Php Chheckbox表格提交

Php Chheckbox表格提交,php,forms,content-management-system,kirby,Php,Forms,Content Management System,Kirby,我很难通过表单发送多个复选框条目 我正在使用kirby CMS和联系人表单插件 这是我的代码,如果有人能解释的话 <fieldset name="check"> <h2>Project Needs</h2> <ul> <li><input id="strategy" type="checkbox" name="needs" value="<?php echo $form->ht


我正在使用kirby CMS和联系人表单插件


<fieldset name="check">
    <h2>Project Needs</h2>     
        <li><input id="strategy" type="checkbox" name="needs" value="<?php echo $form->htmlValue('needs') ?> Strategy" checked><label for="strategy">Strategy</label></li>
        <li><input id="ux" type="checkbox" name="needs" value="<?php echo $form->htmlValue('needs') ?> UX"><label for="ux">UX</label></li>
        <li><input id="redesign" type="checkbox" name="needs" value="<?php echo $form->htmlValue('needs') ?> Re-Design"><label for="redesign">Re-Design</label></li>
        <li><input id="responsive" type="checkbox" name="needs" value="<?php echo $form->htmlValue('needs') ?> Responsive Design"><label for="responsive">Responsive Design</label></li>
        <li><input id="cms" type="checkbox" name="needs" value="<?php echo $form->htmlValue('needs') ?> CMS Implementation"><label for="cms">CMS Implementation</label></li>
        <li><input id="unsure" type="checkbox" name="needs" value="<?php echo $form->htmlValue('needs') ?> Unsure"><label for="unsure">Unsure</label></li>


  • 您是否将此发布到另一个PHP脚本?每个复选框都有“需要”的名称;尝试将它们更改为“需要cms”、“需要ux”,以便您可以使用$\u POST['needs-cms']、$\u POST['needs-ux']访问它们的值。我猜在这种情况下应该是

    使用“needs[]”将在一个数组中传输所有复选框$\u POST[“needs”]

    if(!class_exists('Submission'))  require_once('lib/submission.php');
    if(!class_exists('Email')) require_once('lib/email.php');
    class ContactForm extends Submission {
      public function __construct($params = array()) {
        // set required and wanted fields
        $this->defaults('required', array('name', 'email', 'phone', 'project', 'description', 'budget', 'needs', 'date'));
        $this->defaults('keep',     array('name', 'email', 'phone', 'project', 'description', 'budget', 'needs', 'date'));
        // set the default subject
        $this->defaults('subject', 'Oi, Gaylord.');
        // take the current URL as the default goto URL
        $this->defaults('goto', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        // set a custom validation event
        $this->defaults('validate', function($self) {
          // validate the email address    
          if(!filter_var($self->value('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) $self->addInvalid('email');
        // try to send the email 
        $this->defaults('submit', function($self) {
          $to   = $self->option('to');
          $from = $self->option('from');
          if(!$from) $self->option('from', $to);
          // set the email body 
          $self->option('body', $self->body());
          // send the email form, pass all options            
          $send = email($self->options);
          if(error($send)) {
            return $self->trigger('error');
        // redirect to the "goto" url on success
        $this->defaults('success', function($self) {
          // redirect to callback url
        // merge the defaults with the given options
        // trigger the request
      function body() {
        $body = $this->option('body');
        if(empty($body)) {
          $body = snippet('contact.mail', array(), true);
          if(empty($body)) {
            $body  = 'Name: {name}' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= '----' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= 'Email: {email}' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= '----' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= 'phone: {phone}' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= '----' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= 'project: {project}' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= '----' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= 'description: {description}' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= '----' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= 'budget: {budget}' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= '----' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= 'needs: {needs{}' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= '----' . PHP_EOL;
            $body .= 'date: {date}' . PHP_EOL;
        foreach($this->data() as $key => $value) {
          $body = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $value, $body);     
        return trim($body);
      function htmlBody() {
        return nl2br(html($this->body()));