PHP警告:stream\u socket\u sendto():管道破裂

PHP警告:stream\u socket\u sendto():管道破裂,php,Php,我已经为我的php脚本实现了外部类,它调用了以下警告: PHP警告:stream\u socket\u sendto():管道破裂 参考代码: /** * writes the contents of string to the file stream pointed to by handle * If an error occurs, returns FALSE. * @access protected * @param string $str


PHP警告:stream\u socket\u sendto():管道破裂


     * writes the contents of string to the file stream pointed to by handle 
     * If an error occurs, returns FALSE.
     * @access protected
     * @param string $string The string that is to be written
     * @return string Returns a result code, as an integer. 
    protected function _streamQuery($query) {
        return stream_socket_sendto($this->stream, $query . self::CRLF);