
PHP数组:当数组的结构未知时修改一个值,php,arrays,multidimensional-array,Php,Arrays,Multidimensional Array,问题 如果事先不知道数组的结构,如何修改PHP数组中的值 示例 在下面的数组中,我必须在数组中的'system'='knoppix'部分将'fave_color'更改为'blue'。。。问题是我不知道运行时数组的结构是什么,因此我不能简单地执行以下操作: $myarray['settings']['user_prefs']['otherhost']['fave_color'] = 'blue'; 这将不起作用,因为在运行时fave_颜色的嵌套是未知的 此外,我感兴趣的fave_颜色键取决于系统





$myarray['settings']['user_prefs']['otherhost']['fave_color'] = 'blue';



'settings' => array(
      'system'    =>'unbuntu',
      'system'    =>'knoppix',

function findKnoppix(&$value, $key)
    if($value == 'knoppix') $value = 'NEW VALUE';

array_walk_recursive($myArray, 'findKnoppix');

function findKnoppix(&$value, $key)
    if($value == 'knoppix') $value = 'NEW VALUE';

array_walk_recursive($myArray, 'findKnoppix');


1) 即使必须来回转换,也可以使用XPath或本机PHP数组以外的任何东西吗?当然,要衡量性能的影响,但请尝试一下——使用中描述的查询样式可能会让您头痛,而不会产生巨大的开销

2) 你能改变阵列的结构吗?如果


 * Sets key/value pairs at any depth on an array.
 * @param $attrs an array of key/value pairs to be set/added
 * @param $data the array you want to affect
function setAttributes($attrs, &$data)
    foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) {
        if (strpos($name, '.') === false) {
            // If the array doesn't contain a special separator character,
            // just set the key/value pair. If $value is an array,
            // you will set nested key/value pairs just fine.
            $data[$name] = $value;
        } else {
            // In this case we're trying to target a specific nested key
            // without overwriting any other siblings/ancestors. The period
            // is my separator character -- you can change it to any unique
            // string that is invalid for a key in your system.
            $keys = explode('.', $name);
            // Set the root of the tree.
            $opt_tree =& $data;
            // Start traversing the tree using the specified keys.
            while ($key = array_shift($keys)) {
                // If there are more keys after the current one...
                if ($keys) {
                    if (!isset($opt_tree[$key]) || !is_array($opt_tree[$key])) {
                        // Create this node if it doesn't already exist.
                        $opt_tree[$key] = array();
                    // Here's the fun bit -- redefine the "root" of the tree
                    // (assignment by reference) then process the next key.
                    $opt_tree =& $opt_tree[$key];
                } else {
                    // This is the last key to check, so assign the value.
                    $opt_tree[$key] = $value;

$x = array();
setAttributes(array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => array('quux', 42)), $x);
print_r($x); // $x has the same structure as the first argument
setAttributes(array('jif.snee' => 'hello world'), $x);
print_r($x); // $x now has a jif key whose value is snee => hello world
    // if jif.snee already existed, this call would have overwritten
    // that value without modifying any other values


1) 即使必须来回转换,也可以使用XPath或本机PHP数组以外的任何东西吗?当然,要衡量性能的影响,但请尝试一下——使用中描述的查询样式可能会让您头痛,而不会产生巨大的开销

2) 你能改变阵列的结构吗?如果


 * Sets key/value pairs at any depth on an array.
 * @param $attrs an array of key/value pairs to be set/added
 * @param $data the array you want to affect
function setAttributes($attrs, &$data)
    foreach ($attrs as $name => $value) {
        if (strpos($name, '.') === false) {
            // If the array doesn't contain a special separator character,
            // just set the key/value pair. If $value is an array,
            // you will set nested key/value pairs just fine.
            $data[$name] = $value;
        } else {
            // In this case we're trying to target a specific nested key
            // without overwriting any other siblings/ancestors. The period
            // is my separator character -- you can change it to any unique
            // string that is invalid for a key in your system.
            $keys = explode('.', $name);
            // Set the root of the tree.
            $opt_tree =& $data;
            // Start traversing the tree using the specified keys.
            while ($key = array_shift($keys)) {
                // If there are more keys after the current one...
                if ($keys) {
                    if (!isset($opt_tree[$key]) || !is_array($opt_tree[$key])) {
                        // Create this node if it doesn't already exist.
                        $opt_tree[$key] = array();
                    // Here's the fun bit -- redefine the "root" of the tree
                    // (assignment by reference) then process the next key.
                    $opt_tree =& $opt_tree[$key];
                } else {
                    // This is the last key to check, so assign the value.
                    $opt_tree[$key] = $value;

$x = array();
setAttributes(array('foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => array('quux', 42)), $x);
print_r($x); // $x has the same structure as the first argument
setAttributes(array('jif.snee' => 'hello world'), $x);
print_r($x); // $x now has a jif key whose value is snee => hello world
    // if jif.snee already existed, this call would have overwritten
    // that value without modifying any other values
