在linq中使用组时,Skip and take不起作用

在linq中使用组时,Skip and take不起作用,linq,Linq,尝试在linq中使用group by后的take和skip实现分页 假设分组后,我可以得到200个组,但我想在take和skip的基础上进行查询,只得到有限数量的组 这是我到目前为止所做的尝试 var data = db.TableStyle.GroupBy(p => p.Style) .Select(group => new

尝试在linq中使用group by后的take和skip实现分页



var data = db.TableStyle.GroupBy(p => p.Style)                    
                     .Select(group =>
                            Style = group.Key,
                            Group = group.OrderBy(x => x)

 var data = (from p in db.TableStyles.AsQueryable()
                            group p by p.Style into gs
                            select new
                                Style = gs.Key,
                                ColorAvailable = gs.Select(c => new ColorModel { ColorImage = c.ColorImage, ColorName = c.ColorColorName }).Distinct().ToList(),                               
                                Keyword = gs.Select(b => b.Keywords).FirstOrDefault(),
                                UniqueId = gs.Select(b => b.UniqueId).ToList()

                if (filters.ColorName != null)
                    data = data.Where(p => filters.ColorName.Any(t => p.ColorAvailable.Select(c => c.ColorName).Contains(t)));

                return new StyleModal()
                    Product = data.OrderBy(p => p.Style).ThenBy(p => p.ProductStatus).Take(filters.Take).Skip(filters.Skip).Select(p => new ProductDetail
                        BrandName = p.BrandName,
                        CategoryId = p.CategoryId,
                        ColorAvailable = p.ColorAvailable,
                        ProductDescription = p.ProductDescription,
                        ColorProductImage = p.ColorProductImage,
                        ProductStatus = p.ProductStatus,
                        ProductTitle = p.ProductTitle,
                        SizeAvailable = p.SizeAvailable,
                        SizeAvailableRange = p.SizeAvailableRange,
                        Style = p.Style,
                        TitleImage = p.TitleImage,
                        MaxPiecePrice = p.MaxPiecePrice,
                        MinPiecePrice = p.MinPiecePrice

                    ProductCount = data.Select(c => c.Style).Count()
 public class FilterModel
        public int Skip { get; set; }

        public int Take { get; set; }

        public Category Category { get; set; }

        public List<string> BrandName { get; set; }

        public List<string> ColorName { get; set; }

        public List<string> SizeName { get; set; }

        public PriceModal Price { get; set; }

        public string Keyword { get; set; }


 var data = (from p in db.TableStyles.AsQueryable()
                            group p by p.Style into gs
                            select new
                                Style = gs.Key,
                                ColorAvailable = gs.Select(c => new ColorModel { ColorImage = c.ColorImage, ColorName = c.ColorColorName }).Distinct().ToList(),                               
                                Keyword = gs.Select(b => b.Keywords).FirstOrDefault(),
                                UniqueId = gs.Select(b => b.UniqueId).ToList()

                if (filters.ColorName != null)
                    data = data.Where(p => filters.ColorName.Any(t => p.ColorAvailable.Select(c => c.ColorName).Contains(t)));

                return new StyleModal()
                    Product = data.OrderBy(p => p.Style).ThenBy(p => p.ProductStatus).Take(filters.Take).Skip(filters.Skip).Select(p => new ProductDetail
                        BrandName = p.BrandName,
                        CategoryId = p.CategoryId,
                        ColorAvailable = p.ColorAvailable,
                        ProductDescription = p.ProductDescription,
                        ColorProductImage = p.ColorProductImage,
                        ProductStatus = p.ProductStatus,
                        ProductTitle = p.ProductTitle,
                        SizeAvailable = p.SizeAvailable,
                        SizeAvailableRange = p.SizeAvailableRange,
                        Style = p.Style,
                        TitleImage = p.TitleImage,
                        MaxPiecePrice = p.MaxPiecePrice,
                        MinPiecePrice = p.MinPiecePrice

                    ProductCount = data.Select(c => c.Style).Count()
 public class FilterModel
        public int Skip { get; set; }

        public int Take { get; set; }

        public Category Category { get; set; }

        public List<string> BrandName { get; set; }

        public List<string> ColorName { get; set; }

        public List<string> SizeName { get; set; }

        public PriceModal Price { get; set; }

        public string Keyword { get; set; }



var data = (from p in db.TableStyles.AsQueryable()
                           group p by p.Style into gs
                           let singleRow = gs.FirstOrDefault()
                           let groupData  = gs.Select(c => new
                               ColorAvailable = new ColorModel
                                   ColorImage = c.ColorImage,
                                   ColorName = c.ColorColorName

                           select new
                    Style = gs.Key,
                    ColorAvailable = groupData.Select(c => c.ColorAvailable).Distinct().ToList(),
                    Keyword = singleRow.Keywords

                if (filters.ColorName != null)
                    data = data.Where(p => filters.ColorName.Any(t => p.ColorAvailable.Select(c => c.ColorName).Contains(t)));

                return new StyleModal()
                    Product = data.OrderBy(p => p.Style).ThenBy(p => p.ProductStatus).Take(filters.Take).Skip(filters.Skip).Select(p => new ProductDetail
                        BrandName = p.BrandName,
                        CategoryId = p.CategoryId,
                        ColorAvailable = p.ColorAvailable,
                        ProductDescription = p.ProductDescription,
                        ColorProductImage = p.ColorProductImage,
                        ProductStatus = p.ProductStatus,
                        ProductTitle = p.ProductTitle,
                        SizeAvailable = p.SizeAvailable,
                        SizeAvailableRange = p.SizeAvailableRange,
                        Style = p.Style,
                        TitleImage = p.TitleImage,
                        MaxPiecePrice = p.MaxPiecePrice,
                        MinPiecePrice = p.MinPiecePrice

                    ProductCount = data.Select(c => c.Style).Count()

问题是什么?使用group时Skip and take不起作用,也对问题进行了编辑,但降级问题的意义何在,任何方式的帮助都将不胜感激:)因此您希望使用筛选器。Skip and filters。从每个组中选取,或跳过一些组,然后选取另一个组?只需在分页中跳过一些组,然后选取其他组,以及其他过滤器。