Applescript 如何读取通过引用传递的值的属性?

Applescript 如何读取通过引用传递的值的属性?,applescript,Applescript,我正在尝试编写OmniGraffle 5.3.6脚本,其中我尝试读取已传递给函数(用AppleScript的说法是处理程序)的画布的层元素。当我运行以下命令时: on exportToPng(theCanvas) set layerCount to count of layers of theCanvas end exportToPng tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5" set theDocument to front

我正在尝试编写OmniGraffle 5.3.6脚本,其中我尝试读取已传递给函数(用AppleScript的说法是处理程序)的

on exportToPng(theCanvas)
    set layerCount to count of layers of theCanvas
end exportToPng

tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
    set theDocument to front document
    set allCanvases to canvases of theDocument
    set theCanvas to item 1 of allCanvases
    my exportToPng(theCanvas)
end tell

  error "OmniGraffle Professional 5 got an error: Can’t make |layers| of
  canvas id 1 of document \"base-dependency-diagram.graffle\" into type reference."
  number -1700 from |layers| of canvas id 1 of document
  "base-dependency-diagram.graffle" to reference

tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
    set theDocument to front document
    set allCanvases to canvases of theDocument
    set theCanvas to item 1 of allCanvases
    set layerCount to count of layers of theCanvas
end tell



on exportToPng(theCanvas)
    tell application "OmniGraffle Professional 5"
      set layerCount to count of layers of theCanvas
    end tell
end exportToPng
毕竟,只有“OmniGraffle Professional 5”知道如何从Canvas获取图层