Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/9/loops/2.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Loops powershell中的结束循环_Loops_Powershell_If Statement - Fatal编程技术网

Loops powershell中的结束循环

Loops powershell中的结束循环,loops,powershell,if-statement,Loops,Powershell,If Statement,嘿,伙计们 我希望在脚本中有一个循环,但当我使用else时,它需要停止 do { ##script## if ((Get-Service $service ).Status -eq "stopped") { Write-Host 'Send email message, a service has been stopped' Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject ` -Body $Body -SmtpServer



do {


if ((Get-Service $service ).Status -eq "stopped") {
Write-Host 'Send email message, a service has been stopped'
Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject `
-Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort -UseSsl `
-Credential $mycredentials -Attachments $service_text -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$stopen = "stoppen"
else { write-host "re execute script" } while ((Get-Service $service ).Status -eq "stopped")


看完整的脚本,错误在脚本的末尾。 如果服务正在运行,脚本需要再次检查它。如果服务停止,我需要收到一封电子邮件。不,我不想收到2亿封电子邮件,只要一封:P

## PSVersion: Required Powershell V 3.0
## Author:  Gijs Liefers
## Script: If a service has been stopped you will receive an email
## Requirements: Internet connection, Port 587 open for mailing and run this script as administrator.

## Version 1.0       
## - Initial Release
## Date: 14-1-2015 

### Note: 
## - Set-Exexution Policy ## --
## if you want to run this script you have to set the ExecutionPolicy to RemoteSigned.
## To do this open Powershell run as Administrator and type Set-ExecutionPolicy remotesigned.
## Click on yes to all

### -- LOOP
$doetiehettest = Test-Path C:\Windows 

### --- Make Directory --- ####
# PowerShell checks, then creates a file and folder
$Location = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services"
$LocationFile = "$env:userprofile\documents\"

If((Test-Path $Location) -eq $False) {
New-Item -Path $Locationfile -name "PS-Script-Services" -ItemType "directory" | out-null
    } # End of folder exists test

#region Main Variables
## -- Locations --  ## 
$documents         = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\"
$password_location = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\Password.txt"
$username_location = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\Username.txt"
$source_adres      = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\Source.txt"
$destination_adres = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\Destination.txt"
$SMTP_adres        = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\SMTP.txt"
$Service_text      = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\Services.txt"
$Data_service      = "$env:userprofile\documents\PS-Script-Services\Output-Services.txt"


### -- Email information -- ###
Write-host " "
Write-Host "Welcome to a automated script! You will receive a email if a specific service has been stopped" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor green
Write-host "All the files of this script are located on $documents" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-host "If you have any questions about this script send a mail to GijsLiefers@outlook.com" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor green

## Test-Path ##
$source_test = Test-Path $source_adres
$des_test    = Test-Path $destination_adres
$smtp_test   = Test-Path $SMTP_adres
$service_test = Test-Path $Service_text
$data_test    = Test-Path $Data_service


#-loop-# -- Email settings -- ##
If (($source_test -eq $false) -and ($des_test -eq $false) -and  ($smtp_test -eq $false))  {
Read-Host "What is the source mailadres? (inclucing @example.com)" | Out-file $source_adres
Read-Host "What is the destination mailadres? (inclucing @example.com)" | Out-file $destination_adres
Write-Host "This script using  SSL on port 587 for the SMTP server " -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Yellow
Read-Host "What is the smtp server? (Example: smtp.gmail.com" | Out-file $SMTP_adres

Else { 
Write-host " "
write-host "Are the email settings right? SMTP: $get_smtp, From (source): $get_source, To (destination): $get_dest" -BackgroundColor white -ForegroundColor Black
write-host "Otherwise edit the settingsfolder PS-Script-Services on the following path $documents" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Red

########### -- STORED CREDENTIAL CODE ###################################

## Test-Path ##
$FileExists = Test-Path $password_location, $username_location

#-loop-# -- Email Credentials -- ##
if  ($FileExists -eq $false) {
    Write-Host 'Credential file not found. Enter your username and password:' -ForegroundColor Red
    Read-Host "Enter Username from your email account most of the time don't add @example.com" | Out-File $username_location
    Read-Host "Enter Password from your email account" -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $password_location
    $Username = get-content $username_location
    $Password = get-content $password_location | convertto-securestring
    $mycredentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $Username,$Password
else {
    Write-Host "Using your stored credential file on path $password_location and $username_location " -ForegroundColor Green
    $Username = get-content $username_location
    $Password = get-content $password_location | convertto-securestring
    $mycredentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $Username,$Password

### -- Get-Content -- ##
$get_smtp = Get-Content $SMTP_adres -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$get_source = Get-Content $source_adres -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$get_dest = Get-Content $destination_adres -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$service = Get-Content $Data_service -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

#-loop-# -- Get-Service -- ##
if ($Data_test -eq $false) {
Write-Host "To view your Services go to Start --> en typ services, or go to Powershell and type get-service" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Yellow
write-host "Which Services do you want to monitor? (Example: `n Teamviewer `n BITS `n DHCP (Use a LIST !!!!)"
write-host "This script only works when a service has been stopped" -BackgroundColor Black -ForegroundColor Yellow
New-Item $Data_service -Type file -Value "Add the services in a row and delete this rule!" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Out-Null
sleep 3
Invoke-Item $Data_service
sleep 25
else { write-host "The following services are selected: $service . Edit them if necessary. For editing Delete the folder $location" -BackgroundColor white -ForegroundColor Black

## - Just a test ## --

do {

## -- Attachment content # -- 
$service_input = Get-Content $Service_text -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

##-- Attachment --##

Get-Service $service | Out-File $Service_text 

## -- Send Mail message -- ## 
$title = "Incident! Service has been stopped on $env:COMPUTERNAME " 
$message = "Dear Sir/Madam,

There is a issue on the following server $env:Computername. One or multiple service(s) has been stopped.

Look at the attachment which service has been stopped

We hope that we give you enough information to solve this problem

Kind Regards,

Powershell Automated Script

Tech support



#Establishes connection to MailServer with the specified user acccount and password.

## -- Note .. #-- 
## If you add the information for the first time there will be a error message ## .. Run the script again

$From = $get_source
$To = $get_dest
$Cc = "YourBoss@YourDomain.com"
$Subject = $title
$Body = $message
$SMTPServer = $get_smtp
$SMTPPort = "587"

if ((Get-Service $service ).Status -eq "stopped") {
Write-Host 'Send email message, a service has been stopped'
Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject `
-Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort -UseSsl `
-Credential $mycredentials -Attachments $service_text -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

else { 
write-host "re execute script"

} while((Get-Service $service ).Status -eq "stopped")


$i = 0
  if($i -lt 5)
} while ($true)

$i = 0
} while ($i -lt 5)

`}else{write host“re execute script”break}}位于C:\Users\gijs\OneDrive\!Mijn Documenten\10-Scripts\Send email if service stopped\Send email if service stopped.ps1:195 char:2+}+~ do循环中while或until关键字缺失。+CategoryInfo:ParserError:(:)[],ParentContainesErrorRecordException+FullyQualifiedErrorId:Missing while或Untillindowwhile`对不起,我的答案有误,现在更新了。您还需要一个
blockelse{write host“re-execute script”;break}准确,然后
while((Get Service$Service).Status-eq“stopped”)