Maven Groovy Cumber中没有匹配的粘合代码

Maven Groovy Cumber中没有匹配的粘合代码,maven,groovy,cucumber,Maven,Groovy,Cucumber,我将cucumber groovy与基于maven的框架一起使用,但无法找到与stepDefinitions的粘合。获取功能文件中没有匹配的粘合代码。它在Cucumber maven项目中。我已将要素文件夹转换为“源文件夹” 错误: Unable to create src/test/groovy & src/test/resource (to use as feature's folder) 以下是我的测试跑步黄瓜选项: @CucumberOptions( features = ["

cucumber groovy
与基于maven的框架一起使用,但无法找到与stepDefinitions的粘合。获取功能文件中没有匹配的粘合代码。它在Cucumber maven项目中。我已将要素文件夹转换为“源文件夹”


Unable to create src/test/groovy & src/test/resource (to use as feature's folder)

@CucumberOptions( features = ["src/test/resources/"],
        glue = ["com.esw.taa.avs.steps"],
        plugin = ["html:esw-tests/report"],
        dryRun = false,
        monochrome = true,
        strict = true

    plugin = "pretty",
    monochrome = true,
    tags = "not @wip",
    features = "src/test/resources/Features",
    glue = {""},
    junit = "--step-notifications"

我也使用Groovy cucumber,但没有Maven。以下是我的黄瓜选择:

@CucumberOptions( features = ["src/test/resources/"],
        glue = ["com.esw.taa.avs.steps"],
        plugin = ["html:esw-tests/report"],
        dryRun = false,
        monochrome = true,
        strict = true

    plugin = "pretty",
    monochrome = true,
    tags = "not @wip",
    features = "src/test/resources/Features",
    glue = {""},
    junit = "--step-notifications"