
Mips中的回文检查器,mips,Mips,我正在参加一个计算机组织课程,通过MIPS汇编教授计算机的低级功能。家庭作业中的一个问题是回文检查。这是: 编写一个MIPS函数(称为“回文”),如果 输入字符串是回文,否则返回0。地址 字符串将以$a0形式传递,值应以$a0形式返回 $v0。这里,如果字符串在向前或向后读取相同内容,则该字符串为回文 反向(包括空格、标点符号等) on,但不区分大小写(即,“A”和“A”被视为 同样的)。注:字符串以“0”结尾(C/C++惯例)。你 需要使用“test_palindrome.s”测试您的程序 我


编写一个MIPS函数(称为“回文”),如果 输入字符串是回文,否则返回0。地址 字符串将以$a0形式传递,值应以$a0形式返回 $v0。这里,如果字符串在向前或向后读取相同内容,则该字符串为回文 反向(包括空格、标点符号等) on,但不区分大小写(即,“A”和“A”被视为 同样的)。注:字符串以“0”结尾(C/C++惯例)。你 需要使用“test_palindrome.s”测试您的程序

我编写了一个简单的C++程序来解决这个问题,包括一个基本的ToWoor函数。然后我手动将其转换为mips。我已经运行它,但是用MIPS程序检查MyC++程序回文测试字符串,我没有得到相同的结果。p> 为了测试mips函数,我使用了教授提供的一个程序。它说它们都不是回文。这里是MIPS代码,有一个注释部分显示了我原来的C++代码。
# Program to test if a palindrome function works properly or not
# Written by Xiuwen Liu for CDA 3100 - Homework #3, problem #2
# Register usage
# $s7 - save $ra
# $s2 - current address of the string to be tested
# $s3 - the next of the last string to be tested 
# $a0 - for function parameter / syscall parameter
# $v0 - syscall number / function return value

    .globl main
    addu     $s7, $ra, $zero,   # Save the ra
    la  $s2,  test_str          # Load the starting address of the array
    la  $s3, is_pali_msg,       # the next of last address
    lw  $a0, 0($s2)             # $a0 is the address of the string
    li      $v0, 4              # system call to print a string
    syscall                     # print string
    li      $v0, 4              # print a new line
    la      $a0, newline
    li      $v0, 4 
    lw  $a0, 0($s2)             # $a0 is the address of the string
    jal palindrome              # call palindrome
    beq $v0, $zero, pali_no     #if $v0 is 0, it is not a palindrome
    li      $v0, 4              #it is a palindrome
    la      $a0, is_pali_msg
    j   pali_test_end
pali_no:                        #it is not a palindrome
    li      $v0, 4 
    la      $a0, not_pali_msg    
    li      $v0, 4 
    la      $a0, newline
    addiu   $s2, $s2, 4
    lw  $a0, 0($s2)
    beq $a0, $s3, pali_done
    j   pali_test_loop    

    li  $v0, 10
    addu    $ra, $zero, $s7     #restore $ra since the function calles
                                #another function
    jr      $ra
    add $zero, $zero, $zero
    add $zero, $zero, $zero
########## End of main function #########    

# My working c++ code
# int arrayLen ( char s[]) {
#    int counter = 0;
#    while(s[counter] != '\0'){
#        if (s[counter] > 64 && s[counter] < 91)
#            s[counter] = s[counter] + 32;
#        counter++;
#    }
#    return counter;
# }
# int palindrom(char s[]){
#    int i;
#    int l = arrayLen(s);
#    for(i=0;i<=l/2;i++)
#        if(s[i]!=s[l-i-1]) return 0;
#    return 1;
# }    

    addu    $s4, $ra, $zero     # save $ra
    jal arrayLen                # get string length and set to lowercase
    move    $t0, $zero          # i = 0
    move    $t1, $v1            # l = arrayLen(s)
    srl $t2, $t1, 1             # divide l by 2

    bgt $t0, $t2, palinForExit  # end for loop when i > l/2

    sub $t3, $t1, $t0           # l - i 
    addi    $t3, $t3, -1        # l - i - 1    

    add $t4, $a0, $t0           # s[i]
    add $t5, $a0, $t3           # s[l-i-1]
    addi    $t0, $t0, 1         # i++
    lbu $t4, ($t4)              # load s[i]
    lbu $t5, ($t5)              # load s[l-i-1]
    sne $t6, $t4, $t5           # if not equal, set $t6 to 1
    beq $t6, 1, palinForExit    # leave loop if not equal    

    j   palinFor                # loop again

    sne     $v0, $t6, $zero     # set return value: 0 for not palindrome, 1 for palindrome
    addu    $ra, $zero, $s4     # restore $ra
    jr  $ra                     # return to function caller

    li  $t0, 0                  # counter = 0
    sll $t1, $t0, 2             # counter * 4
    add $t1, $t1, $a0           # address of s[counter] in $t1
    lbu     $t2, ($t1)          # load s[counter]
    beq $t2, 0, whileEnd        # skip to end of while loop if s[counter] == \0
    blt     $t2, 64, breakIf    # skip if not uppercase range
    bgt $t2, 91, breakIf        # skip if not uppercase range
    addi    $t2, $t2, 32        # add 32 to make character lowercase
    sw  $t2, ($t1)              # save change to memory
    addi    $t0, $t0, 1         # counter++
    move    $v1, $t0            # return value of arrayLen is counter
    jr  $ra                     # return to function caller   



    # ------------
    # arguments:
    # a0 = string
    # ------------

    li      $v0,    0                           #set return value to 0
    lb      $t0,    0($a0)                      #load byte from beginning of the string
    beq     $t0,    $0,     strlen_exit         #when character value is 0 we have 
                                                #reached the end of the string
    addi    $a0,    $a0,    1                   #shift pointer to string one space right
    addi    $v0,    $v0,    1                   #increment return value by one
    j       strlen_loop

    # ------------
    # returns:
    # INTEGER (string length)
    # ------------
    jr      $ra                                 #return

    # ------------
    # arguments:
    # a0 = string
    # ------------

    sub     $sp,    $sp,    8                   #allocate memory on stack
    sw      $ra     0($sp)                      #save return address
    sw      $a0     4($sp)                      #save argumrnt value

    jal     strlen                              #call strlen
    move    $t0,    $v0                         #save result

    lw      $a0     4($sp)                      #load argument
    move    $t1,    $a0                         #save its value to t1

    li      $t2,    1                           #set counter to 1
    li      $v0,    1                           #prepare return value
    div     $t3,    $t0,    2                   #calculate string length / 2
    addi    $t3,    $t3,    1                   #add one more in case of even number
    bge     $t2,    $t3     palindrom_exit      #when counter reaches half of the string length - exit
    lb      $t4,    0($a0)                      #get character from beginning

    sub     $t5,    $t0,    $t2                 #subtract counter from the string length
    add     $t6,    $t5,    $t1                 #add index from the end of the string to start address
    lb      $t7,    0($t6)                      #get corresponding character from the end of the string

    beq     $t4,    $t7,    palindrom_continue  #check to determine are the characters exact match
    li      $v0,    0                           #if not return 0, immediately
    j       palindrom_exit

    addi    $a0,    $a0,    1                   #shift pointer to string one space right
    addi    $t2,    $t2,    1                   #increment counter by one
    j       palindrom_loop

    # ------------
    # returns:
    # TRUE (1) or FALSE (0)
    # ------------
    lw      $ra     0($sp)                      #load return address
    addi    $sp,    $sp,    8                   #free stack
    jr      $ra                                 #return

    #entry point
    la      $a0,    str                         #load string
    jal     palindrom                           #call palindrom

    move    $a0,    $v0                         #set a0 to palindrom return value
    li      $v0,    1                           #set 1 to v0 - as this is system call for print int
    syscall                                     #make the call

    li      $v0,    10                          #set 10 to v0 - as this is system call for exit program
    syscall                                     #make the call

    str: .asciiz "thiispalindrome_emordnilapsiiht"



    # ------------
    # arguments:
    # a0 = string
    # ------------

    li      $v0,    0                           #set return value to 0
    lb      $t0,    0($a0)                      #load byte from beginning of the string
    beq     $t0,    $0,     strlen_exit         #when character value is 0 we have 
                                                #reached the end of the string
    addi    $a0,    $a0,    1                   #shift pointer to string one space right
    addi    $v0,    $v0,    1                   #increment return value by one
    j       strlen_loop

    # ------------
    # returns:
    # INTEGER (string length)
    # ------------
    jr      $ra                                 #return

    # ------------
    # arguments:
    # a0 = string
    # ------------

    sub     $sp,    $sp,    8                   #allocate memory on stack
    sw      $ra     0($sp)                      #save return address
    sw      $a0     4($sp)                      #save argumrnt value

    jal     strlen                              #call strlen
    move    $t0,    $v0                         #save result

    lw      $a0     4($sp)                      #load argument
    move    $t1,    $a0                         #save its value to t1

    li      $t2,    1                           #set counter to 1
    li      $v0,    1                           #prepare return value
    div     $t3,    $t0,    2                   #calculate string length / 2
    addi    $t3,    $t3,    1                   #add one more in case of even number
    bge     $t2,    $t3     palindrom_exit      #when counter reaches half of the string length - exit
    lb      $t4,    0($a0)                      #get character from beginning

    sub     $t5,    $t0,    $t2                 #subtract counter from the string length
    add     $t6,    $t5,    $t1                 #add index from the end of the string to start address
    lb      $t7,    0($t6)                      #get corresponding character from the end of the string

    beq     $t4,    $t7,    palindrom_continue  #check to determine are the characters exact match
    li      $v0,    0                           #if not return 0, immediately
    j       palindrom_exit

    addi    $a0,    $a0,    1                   #shift pointer to string one space right
    addi    $t2,    $t2,    1                   #increment counter by one
    j       palindrom_loop

    # ------------
    # returns:
    # TRUE (1) or FALSE (0)
    # ------------
    lw      $ra     0($sp)                      #load return address
    addi    $sp,    $sp,    8                   #free stack
    jr      $ra                                 #return

    #entry point
    la      $a0,    str                         #load string
    jal     palindrom                           #call palindrom

    move    $a0,    $v0                         #set a0 to palindrom return value
    li      $v0,    1                           #set 1 to v0 - as this is system call for print int
    syscall                                     #make the call

    li      $v0,    10                          #set 10 to v0 - as this is system call for exit program
    syscall                                     #make the call

    str: .asciiz "thiispalindrome_emordnilapsiiht"