Javascript Datatables从显示表中获取值(不是由数据选项设置的初始表)

Javascript Datatables从显示表中获取值(不是由数据选项设置的初始表),javascript,datatables-1.10,Javascript,Datatables 1.10,我对处理数据表有点困惑。我创建了一个简化的示例,其中一个对象数组(每行包含一个时间戳)作为数据源,并用它创建了一个4列数据表: $('#myTable').DataTable({ "columns": [{ "title": "Date", "data": "createTime", "orderData": 1, "render": function(data,type,row,meta){retu


        "columns": [{
          "title": "Date",
          "data": "createTime",
          "orderData": 1,
          "render": function(data,type,row,meta){return moment.unix(data).format(moment.localeData().longDateFormat('LL'));}
          "title": "0_hidden_createTime",
          "data": "createTime",
          "visible": false,
          "searchable": false
          "title": "Button Column",
          "className": "dt-right",
          "render": function(data,type,row,meta){return '<button onclick="doIt($(this).closest(\'tr\'));return false;">Press Me</button>';}
        "title": "hidden_id",
        "visible": false,
        "render": function(data,type,row,meta){return new Date().getTime();}
      data: [
          "createTime": 1570032790
            "createTime": 1572711189
            "createTime": 1575303183
            "createTime": 1577981593
            "createTime": 1580660000
            "createTime": 1583165589
            "createTime": 1585843981


那么,在目前还没有答案之后,我创建了一个hack来获取我需要的所有值。当然有更好的方法,但在此之前,这是一个有效的解决方案。此函数从datatable中收集屏幕上可见的值。它还将从defaultContent或render fn设置的隐藏列中收集值


   * Function returns the value for a specific row and specific column. Unless specified by @forceVisibleValue, the 
   * function will return the column from input data if existing.
   * @el:                   HMTLElement: from within the table, typically a clicked button
   * @column:               String: The target column name, can be from both sources - initial data or visible table
   * @forceVisibleValue:    Boolean: Force the method to return the visible column if exists (just incase your input data and output data has the same column name.
  getDataFromColumn: function(el,column,forceVisibleValue){

    var row = $(el).closest('tr'),
        tableId = $(el).closest('table').attr('id'),
        table = $('#'+tableId).DataTable(),
        row = table.rows(row),
        value =[0][column];

    if(!forceVisibleValue && value)
      return value;

    if(!value || forceVisibleValue){
      //maybe one of the hidden columns
      var aoCols = row.context[0].aoColumns;
      for(var colIdx in aoCols){
        if(aoCols[colIdx]['title'] == column){
            return aoCols[colIdx]['sDefaultContent'];
          else if(aoCols[colIdx]['render']){
            var data = aoCols[colIdx]['data'] ?[0][aoCols[colIdx]['data']] : null,
                rowIdx = row[0][0],
                colIdx = table.context[0].oInit.columns.findIndex(function(obj){return obj.title == column;});
            return aoCols[colIdx]['render'].call(this,data,aoCols[colIdx]['sType'],[0],{settings: row.context[0], row: rowIdx, col: colIdx});
          } else
            return null;
    return null;

因此,在目前还没有答案的情况下,我创建了一个黑客程序来获取我需要的所有值。当然有更好的方法,但在此之前,这是一个有效的解决方案。此函数从datatable中收集屏幕上可见的值。它还将从defaultContent或render fn设置的隐藏列中收集值


   * Function returns the value for a specific row and specific column. Unless specified by @forceVisibleValue, the 
   * function will return the column from input data if existing.
   * @el:                   HMTLElement: from within the table, typically a clicked button
   * @column:               String: The target column name, can be from both sources - initial data or visible table
   * @forceVisibleValue:    Boolean: Force the method to return the visible column if exists (just incase your input data and output data has the same column name.
  getDataFromColumn: function(el,column,forceVisibleValue){

    var row = $(el).closest('tr'),
        tableId = $(el).closest('table').attr('id'),
        table = $('#'+tableId).DataTable(),
        row = table.rows(row),
        value =[0][column];

    if(!forceVisibleValue && value)
      return value;

    if(!value || forceVisibleValue){
      //maybe one of the hidden columns
      var aoCols = row.context[0].aoColumns;
      for(var colIdx in aoCols){
        if(aoCols[colIdx]['title'] == column){
            return aoCols[colIdx]['sDefaultContent'];
          else if(aoCols[colIdx]['render']){
            var data = aoCols[colIdx]['data'] ?[0][aoCols[colIdx]['data']] : null,
                rowIdx = row[0][0],
                colIdx = table.context[0].oInit.columns.findIndex(function(obj){return obj.title == column;});
            return aoCols[colIdx]['render'].call(this,data,aoCols[colIdx]['sType'],[0],{settings: row.context[0], row: rowIdx, col: colIdx});
          } else
            return null;
    return null;