jQuery Imagemapster多点单击状态

jQuery Imagemapster多点单击状态,jquery,map,mapping,imagemap,imagemapster,Jquery,Map,Mapping,Imagemap,Imagemapster,我想使用实现多状态着色 换句话说,当一个区域单击一次时,它将以绿色突出显示,如果单击两次,它将以红色突出显示,第三次单击将重置为无颜色 我一直在阅读文档并查看演示,但不知道如何实现这一点。感谢您的帮助 ImageMapster是我遇到的最健壮但最轻量级的图像映射jQuery插件,因此,除非有人知道另一个具有此功能的插件,否则我将坚持使用此插件。以下是使用ImageMapster跟踪三种状态的示例: 基本技巧是,您必须自己跟踪每个区域的状态,并告诉ImageMapster要做什么。代码如下: v







var map = $('#map'),
    // a object map for tracking the state of each area
    selStates = {},

    // rendering options for the 1st selected state
    selected1opts = {
        fillColor: '00ff00',
        stroke: true,
        strokeColor: '000000',
        strokeWidth: 2

    // rendering options for the 2nd selected state
    selected2opts = {
        fillColor: 'ff0000',
        stroke: true,
        strokeColor: '00ff00',
        strokeWidth: 1

// make an array from the different states' rendering options so we can easily
// choose one

var renderOpts = [selected1opts, selected2opts];

function onClick(data) {

    // get current state (0,1,2) -- default to zero which means unset

    var cur = selStates[data.key] || 0,
        next = (cur + 1) % 3;

    // always unset: if state 0, this is all we need to do. if state
    // 2, we have to unset first, since setting the state for an area
    // that's already selected will do nothing. If it happens to be going from 
    // 0 to 1, then no harm done.

    map.mapster('set', false, data.key);

    if (next) {        
        // now set the area state using the correct options
        map.mapster('set', true, data.key, renderOpts[cur]);

    // update local store with current state
    // add 1, and apply a modulus of 3 to get new state

    selStates[data.key] = next;


    mapKey: 'state',

    // setting isSelectable=false will prevent imagemapster from using its own click-select
    // handling. You could also return false from the onClick event to stop internal handling

    isSelectable: false,

    // bind our "onClick" function above to handle area clicks

    onClick: onClick



var map = $('#map'),
    // a object map for tracking the state of each area
    selStates = {},

    // rendering options for the 1st selected state
    selected1opts = {
        fillColor: '00ff00',
        stroke: true,
        strokeColor: '000000',
        strokeWidth: 2

    // rendering options for the 2nd selected state
    selected2opts = {
        fillColor: 'ff0000',
        stroke: true,
        strokeColor: '00ff00',
        strokeWidth: 1

// make an array from the different states' rendering options so we can easily
// choose one

var renderOpts = [selected1opts, selected2opts];

function onClick(data) {

    // get current state (0,1,2) -- default to zero which means unset

    var cur = selStates[data.key] || 0,
        next = (cur + 1) % 3;

    // always unset: if state 0, this is all we need to do. if state
    // 2, we have to unset first, since setting the state for an area
    // that's already selected will do nothing. If it happens to be going from 
    // 0 to 1, then no harm done.

    map.mapster('set', false, data.key);

    if (next) {        
        // now set the area state using the correct options
        map.mapster('set', true, data.key, renderOpts[cur]);

    // update local store with current state
    // add 1, and apply a modulus of 3 to get new state

    selStates[data.key] = next;


    mapKey: 'state',

    // setting isSelectable=false will prevent imagemapster from using its own click-select
    // handling. You could also return false from the onClick event to stop internal handling

    isSelectable: false,

    // bind our "onClick" function above to handle area clicks

    onClick: onClick