关于简单待办事项列表的PHP if-else问题

关于简单待办事项列表的PHP if-else问题,php,mysql,Php,Mysql,待办事项清单: 我已经创建了HTML和php代码来将数据插入数据库,并从中读取数据。 数据库如下所示: task_id |task_desc |task_target |task_finished_date |task_status 40 |test p |2020-07-25 |2020-07-23 |completed $finished_tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHE

待办事项清单: 我已经创建了HTML和php代码来将数据插入数据库,并从中读取数据。 数据库如下所示:

task_id |task_desc |task_target |task_finished_date |task_status
40      |test p    |2020-07-25  |2020-07-23         |completed
    $finished_tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' AND task_finished_date < task_target ");
    $finished_failed_tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' AND task_finished_date > task_target ");
任务目标和任务完成日期在数据库中使用日期类型。 task_target在创建任务时获得值,task_finished_date在我们使用now()标记作业已完成时自动获得值:


        <?php $i = 1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) { ?>
                      if($targetd > $finished_d){ ?>
                       <td class="successful"> <?php echo $i; ?> </td>
                       <td class="successful"> <?php echo $row['task_desc']; ?> </td>
                       <td class="successful"> <?php echo $row['task_finished_date']; ?> </td> 
                  <?php  }?>
        <?php $i++; } ?>    
            <th>Failed Tasks</th>
            <th style="width: 197px;">Task finished time</th>

        <?php $i = 1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) { ?>
                      if($targetd < $finished_d){ ?>
                       <td class="failed"> <?php echo $i; ?> </td>
                       <td class="failed"> <?php echo $row['task_desc']; ?> </td>
                       <td class="failed"> <?php echo $row['task_finished_date']; ?> </td> 
                  <?php  }?>
        <?php $i++; } ?>    



    // initialize errors variable
    $errors = "";

    // connect to database
    $db = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "todo");

    // insert a quote if submit button is clicked
    if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        if (empty($_POST['task_desc'])) {
            $errors = "You must fill in the task";
            $task_desc = $_POST['task_desc'];
            $task_target = $_POST['task_target'];
            $sql = "INSERT INTO tasks (task_desc, task_target) VALUES ('$task_desc', '$task_target')";
            mysqli_query($db, $sql);
            header('location: index.php');
// delete task
    if (isset($_GET['del_task'])) {
        $task_id = $_GET['del_task'];

        mysqli_query($db, "DELETE FROM tasks WHERE task_id=".$task_id);
        header('location: index.php');
$task_id = $_GET['completed'];
    mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE tasks SET task_status = 'completed' WHERE task_id=". $task_id);
    mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE tasks SET task_finished_date = now() WHERE task_id=". $task_id);
    mysqli_query($db, "ORDER BY task_finished_date DESC ". $task_id);

    header("Location: index.php" );

    // select all tasks if page is visited or refreshed
    $tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'Active' ");


<!DOCTYPE html>

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    <title>ToDo List Application PHP and MySQL</title>
<!-- Page Content -->
    <div class="container">
        <div class="row">
            <!-- Blog Entries Column -->
              <div class="col-md-12">
    <div class="heading">
        <h2 style="font-style: 'Hervetica';">ToDo List Application PHP and MySQL database</h2>
    <form method="post" action="index.php" class="input_form">
        <?php if (isset($errors)) { ?>
            <p><?php echo $errors; ?></p>
            <?php } ?>

        <label for="task_target">Select Date:</label>
        <input type="date" class="form-control" name="task_target">
        <label for="task_desc">Describe your task:</label>
        <textarea class="form-control" name="task_desc" id="body" cols="30" rows="5"></textarea>
        <button type="submit" name="submit" id="add_btn" class="form-control">Add Task</button>
    <table class="table table-bordered">
                <th>Ongoing Tasks</th>
                <th>Target Date</th>

            <?php $i = 1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($tasks)) { ?>
                    <td> <?php echo $i; ?> </td>
                    <td> <?php echo $row['task_desc']; ?> </td>
                    <td> <?php echo $row['task_target']; ?> </td> 
                        <a href="index.php?del_task=<?php echo $row['task_id'] ?>">Delete</a> 
                        <a href="index.php?completed=<?php echo $row['task_id'] ?>">Complete</a> 
            <?php $i++; } ?>    
    $finished_tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' ");
    $finished_task_time = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT task_finished_date FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' ");
    $planned_target_time = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT task_target FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' ");         
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) {
                           $targetd = $row['task_target'];
                           $finished_d = $row['task_finished_date'];   

    <table class="table table-bordered">
                <th>Successful Tasks</th>
                <th style="width: 197px;">Task finished time</th>

            <?php $i = 1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) { ?>
                          if($targetd > $finished_d){ ?>
                           <td class="successful"> <?php echo $i; ?> </td>
                           <td class="successful"> <?php echo $row['task_desc']; ?> </td>
                           <td class="successful"> <?php echo $row['task_finished_date']; ?> </td> 
                      <?php  }?>
            <?php $i++; } ?>    
        <table class="table table-bordered">
                <th>Failed Tasks</th>
                <th style="width: 197px;">Task finished time</th>

            <?php $i = 1; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) { ?>
                          if($targetd > $finished_d){ ?>
                           <td class="failed"> <?php echo $i; ?> </td>
                           <td class="failed"> <?php echo $row['task_desc']; ?> </td>
                           <td class="failed"> <?php echo $row['task_finished_date']; ?> </td> 
                      <?php  }?>
            <?php $i++; } ?>    
           <?php } ?>




    $finished_tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' ");
$finished_task_time = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT task_finished_date FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' ");
$planned_target_time = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT task_target FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' ");         
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) {
                       $targetd = $row['task_target'];
                       $finished_d = $row['task_finished_date'];   

$i = 1; 
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) 

    if($targetd > $finished_d)

    echo $i;  
    echo $row['task_desc'];  
    echo $row['task_finished_date'];  


    $i = 1; 
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($finished_tasks)) 
    if($targetd > $finished_d)

    echo $i; 
    echo $row['task_desc']; 
    echo $row['task_finished_date']; 


  • 所有三个while循环都为$row变量赋值。这将导致一些意外结果,因为可能会跳过某些值
  • 您不适当地引用了SQL结果索引

  • 我设法找到了一个简单的办法来解决我的问题。 首先,感谢所有试图帮助我并建议有效学习方法的人。 我真的很喜欢这个地方。 因此,关于答案: 正如在begging中所描述的,任务的截止日期是在创建任务的过程中定义的,而关闭时间是在用户单击Completed按钮时到达数据库的时间。 因此,我决定将排序直接放入数据库,修改如下查询:

    task_id |task_desc |task_target |task_finished_date |task_status
    40      |test p    |2020-07-25  |2020-07-23         |completed
        $finished_tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' AND task_finished_date < task_target ");
        $finished_failed_tasks = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_status = 'completed' AND task_finished_date > task_target ");
    通过这种方式,我在$finished_tasks变量中设置了所有成功完成的任务,在$finished_failed_tasks中设置了所有失败的任务,之后在页面中的显示就很容易了。 我不太确定这是否是一个切实可行的解决方案,但以这种方式工作,我希望。 下一步是按照您的建议剥离和重构代码。 再一次,非常感谢,祝你有一个愉快的一天。

    谢谢,这不会上传到公众。仅用于学习目的。首先,尽量不要将PHP和HTML混合使用。在显示HTML之前准备好数据。不管是为谁准备的。您有一个bug,需要尽快修复。“谢谢,这不会上传到公共网站。只用于学习目的。”–Kristiyan Rumenov“然后建议您以正确的方式学习。嗨,Samuel,似乎逻辑没有像我想象的那样起作用。我没有错误,只是没有按预期工作。在我看来,它必须是这样的:读取数据库的每一行并比较两个日期,然后根据比较将每一行标记为成功或失败。我自己很难获得代码的逻辑流,这是因为不健康的PHP和HTML混合。使代码很难阅读和理解。让我再试一次。