
PHP显示复选框值,php,forms,drupal,checkbox,Php,Forms,Drupal,Checkbox,我正在用Drupal 6编写一个表单。我有一个复选框值,我需要在用户选择提交后显示该值。除此之外,屏幕上填充了所有其他字段。以下是我的复选框代码: $form['Questions']['Question3'] = array( '#description' => t('Please specify what departments you have been in contact with, if any.'), '#title' => t('3. Have you

我正在用Drupal 6编写一个表单。我有一个复选框值,我需要在用户选择提交后显示该值。除此之外,屏幕上填充了所有其他字段。以下是我的复选框代码:

$form['Questions']['Question3'] = array(
    '#description' => t('Please specify what departments you have been in contact with, if any.'),
    '#title' => t('3. Have you been in contact with other departments about this project?'),
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',

    '#options' => array(
      'Archival'=>t('Yes, I have requested archival materials'),
      'Conducting'=>t('Yes, I have been conducting research with'),

