Javascript 正则表达式错误

Javascript 正则表达式错误,javascript,regex,Javascript,Regex,下面是我正在使用的正则表达式的最新版本,它抛出了无效正则表达式错误 任何具有正则表达式格式的foo都将不胜感激 下面是我的代码: // This function gets all the text in browser function getText() { return document.body.innerText; } var allText = getText(); // stores into browser text into variable //regex set




// This function gets all the text in browser
function getText() {
    return document.body.innerText;
var allText = getText(); // stores into browser text into variable

//regex set to rid text of all punctuaction, symbols, numbers, and excess  spaces
var matcher = new RegExp ("/(?<!\w)[a-zA-Z]+(?!\w)/", "g");

//cleanses text in browser of punctuation, symbols, numbers, and excess spaces
var newWords = allText.match(matcher);

//using a single space as the dividing tool, creates a list of all words
var Words=newWords.split(" ");

//regex set to rid text of all punctuaction, symbols, numbers, and excess  spaces
var matcher = new RegExp ("/(?<!\w)[a-zA-Z]+(?!\w)/", "g");
//cleanses text in browser of punctuation, symbols, numbers, and excess spaces
var newWords = allText.match(matcher);
//using a single space as the dividing tool, creates a list of all words
var Words=newWords.split(" ");

var Words = allText.match(/\b[a-zA-Z]+\b/g); // OR...
// var Words = allText.match(/\b[A-Z]+\b/ig);