Php 如何将对象数组类定义作为方法执行USort()?

Php 如何将对象数组类定义作为方法执行USort()?,php,arrays,object,usort,Php,Arrays,Object,Usort,使用usort的原因是按名称按字母顺序重新排列顺序,但不知何故,它要么说明函数比较需要是一个数组,要么说明另一个错误,很明显我似乎已经通过了。任何帮助都将不胜感激,提前谢谢 之所以发生这种情况,是因为usort调用中的变量不是有效数组。您在任何地方都使用$this->\u contacts,但您的usort线路是: $all -> addContact($billy); // --> ended up adding each contact manually above $all


$this->\u contacts

$all -> addContact($billy);

// --> ended up adding each contact manually above

$items = $all->getItems();
foreach($items as $contact)
    echo $contact->__toString();


usort($this->contact, 'ContactList::' . $sortFct);

usort($this->contact, 'ContactList::' . $sortFct);
usort($this->_contacts, 'ContactList::' . $sortFct);
   class Contact{      
   public $name;      
   public $bgcolor;      
   public $lgcolor;      
   public $email;
   public $element;

      public function __construct($name, $bgcolor, $lgcolor, $email, $element) 
      $this->name = $name;         
      $this->bgcolor = $bgcolor;         
      $this->lgcolor = $lgcolor;         
      $this->email = $email;  
      $this->element = $element; 


   class ContactList implements Iterator, ArrayAccess 
   public $_label;     
   public $_contacts = array();      
        public function __construct($label) 
        $this->_label = $label;     
        public function getLabel() 
        return $this->_label;     
        public function addContact(Contact $contact) 
        $this->_contacts[] = $contact;  


        public function current() 
        return current($this->_contacts);     
        public function key() 
        return key($this->_contacts);     
        public function next() 
        return next($this->_contacts);
        public function rewind() 
        return reset($this->_contacts);     
        public function valid() 
        return current($this->_contacts);     
        public function offsetGet($offset) 
        return $this->_contacts[$offset];     
        public function offsetSet($offset, $data) 
        if (!$data instanceof Contact)             
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('Only Contact objects allowed in a ContactList');          
        if ($offset == '') 
         $this->_contacts[] = $data;         
         } else 
         $this->_contacts[$offset] = $data;         
         public function offsetUnset($offset) 
         public function offsetExists($offset) {        
         return isset($this->_contacts[$offset]);    

           /* This is the comparing function to be used with usort to make it alphabetically ordered for All Contacts */

           public function sort_by($field, &$arr, $sorting='SORT_DSC', $case_insensitive=true){
           if(is_array($arr) && (count($arr)>0) && ( ( is_array($arr[0]) && isset($arr[0][$field]) ) || ( is_object($arr[0]) && isset($arr[0]->$field) ) ) ){
            if($case_insensitive==true) $strcmp_fn = "strnatcasecmp";
            else $strcmp_fn = "strnatcmp";

             $fn = create_function('$a,$b', '
              if(is_object($a) && is_object($b)){
               return '.$strcmp_fn.'($a->'.$field.', $b->'.$field.');
              }else if(is_array($a) && is_array($b)){
               return '.$strcmp_fn.'($a["'.$field.'"], $b["'.$field.'"]);
              }else return 0;

            }else if($sorting=='SORT_ASC'){

             $fn = create_function('$a,$b', '
              if(is_object($a) && is_object($b)){
               return '.$strcmp_fn.'($b->'.$field.', $a->'.$field.');
              }else if(is_array($a) && is_array($b)){
               return '.$strcmp_fn.'($b["'.$field.'"], $a["'.$field.'"]);
              }else return 0;
            usort($arr, $fn);
            return true;
            return false;
