
Logstash提供插件未得到良好支持的警告,logstash,Logstash,当使用详细日志(-v)启动logstash时,我在配置中使用的几乎每个插件都会给我以下警告: $ /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f logstash.conf -v Using version 0.1.x input plugin 'file'. This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:info} Using version


$ /opt/logstash/bin/logstash -f logstash.conf -v
Using version 0.1.x input plugin 'file'. This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:info}
Using version 0.1.x codec plugin 'plain'. This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:info}
Using version 0.1.x filter plugin 'csv'. This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:info}
Using version 0.1.x filter plugin 'mutate'. This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:info}
Using version 0.1.x filter plugin 'date'. This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:info}
Using version 0.1.x filter plugin 'ruby'. This plugin isn't well supported by the community and likely has no maintainer. {:level=>:info}

我的设置是否有问题,或者这只是出于过于谨慎的考虑?我正在使用logstash v1.5.0。
