Oracle11g 在ORACLE中使用connectby子句 我有下表: 使用以下数据: 所需输出为:

Oracle11g 在ORACLE中使用connectby子句 我有下表: 使用以下数据: 所需输出为:,oracle11g,connect-by,Oracle11g,Connect By,我已尝试使用“按级别连接” 选择64行 所以,我不知道我应该使用什么以及如何使用。因为每次角色名称不同,级别也不同。有人能告诉我我遗漏了什么吗?在11g中,只需使用递归分解子查询: with data (role_name , max_cnt, val) as (select role_name , max_cnt, min_cnt from task_2 union all select role_name , max_cnt, val+1 from





with data (role_name ,  max_cnt, val)
as (select role_name , max_cnt, min_cnt
      from task_2
    union all
    select role_name , max_cnt, val+1
      from data
     where val+1 <= max_cnt)
select role_name || ' there are ' || val
  from data
 order by role_name, val;

with data as (select role_name, min_cnt, max_cnt, max_cnt-min_cnt+1 vals
                from task_2)
select role_name|| ' there are ' || vals
  from data
partition by (role_name)
dimension by (0 as i)
measures (vals, min_cnt)
rules (
  vals[for i from 0 to vals[0] increment 1] = min_cnt[0] + cv(i) 


with data (role_name ,  max_cnt, val)
as (select role_name , max_cnt, min_cnt
      from task_2
    union all
    select role_name , max_cnt, val+1
      from data
     where val+1 <= max_cnt)
select role_name || ' there are ' || val
  from data
 order by role_name, val;

with data as (select role_name, min_cnt, max_cnt, max_cnt-min_cnt+1 vals
                from task_2)
select role_name|| ' there are ' || vals
  from data
partition by (role_name)
dimension by (0 as i)
measures (vals, min_cnt)
rules (
  vals[for i from 0 to vals[0] increment 1] = min_cnt[0] + cv(i) 

@Naveen_Raj_B没有使用带系数的子查询,事实并非如此。使用connect by可能效率不高。caluse模型也有可能。这是家庭作业,你在这里受限制吗?这是一种训练,是的,限制是使用连接方式。感谢您向我介绍递归分解子查询和MODEL子句。如果你也能给我举一个关于MODEL子句的例子,我会很高兴的。@Naveen_Raj_B没有使用带系数的子查询,它不是。使用connect by可能效率不高。caluse模型也有可能。这是家庭作业,你在这里受限制吗?这是一种训练,是的,限制是使用连接方式。感谢您向我介绍递归分解子查询和MODEL子句。如果你也能给我举一个示范条款的例子,我会很高兴的。
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
mgr there are 1                                                                                       
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
mgr there are 4                                                                                       
se there are 4                                                                                        
se there are 4                                                                                        
se there are 4                                                                                        
se there are 1                                                                                        
se there are 4                                                                                        
se there are 4                                                                                        
se there are 4                                                                                        
se there are 4                                                                                        
se there are 4                                                                                        
sr_mgr there are 2                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 3                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 2                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 3                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 2                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 1                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 3                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 2                                                                                    
sr_mgr there are 3                                                                                    
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 3                                                                                       
sse there are 3                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 3                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 1                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 3                                                                                       
sse there are 5                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
sse there are 4                                                                                       
with data (role_name ,  max_cnt, val)
as (select role_name , max_cnt, min_cnt
      from task_2
    union all
    select role_name , max_cnt, val+1
      from data
     where val+1 <= max_cnt)
select role_name || ' there are ' || val
  from data
 order by role_name, val;
select role_name || ' there are ' || (min_cnt + d.r - 1)
  from task_2 t
       cross join (select rownum r 
                     from dual 
                   connect by level <= (select max(max_cnt - min_cnt + 1) 
                                          from task_2)) d
 where d.r <= max_cnt - min_cnt + 1
 order by role_name, d.r;
with data as (select role_name, min_cnt, max_cnt, max_cnt-min_cnt+1 vals
                from task_2)
select role_name|| ' there are ' || vals
  from data
partition by (role_name)
dimension by (0 as i)
measures (vals, min_cnt)
rules (
  vals[for i from 0 to vals[0] increment 1] = min_cnt[0] + cv(i) 
select a.role_name||' there are '|| b.n Txt from TASK_2 a,
(select rownum n from dual connect by level <= (select sum(max_cnt) from TASK_2)) b
where b.n >= min_cnt and b.n <= max_cnt
order by a.role_name,b.n;
with TASK_2  as ( 
    select 'SE' as ROLE_NAME , 3 as MIN_CNT   , 5 as MAX_CNT    from dual union
    select 'SSE', 2, 6 from dual union
    select 'MGR', 3, 5 from dual union
    select  'SR_MGR', 1, 4 from dual 

select t.ROLE_NAME ||' there are '||||';' as txt from TASK_2  t left join
(select level as lv from dual connect by level <= (select max(MAX_CNT)  from TASK_2)) l
on between t.MIN_CNT and t.MAX_CNT
order by txt