Jquery 从选项卡内的链接附加到选项卡

Jquery 从选项卡内的链接附加到选项卡,jquery,Jquery,考虑到jqGrid[]作者的示例格式,我如何在选项卡[#RightPane]中包含一个链接以附加到选项卡顶部?还有,让新选项卡显示AJAX内容吗?这应该让您开始: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { //this sets up the tabs $("#theTabs").tabs(); //this attaches the new tab functionallity



<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {

        //this sets up the tabs

//this attaches the new tab functionallity to the link
            $("#AddTabLink").click(function() {
                $("#theTabs").tabs("add", "the url you want to load ajaxly", "The New Tab title");


and this is the link that will have the addtab functionality applied to it. this could go on an existing tab,  or somewhere else on the page.

<a href="#" id="AddTabLink">Click Here</a>
