Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/9/loops/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181

Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/0/search/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Loops 在groovy中循环一组索引,直到找到值为止_Loops_Search_Groovy - Fatal编程技术网

Loops 在groovy中循环一组索引,直到找到值为止

Loops 在groovy中循环一组索引,直到找到值为止,loops,search,groovy,Loops,Search,Groovy,我有一个web服务响应,它为我提供了一个数据块(长字符串),我使用硬返回作为分隔符将其拆分为单独的元素。这给了我几个句子或元素(我想是索引),每个元素中都有几个数据值。例如: //从web服务响应获取数据 Def长串= “0*549 F7 G8 H9 12247 F6 G4 H10 DFWPHX F7年6月17日 M7 B2 Y1“ //将上述内容拆分为单独的句子/元素 长字符串拆分(\\r?\\n) 字符串[]元素=longstring.split(\\r?\\n) //打印出元素 Log


Def长串= “0*549 F7 G8 H9 12247 F6 G4 H10 DFWPHX F7年6月17日 M7 B2 Y1“ //将上述内容拆分为单独的句子/元素 长字符串拆分(\\r?\\n) 字符串[]元素=longstring.split(\\r?\\n) //打印出元素
Log.info元素[1]=“0*549 F7 G8 H9” Log.info元素[2]=“1 2247 F6 G4 H10” Log.info元素[3]=“2017年6月DFWPHX F7” Log.info元素[4]=“M7 B2 Y1”


这里很难理解您的需求,但我会尝试一下。 假设您希望根据行的模式执行某段代码。我举了一个例子,你可以尝试做到这一点:

//Here I define 2 action closures - what I want to happen
def whenZero = { line ->
  println "The line '$line' starts with a zero"
def whenOne = {line ->
  println "The line '$line' starts with a one"

//Then I declare patterns and map them to each of the actions
Map methodMap = ['0.*':whenZero, '1.*':whenOne]

//This method will do the matching of the pattern and call any action
def executeBasedOnKey(Map map, String line){
  map.each{ key, method -> 
    if (line.matches(key)) method(line)

//Your input
def longstring ="""0   * 549 F7 G8 H9
1    2247 F6 G4 H10
          M7 B2 Y1"""

//This line calls the evaluation for each of the lines
  executeBasedOnKey(methodMap, line)


    //String that needs to be split
    def longString ="""0   * 549 F7 G8 H9
    1    2247  F6 G4 H10
           M7 B2 Y1"""

        //Splits the entire string response above into substrings based upon hard returns ("S" becomes the new chopped up strings)
    String[] S=longString.split("\\r?\\n")

        //Creates the variable foundData for the loop to use below
    String foundData;

        //Creates "subS" variable for all the elements seen in the array "S" from above                                            
    for(String subS: S)                                                         
                         //Creates a matcher pattern to look in each subelement (subS) where it looks for a regex pattern.
                         //Description of the regex used: /\d\s+(\d+).*/ = one digit followed by one or more spaces, followed by another one or more digits
                         //Note that the regex above includes: (\d+). This creates a "group" within the pattern, which is referred to below in the DataMatcher 
        def DataMatcher = (subS =~ /\d\s+(\d+).*/);                                                                                           

            //If the subelement (subS) matches the above pattern, it goes into the below block of code
        if (DataMatcher.matches())                                                
            {           //Sets the variable foundData (see above) to value of the DataMatcher and only grabs the data needed
                        //Note that the flightMatcher has two sections [0] and [1]. These represent the following:
                       //[0] = The entire string should be looked at
                       //[1] = Only group 1 in that string should be retrieved *See group created (in comments)  in the regex portion above
                  foundData = DataMatcher[0][1]; 
                       //This breaks the loop once the Data needed has been matched                                                 

    //Displays the foundData needed
    log.info foundData

    //String that needs to be split
    def longString ="""0   * 549 F7 G8 H9
    1    2247  F6 G4 H10
           M7 B2 Y1"""

        //Splits the entire string response above into substrings based upon hard returns ("S" becomes the new chopped up strings)
    String[] S=longString.split("\\r?\\n")

        //Creates the variable foundData for the loop to use below
    String foundData;

        //Creates "subS" variable for all the elements seen in the array "S" from above                                            
    for(String subS: S)                                                         
                         //Creates a matcher pattern to look in each subelement (subS) where it looks for a regex pattern.
                         //Description of the regex used: /\d\s+(\d+).*/ = one digit followed by one or more spaces, followed by another one or more digits
                         //Note that the regex above includes: (\d+). This creates a "group" within the pattern, which is referred to below in the DataMatcher 
        def DataMatcher = (subS =~ /\d\s+(\d+).*/);                                                                                           

            //If the subelement (subS) matches the above pattern, it goes into the below block of code
        if (DataMatcher.matches())                                                
            {           //Sets the variable foundData (see above) to value of the DataMatcher and only grabs the data needed
                        //Note that the flightMatcher has two sections [0] and [1]. These represent the following:
                       //[0] = The entire string should be looked at
                       //[1] = Only group 1 in that string should be retrieved *See group created (in comments)  in the regex portion above
                  foundData = DataMatcher[0][1]; 
                       //This breaks the loop once the Data needed has been matched                                                 

    //Displays the foundData needed
    log.info foundData