Php 如何从类调用while循环?

Php 如何从类调用while循环?,php,pdo,Php,Pdo,我有类getinfo.php和脚本welcome.php。在get info类中,我有一个函数GetAll。我想通过变量$this->first调用all first,并且只返回一个值,但我希望行中的all first。请参见下文 //script getinfo.php class GetInfo{ function getAll(){ global $conn; $sql = $conn->prepare("SELEC

我有类getinfo.php和脚本welcome.php。在get info类中,我有一个函数GetAll。我想通过变量$this->first调用all first,并且只返回一个值,但我希望行中的all first。请参见下文

    //script getinfo.php
class GetInfo{
     function getAll(){
             global $conn;
            $sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM users");
            while($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
            $this->first = $row['first'];
            $this->last = $row['last'];
            $this->email = $row['email'];

        //script welcome.php

      $info = new GetInfo();
      echo $info->first;
      //this is returning only one value, but I want to get all row values.

    class GetInfo{
        function getAll(){
            global $conn;
            $sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM users");
            while($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
                $this->first[] = $row['first'];
                $this->last[] = $row['last'];
                $this->email[] = $row['email'];
            return $this;

实际上只是将$this->first,$this->last,$this email设置为从数据库获取的每一行的新值。因此,使用$this->first时只返回一个值



//script getinfo.php
protected function getAll( $use_columns = array() ){
    global $conn;
    $sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM users");

    $sql_arr = array();
    $row_index = 0;
        while($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
            foreach($use_columns as $uc) {
                $sql_arr[$row_index][$uc] = $row[$uc];
    return $sql_arr;

 //script welcome.php

  $info = new GetInfo();
  echo $info->getAll( array('first') ); //Print out all rows with first-value
  echo $info->getAll( array('last') ); //Print out all row with last-value
  echo $info->getAll( array('first', 'last') ); //Print out all row with first and last value

注2!确保验证值,这样用户就不能输入任何值 发送到getAll函数的数组参数中

//script getinfo.php
protected function getAll( $use_columns = array() ){
    global $conn;
    $sql = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM users");

    $sql_arr = array();
    $row_index = 0;
        while($row = $sql->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){
            foreach($use_columns as $uc) {
                $sql_arr[$row_index][$uc] = $row[$uc];
    return $sql_arr;

 //script welcome.php

  $info = new GetInfo();
  echo $info->getAll( array('first') ); //Print out all rows with first-value
  echo $info->getAll( array('last') ); //Print out all row with last-value
  echo $info->getAll( array('first', 'last') ); //Print out all row with first and last value