Markdown 内联代码备份不工作

Markdown 内联代码备份不工作,markdown,ghost,Markdown,Ghost,我在Digital Ocean上创建了一个博客,使用Nginx作为web服务器。内联代码在Ghosts的预览中看起来不错,但我已经发布到web上,内联代码看起来就像纯文本。我已经检查了代码,没有发现任何错误。有什么想法吗?非常感谢。Edidted:将URL添加到帖子中,以便您可以看到帖子的SAN内联代码工作: 就目前而言,我只是为了一个快速的解决方案而切换了主题,而且效果很好。这些是我在RHCSA课程上的笔记,所以我现在的目标是尽快把它们放到网上,因为课程中的其他一些学生表示了兴趣,所以我将把我

我在Digital Ocean上创建了一个博客,使用Nginx作为web服务器。内联代码在Ghosts的预览中看起来不错,但我已经发布到web上,内联代码看起来就像纯文本。我已经检查了代码,没有发现任何错误。有什么想法吗?非常感谢。Edidted:将URL添加到帖子中,以便您可以看到帖子的SAN内联代码工作:






感谢您的侦探工作,因为它让我困惑了整整24小时。我不知道为什么我没有想到Ghost reviewer会使用相同的CSS作为Ghost主题!我试图做一些其他的定制,我自己的CSS覆盖了其他元素,我不想让它覆盖这个循环。我想我需要更精确地了解级联是如何工作的。顺便问一下,使用normalize.css是否至关重要?当然,我会查找它,或者只是暂时禁用它,看看会发生什么。我想在不同的浏览器上会发生不同的情况,所以这可能只是一个有趣的测试。
## Adding new users

While you can use `vipw` to edit the user configuration files, it is better to run `useradd`. 

`vim /etc/default/useradd`

The output should look similar to this:  


### Useradd examples

* `useradd -c "Comment here" sarah -s /bin/bash` sets a comment         (-c) and defines the default shell (-s)   
* `useradd bob -s /usr/sbin/nologin` sets `nologin` as the users's default shell because many users don't need shell access  
* `useradd -m -u 1201 -G ops,dev linda` adds user, adds home directory (-m), adds user to groups _ops_ and _dev_ (-G), assigns _UID 1201+ (-u)  
* `useradd` creates a locked account until you run `passwd user`  

### The login configuration file

The `/etc/login.defs` file sets the configuration for the for the _Shadow Password Suite._ The following are some of its most significant attributes:

 > * `MOTD_FILE`: Defines the file that is used as _message of the day_ file. In this file, you can include messages to be displayed after the user has successfully logged into the server.

 > * `ENV_PATH`: Defines the `$PATH` variable, a list of directories that should be searched for executable files after logging in.

 > *  `PASS_MAX_DAYS`, `PASS_MIN_DAYS`, and `PASS_WARN_AGE`: Define the default password expiration properties when creating new users.

 > *  `UID_MIN`: The first UID to use when creating new users.

 > *  `CREATE_HOME`: Indicates whether or not to create a home directory for new users.

 > * `USERGROUPS_ENAB`: Set to yes to create a private group for all new users. That means that a new user has a group with the same name as the user as its default group. If set to no, all users are made a member of the group users. [^n]

### System-wide Bash shell startup files

* `/etc/profile` runs system-wide environment variables and startup         scripts  
* `/etc/bashrc` contains system-wide aliases and functions [^n]  

### Bash shell personal startup files

While creating a user, `useradd` copies the `/etc/skel` user environment configuration files to the new user's home directory. The following are the default configuration files:

* `~/.bash_profile` contains personal environment variables and startup scripts  
* `~/.bashrc` contains personal aliases and functions  
* `~/.bash_logout` contains personal scripts to run on logout[^n]  

## Using usermod to modify users

These are a couple common use cases for `usermod`:  

* `usermod -g sales mike` adds _mike_ to sales as _primary_ group  
* `usermod -aG ops lisa` adds _lisa_ to ops as a *secondary* group  

## Managing password properties

Here are some example use cases for `passwd` and `chage`:  

* `chage -E 2018-12-31 bob` sets Bob's account to expire on a specific date  
* `chage -l linda` lists account aging information  
* `passwd -n 30 -x 90 lori -w 3` sets _minimum password age_ of 30 days, a _maximum password age_ of 90 days (-w), and starts _warning_ the user 3-days before the password expires (-w)  

## Linux group management

The `useradd` command creates a default _primary group_ with the same name as the user.  

When a user creates a file, the group owner will be set to that user's primary group. Users have access to files owned by their secondary groups. 

Use the `id` command to list a user's group memberships:  

`id linda`

The output should look something like this:  
`uid=1002(linda) gid=1003(account) groups=1003(account),1001(sales)`  

A common use case for secondary groups is to share documents between departments with a file server.  

## Creating groups

To create a new group, you can use the `vigr` command to directly modify the `/etc/group` file or you can run the `groupadd` command.

* `groupadd devs` adds a group called _dev_  
* `groupadd -g 404 devproject` adds a group called _devproject_ with _Group ID (GUID) 404_  
* `grep devproject /etc/group` to confirm that you successfully added a group  

### Modifying group membership

* `usermod -g 1003 frank` changes frank's **primary** group to      account, assigning GUID of 1003  
* `usermod -aG dev lori` adds account as a _secondary_                          group for lori  
* `usermod -g sales anouk` changes anouk's _primary_ group to sales  

[^n]: Excerpt from Sander van Vugt's [Red Hat® RHCSA™/RHCE® 7 Cert Guide Premium Edition](  
[^n]: Derived from  [Linux From Scratch](  
[^n]: Derived from  [Linux From Scratch](