Php 多重比较和编辑文件

Php 多重比较和编辑文件,php,html,file,preg-match,Php,Html,File,Preg Match,这是我的$file1结构,有数千个类似的组: Group id_7653 { type register sub_name 155 1 3123 1 12 2 3124 1 8 3 3125 1 4 4 3126 1 12 5 3127 1 8 6 3128 1 4 ..... } Group


Group   id_7653
    type    register
    sub_name    155
    1   3123    1   12  
    2   3124    1   8   
    3   3125    1   4   
    4   3126    1   12  
    5   3127    1   8   
    6   3128    1   4   

Group   id_8731
    type    register
    sub_name    155
    1   4331    1   12  
    2   4332    1   8   
    3   4333    1   4   
    4   4334    1   12  
    5   4335    1   8   
    6   4336    1   4   

3123    Spada+1
3124    Spada+2
3125    Spada+3
3126    Spada+4
3127    Spada+5
3128    Spada+6
3129    Spada+7
3130    Spada+8




我想稍微扩展一下我的脚本,所以我想用我的$file2结构替换{$value}。 这次,我不想检查该值,我想直接从$file1值替换它。斯帕达等。。。


//read the first file in as a string
$file1 = file_get_contents("dataparser\names1.txt");
//read the second file in as an array
$file2 = file("dataparser\names2.txt");

//index from file2 that we are going to build
$file2Index = array();

foreach($file2 as $line){
    //split the line
    $line = explode("\t", $line, 2);
    //validate the line, should be only 2 values after explode and first should be a number
    if(count($line) == 2 && is_numeric($line[0])){
        //add to index
        $file2Index[$line[0]] = $line[1];

//now get all the values from file1 that we want (second column)
preg_match_all('/^\s*\d+\s*(\d+)\s*\d+\s*\d+\s*$/m', $file1, $matches);

$file1Values = array_unique($matches[1]);

//loop over the matches from column 2
foreach($file1Values as $value){
    //check if the key doesn't exist
        //echo error message
        echo "Value {$value} does not exist in file2<br>";
