Javascript 关于浏览器独立多列文本段落的问题。(IE8 IE9中的工程)

Javascript 关于浏览器独立多列文本段落的问题。(IE8 IE9中的工程),javascript,text,css,multiple-columns,Javascript,Text,Css,Multiple Columns,不久前,有一个关于CSS3多列在IE9或任何其他IE中不受支持的问题。这就产生了以下简单而实用的答案。我想在这一点上稍加改进,因为它有一个缺陷,那就是底线是不合理的。你能看到底部文本行的对齐也缺少了什么吗?事实上,最酷的事情是在任何一行上都有不到半句话,后跟一个点,而不是证明那行是对的,这样做才有意义。让下一段更清晰可见。你觉得怎么样?或者您有更好的想法来改进这个浏览器独立的多列脚本 我看到的大多数实现都使用div+p,请检查treesaver.js: 如果您查看css3 multiple co



如果您查看css3 multiple column的规范,就会知道columned layout有更多属性。


如果您查看css3 multiple column的规范,就会知道columned layout有更多属性。


首先下载这个js库:Randy Simons的MultiColumn text reflower v1.4


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
        <title>MultiColumn example</title>
        <style type="text/css">
            /*Initial definitions for base column.
               Define the (minimum) width here, and optionally a padding */
            .columnized div {
                float: left;
                padding: 10px;          /* You may use a padding... but thanks to IE you can only use pixels! */
                position: relative;     /* Needed when using a 'read-on'-text */
                text-align: justify;
                text-align-last: justify;
                margin: 0;              /* Don't use a margin! */
                /*width: 0000px;        /* When using a fixed number of columns, you can omit the width. Otherwise it must be set! This will be the *minimum* width of a column*/
            .columnized div P {
                text-align: justify;
                text-align-last: justify;
            .columnized div P:after {
                content: "";
                display: inline-block;
                width: 100%;
        <script type="text/javascript" src="MultiColumn.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            //Minimalistic settings. You can tweak the settings by re-assigning the defaults in MultiColumnSettings.
            multiColumnSettings=new MultiColumnSettings;
            window.onload = function () {
                new MultiColumn(document.getElementById("main1"),multiColumnSettings);
        <div id="main1" style="width:550px;font-family:arial">
                <P> <!-- P is required! -->
                I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website.


首先下载这个js库:Randy Simons的MultiColumn text reflower v1.4


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
        <title>MultiColumn example</title>
        <style type="text/css">
            /*Initial definitions for base column.
               Define the (minimum) width here, and optionally a padding */
            .columnized div {
                float: left;
                padding: 10px;          /* You may use a padding... but thanks to IE you can only use pixels! */
                position: relative;     /* Needed when using a 'read-on'-text */
                text-align: justify;
                text-align-last: justify;
                margin: 0;              /* Don't use a margin! */
                /*width: 0000px;        /* When using a fixed number of columns, you can omit the width. Otherwise it must be set! This will be the *minimum* width of a column*/
            .columnized div P {
                text-align: justify;
                text-align-last: justify;
            .columnized div P:after {
                content: "";
                display: inline-block;
                width: 100%;
        <script type="text/javascript" src="MultiColumn.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            //Minimalistic settings. You can tweak the settings by re-assigning the defaults in MultiColumnSettings.
            multiColumnSettings=new MultiColumnSettings;
            window.onload = function () {
                new MultiColumn(document.getElementById("main1"),multiColumnSettings);
        <div id="main1" style="width:550px;font-family:arial">
                <P> <!-- P is required! -->
                I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. My design was inspired by the IHT website. It's not very hard to implement in PHP. I managed to do something like this but again, not in CSS, I used PHP to count words and split the text. Unfortunately counting words is a pretty bad way of going about doing it, since some words are longer than others and the columns don't match up. My design was inspired by the IHT website.

