Netlogo 只要看看代码就可以了。您需要尽可能地消除复杂性,然后使用形状、颜色和大量打印语句来查看每个命令是否都在执行您认为应该执行的操作。复杂的工作代码几乎总是从简单的工作代码演变而来

Netlogo 只要看看代码就可以了。您需要尽可能地消除复杂性,然后使用形状、颜色和大量打印语句来查看每个命令是否都在执行您认为应该执行的操作。复杂的工作代码几乎总是从简单的工作代码演变而来,netlogo,Netlogo,因此,完全摆脱PlayersB(注释掉代码),只创建5个playersa,并在处理每个步骤时更改颜色和形状,以确认其工作正常。编辑器允许您使用ctrl-;注释掉整个代码块,或者立即取消注释它们,所以在开始一个步骤时,尽可能注释掉所有内容,然后取消注释下一部分,让它开始工作,等等 当您最终使一切正常工作时,您可以注释掉您在开发中使用的所有打印语句 无论如何,我重构了您的代码,添加了许多注释,添加了许多打印语句,最后让它运行起来。如果您运行justsetup并查看视图,您将看到我所说的网络。(我关闭







让我们确认列表已更新。这是我的名单 播放者a[[5 5 5 10][0 0 0 0 0][0 8 8 8][0 0][0 9]]


breed [playersA playerA]
breed [playersB playerB]
breed [balls ball]



to setup

  ;; for debugging, only create 3 players and inspect the results to confirm it's working as you intended
  ;; use labels to see player numbers in the view

  create-playersA 5 [ set size 1 set color blue set shape "square" setxy random-xcor random-ycor set label who]
  ask playerA 0 [ create-links-with other playersA [set color blue]]
  ask playerA 2 [ create-link-with playerA 1   [set color red]]

  create-playersB  5 [ set size 2 set color yellow set shape "person"  setxy random-xcor random-ycor set label who]

 ; comment out this code until create-playersA is working properly
 ;  ask playerB 0 [ create-links-with other playersB ]
 ;  ask playerB 2 [ create-link-with playerA 1 ]          ;; copy-and-paste error? link with playerB intended?

  ask playersA[
  set my-list []
  set score 0

  ask playersB[
  set my-list []
  set score 0


to go
  let selected nobody
  let team-players nobody
  let hot-ball nobody

  set selected one-of turtles with [
     breed = playersA
     ;;  or breed = playersB   ;; always select one of playersA for debugging this code

  print ( word "At point 1, we selected turtle " [who] of selected " with breed " [breed] of selected)

  ;; we're still in the observer context here

  ifelse [breed = playersA] of selected [      ;; by mentioning breed, we shift into a turtle context silently

    print ( word " entering the TRUE part of the if-else statement  " )

          ask selected [
                  set size [count link-neighbors] of self
                  print ( word "at point 2 we set selected player's size to " size )

           create-balls 1 [
              set shape "circle" set size 3 set color blue set label who  
              set hot-ball who
              ; hide-turtle                        ;; for debugging show it so you can click on it and inspect it
              print ( word "at point 3 we set created a blue hot-ball with who= " hot-ball )

          ;; it seems you want to update the selected turtle's my-ball variable here with a reference to the ball just created??
             print " at point 4 we should set selected agent's my-ball to the ball we just made..."

          ask selected [
                   set new_ball hot-ball

         print (word " Confirming that selected player got the hot-ball " [new_ball] of selected )
        ;; ask ball hot-ball [ set hidden? true ]

          ;; this set of code seems to apply only when selected turtle is one of playersA, so it was moved INSIDE that ask-selected code
          ;; and put inside another  ask selected [ ] context

          ask selected [
               set team-players link-neighbors with [breed = playersA]   
               print (word "At point 5, For selected player " who ", here is the team-players agent set :"  )
               print (sort team-players)  ;; using "sort" here just to convert an agent set to a list for display

           print " ------------- about to ask team-players to update their my-lists and change to triangles ---"

          ask team-players [                             
                 set shape "triangle" set size 3                   ;; to see at a glance that everyone was processed
                 set my-list lput new_ball my-list       
                 print "... updated one my-list"

    print " let's confirm that the lists have been updated. Here's the my-lists for playersA "

    print   map [ i ->   [my-list]  of i ] sort playersA  ;; using "sort" to convert agent-set to a list

    print (word "At the end of the go step, we have this many balls: " count balls)

  ;; else we should have breed != playersA

      error " we should only be looking at one of playersA here for testing"     ;; for debugging


 ;; tick


有一件事-没有两只海龟可以有相同的who编号,即使它们是不同的品种:问playerA 0会影响同一只海龟问playerB 0,我相信。谢谢韦德。不幸的是,我不太熟悉使用who。我想做的是,当球员在网络内传球并追踪气球的路径时,给一个分数——没有两只乌龟可以有相同的who号码,即使它们是不同的品种:问playerA 0会影响同一只乌龟a问playerB 0,我相信。谢谢韦德。不幸的是,我不太熟悉使用who。我想做的是,当球员在网络内传球并追踪球的路径时,给一个分数
 create-playersA 10
  ask playerA 0 [ create-links-with other playersA ]
  ask playerA 2 [ create-link-with playerA 1 ]

breed [playersA playerA]
breed [playersB playerB]
breed [balls ball]



to setup

  ;; for debugging, only create 3 players and inspect the results to confirm it's working as you intended
  ;; use labels to see player numbers in the view

  create-playersA 5 [ set size 1 set color blue set shape "square" setxy random-xcor random-ycor set label who]
  ask playerA 0 [ create-links-with other playersA [set color blue]]
  ask playerA 2 [ create-link-with playerA 1   [set color red]]

  create-playersB  5 [ set size 2 set color yellow set shape "person"  setxy random-xcor random-ycor set label who]

 ; comment out this code until create-playersA is working properly
 ;  ask playerB 0 [ create-links-with other playersB ]
 ;  ask playerB 2 [ create-link-with playerA 1 ]          ;; copy-and-paste error? link with playerB intended?

  ask playersA[
  set my-list []
  set score 0

  ask playersB[
  set my-list []
  set score 0


to go
  let selected nobody
  let team-players nobody
  let hot-ball nobody

  set selected one-of turtles with [
     breed = playersA
     ;;  or breed = playersB   ;; always select one of playersA for debugging this code

  print ( word "At point 1, we selected turtle " [who] of selected " with breed " [breed] of selected)

  ;; we're still in the observer context here

  ifelse [breed = playersA] of selected [      ;; by mentioning breed, we shift into a turtle context silently

    print ( word " entering the TRUE part of the if-else statement  " )

          ask selected [
                  set size [count link-neighbors] of self
                  print ( word "at point 2 we set selected player's size to " size )

           create-balls 1 [
              set shape "circle" set size 3 set color blue set label who  
              set hot-ball who
              ; hide-turtle                        ;; for debugging show it so you can click on it and inspect it
              print ( word "at point 3 we set created a blue hot-ball with who= " hot-ball )

          ;; it seems you want to update the selected turtle's my-ball variable here with a reference to the ball just created??
             print " at point 4 we should set selected agent's my-ball to the ball we just made..."

          ask selected [
                   set new_ball hot-ball

         print (word " Confirming that selected player got the hot-ball " [new_ball] of selected )
        ;; ask ball hot-ball [ set hidden? true ]

          ;; this set of code seems to apply only when selected turtle is one of playersA, so it was moved INSIDE that ask-selected code
          ;; and put inside another  ask selected [ ] context

          ask selected [
               set team-players link-neighbors with [breed = playersA]   
               print (word "At point 5, For selected player " who ", here is the team-players agent set :"  )
               print (sort team-players)  ;; using "sort" here just to convert an agent set to a list for display

           print " ------------- about to ask team-players to update their my-lists and change to triangles ---"

          ask team-players [                             
                 set shape "triangle" set size 3                   ;; to see at a glance that everyone was processed
                 set my-list lput new_ball my-list       
                 print "... updated one my-list"

    print " let's confirm that the lists have been updated. Here's the my-lists for playersA "

    print   map [ i ->   [my-list]  of i ] sort playersA  ;; using "sort" to convert agent-set to a list

    print (word "At the end of the go step, we have this many balls: " count balls)

  ;; else we should have breed != playersA

      error " we should only be looking at one of playersA here for testing"     ;; for debugging


 ;; tick
