Notepad++ 将记事本上的所有行合并为一行++;

Notepad++ 将记事本上的所有行合并为一行++;,notepad++,Notepad++,我有以下清单: 32229_071 32225_041 32225_011 32225_011 32225_011 我想让它看起来像 ‘32229_071’、‘32225_041’、‘32225_011’、‘32225_011’、‘32225_011’ 如何在记事本++中执行此操作 转到替换(ctrl+h) 搜索\r\n 取代 检查扩展(左下) 添加第一个和最后一个报价 替换 Ctrl+H 查找内容:(?:^|\G)(.+)(?:(\R)|\z) 替换为:“$1”(?2,:) 检查环绕 检查正






  • 转到替换(ctrl+h)
  • 搜索\r\n
  • 取代
  • 检查扩展(左下)
  • 添加第一个和最后一个报价
  • 替换

    • Ctrl+H
    • 查找内容:
    • 替换为:
    • 检查环绕
    • 检查正则表达式
    • 取消选中
    • 全部替换

    (?:^|\G)        # non capture group, beginning of line or restart from last match position
    (.+)            # group 1, 1 or more any character but newline
    (?:             # non capture group
      (\R)          # group 2, any kind of linebreak
     |              # OR
      \z            # end of file
    )               # end group
    '$1'            # content of grop 1  between single quotes
    (?2,:)          # conditional replace, if group 2 exists then a comma else nothing

    (?:^|\G)        # non capture group, beginning of line or restart from last match position
    (.+)            # group 1, 1 or more any character but newline
    (?:             # non capture group
      (\R)          # group 2, any kind of linebreak
     |              # OR
      \z            # end of file
    )               # end group
    '$1'            # content of grop 1  between single quotes
    (?2,:)          # conditional replace, if group 2 exists then a comma else nothing

    (?:^|\G)        # non capture group, beginning of line or restart from last match position
    (.+)            # group 1, 1 or more any character but newline
    (?:             # non capture group
      (\R)          # group 2, any kind of linebreak
     |              # OR
      \z            # end of file
    )               # end group
    '$1'            # content of grop 1  between single quotes
    (?2,:)          # conditional replace, if group 2 exists then a comma else nothing


    (?:^|\G)        # non capture group, beginning of line or restart from last match position
    (.+)            # group 1, 1 or more any character but newline
    (?:             # non capture group
      (\R)          # group 2, any kind of linebreak
     |              # OR
      \z            # end of file
    )               # end group
    '$1'            # content of grop 1  between single quotes
    (?2,:)          # conditional replace, if group 2 exists then a comma else nothing

    添加到整个事件的前后?Linux EOL呢?为什么一个步骤就足够了?嗨,如果我想在数字之间加上(),我该怎么做呢?比如('32282-P')、('32814-P')、('32883-O')、('32839-C')、('32867-X')、('32841-F')、('32886-D')@dvazantunes:在替换框中,键入: