Jquery 全日历“;“每日议程”;及;weekAgenda“;背景颜色变化

Jquery 全日历“;“每日议程”;及;weekAgenda“;背景颜色变化,jquery,fullcalendar,Jquery,Fullcalendar,我正在更改每个时段fullcalendar中dayAgenda和weekAgenda的背景色 到目前为止,我已经在viewRender上尝试过了,但是失败了 viewRender: function (view, element, cell) { if (view.type == "agendaWeek") { //change the each day background colors in week view vertically var day



 viewRender: function (view, element, cell) {

     if (view.type == "agendaWeek") {
      //change the each day background colors in week view vertically

       var  dayId = "Day id on which other user has set the holidays"
     // Set here the background color of column vartically if there is a holiday

    if (view.type == "agendaDay") {
      //change the each time slot background colors horizontally according to availability of other user

        //Other user available between these time.
        var startTime = "start time here for that day, set by other user for his avaliability ";
        var endTime = "end time here for that day , set by other user for his avaliability";

       //Set here the background color if the other user not available at those time.


  • 若其他用户在该时间段内不可用,请更改背景颜色,以便在单击dayAgenda中的该行之前,用户可以了解其他用户在该特定时间的可用性

  • 如果其他用户设置了某一天的假日,请更改weekAgenda中列(天)的背景色

  • 我继续像下面这样做,现在的假期显示与正确的背景颜色在准确的插槽

     if (view.type == "agendaWeek") {              
                            //Get data in ajax call
                            $.each(data, function (i, item) {
                                var dayClass = data[i].IsHoliday || data[i].IsDayOff == true ? data[i].DayId : "";
                                if (dayClass != "")
                                    dayClass = dayClass == 1 ? "fc-mon"
                                        : dayClass == 2 ? "fc-tue"
                                        : dayClass == 3 ? "fc-wed"
                                        : dayClass == 4 ? "fc-thu"
                                        : dayClass == 5 ? "fc-fri"
                                        : dayClass == 6 ? "fc-sat"
                                        : "fc-sun";
                                if (data != undefined)
                                    $(".fc-day." + dayClass).css("background-color", "#CCCCC");
     if (view.type == "agendaDay") {
                            //Get data in ajax call
                            //Just color the back ground of each dayAgenda time slot
                            $('.fc-slats > table > tbody  > tr').each(function (i) {
                                $("td:nth-child(2)", this).css("background", "#CCCCCC");
                            $.each(data, function (i, item) {
                                // if this day is alredy a holiday or day off then make it 
                                //completely unavialable to book appointment.
                                if (data[i].IsHoliday == true || data[i].IsDayOff == true) {
                                    return false;
                                var startTime = moment(data[i].StartTime, ["h:mm A"]).format("HH:mm");
                                var endTime = moment(data[i].EndTime, ["h:mm A"]).format("HH:mm");
                                var startTimeS = moment.duration(startTime, 'ms').asSeconds();
                                var endTimeS = moment.duration(endTime, 'ms').asSeconds();
                                $('.fc-slats > table > tbody  > tr').each(function () {
                                    var time = moment(this.innerText.trim(), ["h:mm A"]).format("HH:mm");
                                    var timeS = moment.duration(time, 'ms').asSeconds();
                                    //Remove the color slots which are avialable for the physician.
                                    if (timeS >= startTimeS && timeS <= endTimeS) {
                                        $("td:nth-child(2)", this).css("background", "");
    var dayClass=data[i]。IsHoliday | | data[i]。IsDayOff==true?data[i]。DayId:“”;
    :dayClass==2?“fc tue”
    :dayClass==3?“fc wed”
    :dayClass==4?“fc thu”
    :dayClass==5?“fc fri”
    :dayClass==6?“fc sat”
    :“fc sun”;
    $(.fc day.+dayClass).css(“背景色”,“CCCCC”);
    $(“td:nth child(2)”,this).css(“背景”,#cccc”);
    如果(数据[i].IsHoliday==true | |数据[i].IsDayOff==true){
    var startTime=力矩(数据[i]。startTime,[“h:mm A”]).format(“HH:mm”);
    var-endTime=moment(数据[i].endTime,[“h:mm A”]).format(“HH:mm”);
    var startTimeS=时刻.duration(startTime,'ms').asSeconds();
    var endTimeS=moment.duration(endTime,'ms').asSeconds();
    var time=moment(this.innerText.trim(),[“h:mma”]).format(“HH:mm”);
    var timeS=时刻.持续时间(时间,'ms').asSeconds();