
phpmyadmin显示未拆分为视图和表的所有表,php,mysql,phpmyadmin,Php,Mysql,Phpmyadmin,如何使phpMyAdmin 4.0.8的行为与用于列出所有表的行为相似,从而避免此操作: 我一直在阅读所有的旧帖子,到目前为止,在我的配置中,我已经添加了所有这些,但仍然必须每2分钟点击一次扩展表 $cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = true; $cfg['ShowAll'] = true; // Enable display all the rows $cfg['MaxRows'] = 50; // Maximum number of rows to display $cfg['Ma

如何使phpMyAdmin 4.0.8的行为与用于列出所有表的行为相似,从而避免此操作:


$cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = true;
$cfg['ShowAll'] = true; // Enable display all the rows
$cfg['MaxRows'] = 50; // Maximum number of rows to display
$cfg['MaxDbList'] = 1000; // Maximum databases displayed per page
$cfg['MaxNavigationItems'] = 1000; // Maximum navigation items per list
$cfg['MaxTableList'] = 1000; // Maximum tables displayed per page
$cfg['NavigationTreeDBSeparator']  = ''; // Disable prefix removal
$cfg['NumRecentTables'] = 100; // Number of recently used tables. Set this to 0 (zero) to disable the listing of recent tables.
$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = 604800; // Prevent timeout for a week 
$cfg['NavigationTreeEnableGrouping'] = false; // Group the databases based on a common prefix in their name 
$cfg['NavigationDisplayLogo'] = false; // Hide logo
$cfg['NavigationTreeDisplayItemFilterMinimum'] = 9999; // Minimum number of items (tables, views, routines and events) to display a JavaScript filter box above the list of items in the navigation tree.
$cfg['NavigationTreeDisplayDbFilterMinimum'] = 9999; // Minimum number of databases to display a JavaScript filter box above the list of databases in the navigation tree.


可能同样愚蠢,但升级pMA有什么具体原因吗?@praveen kumar purushothaman也许是安全问题?!最近我所有的网站都在不断地扫描pMA文件夹。@machineaddict可能。。。我甚至不记得回答过这个!哈哈,谢谢,但我试过了,它只影响了使用相同前缀的数据库分组。与我的主要问题分组表和视图无关哦,当然你是对的,我误解了。在我的快速测试中,我没有任何视图,它会立即展开。目前,我还不知道如何自动扩展这些功能,但是您可以尝试打开一个功能请求()来自动扩展所有可用的视图和表。我实际上找不到任何地方可以在该页面上打开功能请求。对不起,我想我应该仔细考虑一下。但您需要登录到Sourceforge才能使其正常工作。