
JQuery表排序器记忆排序器小部件,jquery,widget,tablesorter,Jquery,Widget,Tablesorter,我在互联网上找到了以下代码: $.tablesorter.addWidget({ id: "memorizeSortOrder", format: function(table) { if (!table.config.widgetMemorizeSortOrder.isBinded) { // only bind if not already binded table.config.widgetMemorizeSortOrder.isBinded = true;


id: "memorizeSortOrder",  

format: function(table) {  

if (!table.config.widgetMemorizeSortOrder.isBinded) { // only bind if not already binded
    table.config.widgetMemorizeSortOrder.isBinded = true;  
    $("thead th:visible",table).click(function() {  
    var i = $("thead th:visible",table).index(this);  
    } // fi  



          function (responseText, textStatus, req) {


有这样的改变。它还使用cookies,以便在页面加载时保持排序。链接版本需要jQuery Cookie和JSON插件

我修改了我的副本,使用Crockford的JSON2脚本,而不是jQuery JSON插件

$(document).ready(function() {
    // give the widget an id
    id: "sortPersist",
    // format is called in the on init and when a sorting has finished
    format: function(table) {

      // Cookie info
      var cookieName = 'application_name_tablesorts';
      var cookie = $.cookie(cookieName);
      var options = {path: '/'};

      var data = {};
      var sortList = table.config.sortList;
      var tableId = $(table).attr('id');
      var cookieExists = (typeof(cookie) != "undefined" && cookie != null);

      // If the existing sortList isn't empty, set it into the cookie and get out
      if (sortList.length > 0) {
        if (cookieExists) {
          data = JSON.parse(cookie);
        data[tableId] = sortList;
        $.cookie(cookieName, JSON.stringify(data), options);

      // Otherwise...
      else {
        if (cookieExists) { 

          // Get the cookie data
          var data = JSON.parse($.cookie(cookieName));

          // If it exists
          if (typeof(data[tableId]) != "undefined" && data[tableId] != null) {

            // Get the list
            sortList = data[tableId];

            // And finally, if the list is NOT empty, trigger the sort with the new list
            if (sortList.length > 0) {
              $(table).trigger("sorton", [sortList]);
有一种方法可以做到这一点。它还使用cookies,以便在页面加载时保持排序。链接版本需要jQuery Cookie和JSON插件

我修改了我的副本,使用Crockford的JSON2脚本,而不是jQuery JSON插件

$(document).ready(function() {
    // give the widget an id
    id: "sortPersist",
    // format is called in the on init and when a sorting has finished
    format: function(table) {

      // Cookie info
      var cookieName = 'application_name_tablesorts';
      var cookie = $.cookie(cookieName);
      var options = {path: '/'};

      var data = {};
      var sortList = table.config.sortList;
      var tableId = $(table).attr('id');
      var cookieExists = (typeof(cookie) != "undefined" && cookie != null);

      // If the existing sortList isn't empty, set it into the cookie and get out
      if (sortList.length > 0) {
        if (cookieExists) {
          data = JSON.parse(cookie);
        data[tableId] = sortList;
        $.cookie(cookieName, JSON.stringify(data), options);

      // Otherwise...
      else {
        if (cookieExists) { 

          // Get the cookie data
          var data = JSON.parse($.cookie(cookieName));

          // If it exists
          if (typeof(data[tableId]) != "undefined" && data[tableId] != null) {

            // Get the list
            sortList = data[tableId];

            // And finally, if the list is NOT empty, trigger the sort with the new list
            if (sortList.length > 0) {
              $(table).trigger("sorton", [sortList]);




