Php 如何共享父类';逻辑和功能?

Php 如何共享父类';逻辑和功能?,php,class,Php,Class,我想向父类添加其他内容。 我无法修改父类,因为软件升级时所有修改都将被删除。所以我想扩展这个类。我可以在不重复父函数的情况下将其添加到子类中吗 class parent { public function __construct() { // lots of logic to hook up following functions with main software } // lots of parent functions } clas

我想向父类添加其他内容。 我无法修改父类,因为软件升级时所有修改都将被删除。所以我想扩展这个类。我可以在不重复父函数的情况下将其添加到子类中吗

class parent
    public function __construct()
        // lots of logic to hook up following functions with main software

      // lots of parent functions

class child extends parent
     function __construct()
        // Is this going to share parent's logic and hook up with those actions?
        // Or, should I repeat those logics?

        // add child addicional logic
     // child functions
    // should I repeat parent's functions? I need the parent take child along all the jobs.



class parent
    public function __construct()
        // lots of logic to hook up following functions with main software
    // lots of parent functions

    protected function exampleParentFunction()
        //do lots of cool stuff

class child extends parent
     function __construct()
        // This will run the parent's constructor
        // add child additional logic
    // child functions
    public function exampleChildFunction();
        $result = $this->exampleParentFunction();
        //Make result even cooler :)
    //or you can override the parent methods by declaring a method with the same name
    protected function exampleParentFunction()
        //use the parent function
        $result = parent::exampleParentFunction();
        //Make result even cooler :)

根据您最近提出的问题,您确实需要阅读一本关于PHP OOP的书。从手册开始

至于重复父函数,您不必这样做,除非您也想向这些函数添加额外的逻辑。e、 g

class foo {
    protected $j;
    public function __construct() {
        $this->j = 0;
    public function add($x) {
        $this->j += $x;
    public function getJ() {
        return $this->j;

class bar extends foo {
    protected $i;
    public function __construct() {
        $this->i = 0;
    public function add($x) {
        $this->i += $x;
    public function getI() {
        return $this->i;
    // no need to redo the getJ(), as that is already defined.


parent::\u construct()