Macos 如何让AppleScript使用正确版本的QuickTime Player打开电影?

Macos 如何让AppleScript使用正确版本的QuickTime Player打开电影?,macos,applescript,quicktime,avi,mov,Macos,Applescript,Quicktime,Avi,Mov,我试图在QuickTime Player 7 v7.6.6中使用以下脚本将AVI容器文件批量转换为MOV容器文件: tell application "Finder" try set myFolder to (the folder of the front window) as alias on error beep end try -- get list of .avi files set aviFiles to fi

我试图在QuickTime Player 7 v7.6.6中使用以下脚本将AVI容器文件批量转换为MOV容器文件:

tell application "Finder"

        set myFolder to (the folder of the front window) as alias
    on error
    end try

    -- get list of .avi files
    set aviFiles to files of myFolder whose name contains ".avi"
end tell

tell application "QuickTime Player 7" to activate

repeat with aviFile in aviFiles
    set aviName to name of aviFile as text
    set dispName to (text 1 thru ((length of aviName) - 4)) of aviName
    set movName to dispName & ".mov"
    set movPath to (POSIX path of myFolder & movName)

    tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
        open aviFile
        save front document in movPath
        close front document
    end tell

end repeat

QuickTime Player 7出现错误:无法获取文档1。无效索引。

当我运行脚本时,QuickTime Player X和QuickTime Player 7都被激活(打开)

实际上是在QuickTime Player X中打开的,而不是在QuickTime Player 7中打开的,这可以解释为什么错误消息指出QTP7无法获取文档1

有没有办法修复此脚本,使其在QuickTime Player 7而不是QuickTime Player X中打开AVI电影?有没有办法通过命令行控制QuickTime Player 7



ffmpeg -vcodec copy -acodec copy -i inputFile.avi