Perl 在Pidgin插件中将Purple::Conversation转换为GTK2::TextView?

Perl 在Pidgin插件中将Purple::Conversation转换为GTK2::TextView?,perl,gtk2,pidgin,Perl,Gtk2,Pidgin,在加载插件时调用的子例程中,我有以下内容: my $plugin = shift; my $purple_handle = Purple::Conversations::get_handle(); Purple::Signal::connect($purple_handle, "conversation-updated", $plugin, \&conversation_updated_cb, ""); my $conv = shift; my $entry = $conv.entr


my $plugin = shift;
my $purple_handle = Purple::Conversations::get_handle();

Purple::Signal::connect($purple_handle, "conversation-updated", $plugin, \&conversation_updated_cb, "");
my $conv = shift;
my $entry = $conv.entry; # $entry defined for convenience of explanation
my $spell = Gtk2::Spell->get_from_text_view($entry);
在对话_updated _cb中,我有以下内容:

my $plugin = shift;
my $purple_handle = Purple::Conversations::get_handle();

Purple::Signal::connect($purple_handle, "conversation-updated", $plugin, \&conversation_updated_cb, "");
my $conv = shift;
my $entry = $conv.entry; # $entry defined for convenience of explanation
my $spell = Gtk2::Spell->get_from_text_view($entry);



use Purple;
use Gtk2::Spell;

# this part taken from Hello World perl example on
    perl_api_version => 2,
    name => "A Perl Test Plugin",
    version => "0.1",
    summary => "Test plugin for the Perl interpreter.",
    description => "Your description here",
    author => "John H. Kelm <johnhkelm\",
    url => "",
    load => "plugin_load",
    unload => "plugin_unload"
sub plugin_init {
    return %PLUGIN_INFO;
sub plugin_load {
    my $plugin = shift;
    Purple::Debug::info("testplugin", "plugin_load() - Test Plugin Loaded.\n");

    my $purple_handle = Purple::Conversations::get_handle();
    Purple::Signal::connect($purple_handle, "conversation-updated", $plugin, \&conversation_updated_cb, "");
sub plugin_unload {
    my $plugin = shift;
    Purple::Debug::info("testplugin", "plugin_unload() - Test Plugin Unloaded.\n");
sub conversation_updated_cb {
    my $conv = shift;
    my $entry = $conv.entry;

    Purple::Debug::info("Test Plugin", Dumper( \%{ref ($conv)."::" }));
    Purple::Debug::info("Test Plugin", Dumper( \%{ref ($conv.entry)."::" }));

    my $spell = Gtk2::Spell->get_from_text_view($entry);
    Purple::Debug::info("Test Plugin", Dumper( \%{ref ($conv.entry)."::" }));
