", function (e, data) {
            data.rslt.obj.each(function () {

                    async: false,
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: "/backoffice/categorytree/removetreeitem",
                    data: {
                        "id":"node_", "")
                    success: function (r) {
                        if (!r.status) {
        .bind("rename.jstree", function (e, data) {
                    "id": data.rslt.obj.attr("id").replace("node_", ""),
                    "title": data.rslt.new_name
                function (r) {
                    if (!r.status) {
        .bind("move_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
            data.rslt.o.each(function (i) {
                    async: false,
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: "/backoffice/categorytree/movetreeitem",
                    data: {
                        "id": $(this).attr("id").replace("node_", ""),
                        "ref": === -1 ? 1 :"id").replace("node_", ""),
                        "position": data.rslt.cp + i,
                        "copy": ? 1 : 0
                    success: function (r) {
                        if (!r.status) {
                        else {
                            $(data.rslt.oc).attr("id", "node_" +;
                            if ( && $(data.rslt.oc).children("UL").length) {

); }) jstree先生({ //活动插件列表 “插件”:[ “主题”、“json_数据”、“ui”、“crrm”、“cookies”、“dnd”、“搜索”、“类型”、“上下文菜单” ], //我通常先配置处理数据的插件 //本例使用JSON,因为它是最常见的 “json_数据”:{ //这棵树支持ajax,因为这是最常见的,而且可能有点复杂 //所有选项几乎与jQuery的AJAX相同(阅读文档) “ajax”:{ //获取数据的URL “url”:“/backoffice/categorytree/getchildren”, //“data”函数在实例的作用域中执行 //该参数是正在加载的节点 //(加载根节点时可能为-1、0或未定义) “数据”:功能(n){ //结果被反馈到AJAX请求'data'选项 返回{ “ParentCategoryId”:n.attr?n.attr(“id”)。替换(“节点_uu3;,”):1 }; } } }, //配置搜索插件 “搜索”:{ //因为这是一个常见的问题-异步搜索 //与上面相同,`ajax`config选项实际上是jQuery的ajax对象 “ajax”:{ “url”:“/backoffice/categorytree/search”, //您可以将搜索字符串作为参数获取 “数据”:功能(str){ 返回{ “搜索字符串”:str }; } } }, //使用类型-大多数情况下,这是一种过度使用 //仔细阅读文档以决定是否需要类型 “类型”:{ //我将这两个选项都设置为-2,因为我不需要深度和子项计数检查 //这两个检查可能会大大降低jstree的速度,因此仅在需要时使用 “最大深度”:-2, “max_儿童”:-2, //我只希望'drive'节点是根节点 //这将阻止将任何其他类型移动或创建为根节点 “有效的_子项”:[“驱动器”], “类型”:{ //默认类型 “默认值”:{ //我希望此类型没有子节点(因此只有叶节点) //就我而言,这些都是文件 “有效_子项”:“无”, //如果我们为默认类型指定一个图标,它将覆盖主题图标 “图标”:{ “图像”:" } }, //“文件夹”类型 “文件夹”:{ //其中可以包含文件和其他文件夹,但不能包含“驱动器”节点 “有效的子项”:[“默认”,“文件夹”], “图标”:{ “图像”:" } }, //“驱动器”节点 “驱动器”:{ //可以包含文件和文件夹,但不能包含其他“驱动器”节点 “有效的子项”:[“默认”,“文件夹”], “图标”:{ “图像”:" }, //它们阻止在“drive”节点上使用同名函数 //内部使用“before”事件 “开始拖动”:false, “移动节点”:false, “删除_节点”:false, “移除”:false } } }, //UI&core-最初选择并打开的节点将被cookie插件覆盖 //UI插件-它处理选择/取消选择/悬停节点 “用户界面”:{ //这将使ID为node_4的节点被选中为onload “初始选择”:[“节点4”] }, //核心插件-这里没有太多选项 “核心”:{ //打开这两个节点 //由于这是一个支持AJAX的树,因此这两个树都将从服务器下载 “初始打开”:[“节点2”、“节点3”] } }) .bind(“create.jstree”,函数(e,数据){ 美元邮政( “/backoffice/categorytree/createtreeitem”, { “id”:data.rslt.parent.attr(“id”).replace(“node_”),“”,