
Netlogo-聚集到agentset中的其他人(与所有海龟相反),netlogo,Netlogo,很抱歉,这个问题可能有一个简单的答案,但我对Netlogo比较陌生,已经花了几天的时间来解决这个问题,但都没有用,所以欢迎您提出任何建议-谢谢 有一种很好的鱼类和鸟类群集方法,请参见MacLennan,2007年,基于Huth和Wissel 1992,我想采用这种群集方法,这样,您就不会群集到您最近的三个邻居,他们都是同一个群体,您只会群集到您代理集中的人,或者更具体地说,那些在你自己的小组忽略那些在它之外 我知道一个建议可能是在开始时创造两个不同的品种,例如鹿和驼鹿,然后你只会聚集到属于同一品


有一种很好的鱼类和鸟类群集方法,请参见MacLennan,2007年,基于Huth和Wissel 1992,我想采用这种群集方法,这样,您就不会群集到您最近的三个邻居,他们都是同一个群体,您只会群集到您代理集中的人,或者更具体地说,那些在你自己的小组忽略那些在它之外



TO GO ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

set i 0                                            ; initializes variables used in finding neighbors
set distance_1 1000
set distance_2 1000
set distance_3 1000

   ; (below) determines ID numbers and distances for three closest neighbors; each turtle is
   ;   first checked to be visible (i.e., out of blind spot and in front of obstacles), and then
   ;   its distance is compared with that of neighbor_3.  If a bird is closer than neighbor_3,
   ;   it is then compared with neighbor_2 and (if it's closer than neighbor_2) with neighbor_1;
   ;   variables are then re-assigned to accomodate the new neighbor as one of the closest three.

repeat count turtles
  [ifelse not ((i = who) or in_blind_spot? or behind_opaque_obstacle?)
     [set dist distance turtle i
      ifelse dist < distance_3
        [ifelse dist < distance_2
           [set neighbor_3 neighbor_2
            set distance_3 distance_2
            ifelse dist < distance_1
              [set neighbor_2 neighbor_1
               set distance_2 distance_1
               set neighbor_1 i
               set distance_1 dist]               
              [set neighbor_2 i
               set distance_2 dist
               repeat 2 [fd 0]]]                 ; (see note at end for explanantion of "fd 0")
           [set neighbor_3 i
            set distance_3 dist
            repeat 4 [fd 0]]]
        [repeat 6 [fd 0]]]
     [repeat 7 [fd 0]]
   set i i + 1]

set acceleration 0                                ; sets acceleration to zero

set target_1 calc_target neighbor_1 distance_1    ; calculates targets (see procedure below) based on
set target_2 calc_target neighbor_2 distance_2    ;   the headings and positions of each neighbor;
set target_3 calc_target neighbor_3 distance_3    ;   acceleration is set by the calc_target procedure

   ; (below) calculates a bird's composite target, weighting each individual target by the inverse
   ;   of distance to that neighbor

set target atan ((sin target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (sin target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (sin target_3) * 100 / distance_3)
                ((cos target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (cos target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (cos target_3) * 100 / distance_3)

   ; (below) turns bird towards target by a fraction specified by "flexibility"; random motion is also
   ;   included to an extent governed by "noise".  The "... + 540) mod 360) - 180" clause is necessary to
   ;   ensure that the bird turns in the right direction.  For example, if a bird is oriented at 0 degrees
   ;   and its target is 300 degrees, it should consider a 60 [ = ((0 - 300 + 540) mod 360) - 180] degree
   ;   turn to the left instead of a 300 [ = 300 - 0] degree turn to the right.

fd 1 + acceleration                               ; moves birds forward

   to flock
set id-within-group 0                                            ; initializes variables used in finding neighbors
set distance_1 1000
set distance_2 1000
set distance_3 1000

set group-members turtle-set turtles with [group-id = [group-id] of myself] ; set those sharing a group id as my group-members
 (foreach (sort group-members) (n-values count group-members [?]) [ ; set each turtle in my agentset (group) with an ID no. 0 - n?
    ask ?1 [ set id-within-group ?2 ]
repeat count group-members ; repeat the next step as many times as there are group members
  [ifelse not (id-within-group = who)
       set dist distance turtle id-within-group
       print "turtle id-within-group"
       print turtle id-within-group
       print dist
      ifelse dist < distance_3
        [ifelse dist < distance_2
           [set neighbor_3 neighbor_2
            set distance_3 distance_2
            ifelse dist < distance_1
              [set neighbor_2 neighbor_1
               set distance_2 distance_1
               set neighbor_1 id-within-group
               set distance_1 dist]               
              [set neighbor_2 id-within-group
               set distance_2 dist
               repeat 2 [fd 0]]]                 
           [set neighbor_3 id-within-group
            set distance_3 dist
            repeat 4 [fd 0]]]
        [repeat 6 [fd 0]]]
     [repeat 7 [fd 0]]
   print "_____________________"
   print "ID" print self
   print "group-id" print group-id

set acceleration 0                                ; sets acceleration to zero

set target_1 calc_target neighbor_1 distance_1    ; calculates targets (see procedure below) based on
set target_2 calc_target neighbor_2 distance_2    ;   the headings and positions of each neighbor;
set target_3 calc_target neighbor_3 distance_3    ;   acceleration is set by the calc_target procedure

   ; (below) calculates a bird's composite target, weighting each individual target by the inverse
   ;   of distance to that neighbor

set target atan ((sin target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (sin target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (sin target_3) * 100 / distance_3)
                ((cos target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (cos target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (cos target_3) * 100 / distance_3)

   ; (below) turns bird towards target by a fraction specified by "flexibility"; random motion is also
   ;   included to an extent governed by "noise".  The "... + 540) mod 360) - 180" clause is necessary to
   ;   ensure that the bird turns in the right direction.  For example, if a bird is oriented at 0 degrees
   ;   and its target is 300 degrees, it should consider a 60 [ = ((0 - 300 + 540) mod 360) - 180] degree
   ;   turn to the left instead of a 300 [ = 300 - 0] degree turn to the right.

lt (flexibility / 100 * (((heading - target + 540) mod 360) - 180)) + (random noise) - (random noise)

fd 1 + acceleration                               ; moves birds forward


为了做到这一点,我考虑将我的代理集“group members”临时转换成一个品种,这样我就可以用GroupMemberi替换turtle I这个词。。e、 g

create-groupies-from group-members
[set dist distance group-member i


TO GO ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

set i 0                                            ; initializes variables used in finding neighbors
set distance_1 1000
set distance_2 1000
set distance_3 1000

   ; (below) determines ID numbers and distances for three closest neighbors; each turtle is
   ;   first checked to be visible (i.e., out of blind spot and in front of obstacles), and then
   ;   its distance is compared with that of neighbor_3.  If a bird is closer than neighbor_3,
   ;   it is then compared with neighbor_2 and (if it's closer than neighbor_2) with neighbor_1;
   ;   variables are then re-assigned to accomodate the new neighbor as one of the closest three.

repeat count turtles
  [ifelse not ((i = who) or in_blind_spot? or behind_opaque_obstacle?)
     [set dist distance turtle i
      ifelse dist < distance_3
        [ifelse dist < distance_2
           [set neighbor_3 neighbor_2
            set distance_3 distance_2
            ifelse dist < distance_1
              [set neighbor_2 neighbor_1
               set distance_2 distance_1
               set neighbor_1 i
               set distance_1 dist]               
              [set neighbor_2 i
               set distance_2 dist
               repeat 2 [fd 0]]]                 ; (see note at end for explanantion of "fd 0")
           [set neighbor_3 i
            set distance_3 dist
            repeat 4 [fd 0]]]
        [repeat 6 [fd 0]]]
     [repeat 7 [fd 0]]
   set i i + 1]

set acceleration 0                                ; sets acceleration to zero

set target_1 calc_target neighbor_1 distance_1    ; calculates targets (see procedure below) based on
set target_2 calc_target neighbor_2 distance_2    ;   the headings and positions of each neighbor;
set target_3 calc_target neighbor_3 distance_3    ;   acceleration is set by the calc_target procedure

   ; (below) calculates a bird's composite target, weighting each individual target by the inverse
   ;   of distance to that neighbor

set target atan ((sin target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (sin target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (sin target_3) * 100 / distance_3)
                ((cos target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (cos target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (cos target_3) * 100 / distance_3)

   ; (below) turns bird towards target by a fraction specified by "flexibility"; random motion is also
   ;   included to an extent governed by "noise".  The "... + 540) mod 360) - 180" clause is necessary to
   ;   ensure that the bird turns in the right direction.  For example, if a bird is oriented at 0 degrees
   ;   and its target is 300 degrees, it should consider a 60 [ = ((0 - 300 + 540) mod 360) - 180] degree
   ;   turn to the left instead of a 300 [ = 300 - 0] degree turn to the right.

fd 1 + acceleration                               ; moves birds forward

   to flock
set id-within-group 0                                            ; initializes variables used in finding neighbors
set distance_1 1000
set distance_2 1000
set distance_3 1000

set group-members turtle-set turtles with [group-id = [group-id] of myself] ; set those sharing a group id as my group-members
 (foreach (sort group-members) (n-values count group-members [?]) [ ; set each turtle in my agentset (group) with an ID no. 0 - n?
    ask ?1 [ set id-within-group ?2 ]
repeat count group-members ; repeat the next step as many times as there are group members
  [ifelse not (id-within-group = who)
       set dist distance turtle id-within-group
       print "turtle id-within-group"
       print turtle id-within-group
       print dist
      ifelse dist < distance_3
        [ifelse dist < distance_2
           [set neighbor_3 neighbor_2
            set distance_3 distance_2
            ifelse dist < distance_1
              [set neighbor_2 neighbor_1
               set distance_2 distance_1
               set neighbor_1 id-within-group
               set distance_1 dist]               
              [set neighbor_2 id-within-group
               set distance_2 dist
               repeat 2 [fd 0]]]                 
           [set neighbor_3 id-within-group
            set distance_3 dist
            repeat 4 [fd 0]]]
        [repeat 6 [fd 0]]]
     [repeat 7 [fd 0]]
   print "_____________________"
   print "ID" print self
   print "group-id" print group-id

set acceleration 0                                ; sets acceleration to zero

set target_1 calc_target neighbor_1 distance_1    ; calculates targets (see procedure below) based on
set target_2 calc_target neighbor_2 distance_2    ;   the headings and positions of each neighbor;
set target_3 calc_target neighbor_3 distance_3    ;   acceleration is set by the calc_target procedure

   ; (below) calculates a bird's composite target, weighting each individual target by the inverse
   ;   of distance to that neighbor

set target atan ((sin target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (sin target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (sin target_3) * 100 / distance_3)
                ((cos target_1) * 100 / distance_1 + (cos target_2) * 100 / distance_2 + (cos target_3) * 100 / distance_3)

   ; (below) turns bird towards target by a fraction specified by "flexibility"; random motion is also
   ;   included to an extent governed by "noise".  The "... + 540) mod 360) - 180" clause is necessary to
   ;   ensure that the bird turns in the right direction.  For example, if a bird is oriented at 0 degrees
   ;   and its target is 300 degrees, it should consider a 60 [ = ((0 - 300 + 540) mod 360) - 180] degree
   ;   turn to the left instead of a 300 [ = 300 - 0] degree turn to the right.

lt (flexibility / 100 * (((heading - target + 540) mod 360) - 180)) + (random noise) - (random noise)

fd 1 + acceleration                               ; moves birds forward





[ groupID ]

to setup

  create-turtles 20
  [ set groupID random 2
    set xcor random-xcor
    set ycor random-ycor

  ask turtles
  [ let close-friends min-n-of 3 turtles with [groupID = [groupID] of myself] [distance myself]
    ask close-friends
    [ face myself
      forward 1



好的,这里有一个更正的版本,我没有编辑上面的内容,因为这会把评论搞得一团糟。仍然没有错误检查,以确保组中还有3个其他成员等,但这使用列表来绕过第一个建议中的问题。它创建agentset close friends以包含三个最近的好友,这是一行,而不是所有嵌套的距离检查。该agentset被转换为列表,然后代码在列表中循环并移向列表成员。我仍然认为一定有更好的方式直接通过agentset进行循环,但至少这是可行的

[ groupID ]

to setup
  create-turtles 20
  [ set groupID random 2
    set xcor random-xcor
    set ycor random-ycor
    set color 155 - 10 * groupID

to go
  ask turtles
  [ let close-friends min-n-of 3 turtles with [groupID = [groupID] of myself] [distance myself]
    let friend-list sort-on [distance myself] close-friends
    foreach friend-list
    [ face ?
      forward 1
