Php 使大型加工作业变小

Php 使大型加工作业变小,php,zend-framework,recursion,iteration,Php,Zend Framework,Recursion,Iteration,这是我在寻找解决方案时使用的代码 public function indexAction() { //id3 options $options = array("version" => 3.0, "encoding" => Zend_Media_Id3_Encoding::ISO88591, "compat" => true); //path to collection $path = APPLICATI


 public function indexAction()
        //id3 options
        $options = array("version" => 3.0, "encoding" => Zend_Media_Id3_Encoding::ISO88591, "compat" => true);
        //path to collection
        $path = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../public/Media/Music/';//Currently Approx 2000 files
        //inner iterator
        $dir = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
        $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($dir, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
        foreach ($iterator as $file) {
            if (!$file->isDir() && $file->getExtension() === 'mp3') {
                //real path to mp3 file
                $filePath = $file->getRealPath();
                Zend_Debug::dump($filePath);//current results: accepted path no errors
                $id3 = new Zend_Media_Id3v2($filePath, $options);
                foreach ($id3->getFramesByIdentifier("T*") as $frame) {
                    $data[$frame->identifier] = $frame->text;
                Zend_Debug::dump($data);//currently can scan the whole collection without timing out, but APIC data not being processed.


由于Zend Framework 1.x处理输出缓冲的方式,很难输出文件正在处理的指示符。在旧式PHP脚本中,没有输出缓冲,您可以在循环的每次迭代中打印出一点html,并显示一些进度指示












class Postpone extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract

    private $tail;

    private $callback;

    function __construct ($callback = array())
        $this->callback = $callback;

    public function setRequest (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
         * We use layout, which essentially contains some html and a placeholder for action output.
         * We put the marker into this placeholder in order to figure out "the tail" -- the part of layout that goes after placeholder.
        $mark = '---cut-here--';
        $layout = $this->getLayout ();

        $layout->content = $mark;

         * Now we have it.
        $this->tail = preg_replace ("/.*$mark/s", '', $layout->render ());

    public function postDispatch (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
        $response = $this->getResponse ();

        $response->sendHeaders ();

         * The layout generates its output to the default section of the response.
         * This output inludes "the tail".
         * We don't need this tail shown right now, because we have callback to do.
         * So we remove it here for a while, but we'll show it later.
        echo substr ($this->getResponse ()
            ->getBody ('default'), 0, - strlen ($this->tail));

         * Since we have just echoed the result, we don't need it in the response. Do we?
            Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance ()->returnResponse(true);
        $response->clearBody ();

         * Now to business.
         * We execute that calculation intensive callback.
        if (! empty ($this->callback) && is_callable ($this->callback))
            call_user_func ($this->callback);

         * We sure don't want to leave behind the tail.
         * Output it so html looks consistent.
        echo $this->tail;

     * Returns layout object
    function getLayout ()
        $layout_plugin = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance ()->getPlugin ('Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout');
        return $layout = $layout_plugin->getLayout ();

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

     * This is a calculation intensive action
    public function indexAction ()
         * Zend_Layout in its current implementation accumulates whole action output inside itself.
         * This fact hampers out intention to gradually output the result.
         * What we do here is we defer execution of our intensive calculation in form of callback into the Postpone plugin.
         * The scenario is:
         * 1. Application started
         * 2. Layout is started
         * 3. Action gets executed (except callback) and its output is collected by layout.
         * 4. Layout output goes to response.
         * 5. Postpone::postDispatch outputs first part of the response (without the tail).
         * 6. Postpone::postDispatch calls the callback. Its output goes stright to browser.
         * 7. Postpone::postDispatch prints the tail.
        $this->getFrontController ()
            ->registerPlugin (new Postpone (function  ()
             * A calculation immigration
             * Put your actual calculations here.
        echo str_repeat(" ", 5000);
        foreach (range (1, 500) as $x)
            echo "<p>$x</p><br />\n";
        }), 1000);
echo substr($this->getResponse()
$layout\u plugin=Zend\u Controller\u Front::getInstance()->getPlugin('Zend\u layout\u Controller\u plugin\u layout');

    echo "<strong>there are background process running.</strong>";
} else {
    echo "<strong>no background process running.</strong>";
class Postpone extends Zend_Controller_Plugin_Abstract

    private $tail;

    private $callback;

    function __construct ($callback = array())
        $this->callback = $callback;

    public function setRequest (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
         * We use layout, which essentially contains some html and a placeholder for action output.
         * We put the marker into this placeholder in order to figure out "the tail" -- the part of layout that goes after placeholder.
        $mark = '---cut-here--';
        $layout = $this->getLayout ();

        $layout->content = $mark;

         * Now we have it.
        $this->tail = preg_replace ("/.*$mark/s", '', $layout->render ());

    public function postDispatch (Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
        $response = $this->getResponse ();

        $response->sendHeaders ();

         * The layout generates its output to the default section of the response.
         * This output inludes "the tail".
         * We don't need this tail shown right now, because we have callback to do.
         * So we remove it here for a while, but we'll show it later.
        echo substr ($this->getResponse ()
            ->getBody ('default'), 0, - strlen ($this->tail));

         * Since we have just echoed the result, we don't need it in the response. Do we?
            Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance ()->returnResponse(true);
        $response->clearBody ();

         * Now to business.
         * We execute that calculation intensive callback.
        if (! empty ($this->callback) && is_callable ($this->callback))
            call_user_func ($this->callback);

         * We sure don't want to leave behind the tail.
         * Output it so html looks consistent.
        echo $this->tail;

     * Returns layout object
    function getLayout ()
        $layout_plugin = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance ()->getPlugin ('Zend_Layout_Controller_Plugin_Layout');
        return $layout = $layout_plugin->getLayout ();

class IndexController extends Zend_Controller_Action

     * This is a calculation intensive action
    public function indexAction ()
         * Zend_Layout in its current implementation accumulates whole action output inside itself.
         * This fact hampers out intention to gradually output the result.
         * What we do here is we defer execution of our intensive calculation in form of callback into the Postpone plugin.
         * The scenario is:
         * 1. Application started
         * 2. Layout is started
         * 3. Action gets executed (except callback) and its output is collected by layout.
         * 4. Layout output goes to response.
         * 5. Postpone::postDispatch outputs first part of the response (without the tail).
         * 6. Postpone::postDispatch calls the callback. Its output goes stright to browser.
         * 7. Postpone::postDispatch prints the tail.
        $this->getFrontController ()
            ->registerPlugin (new Postpone (function  ()
             * A calculation immigration
             * Put your actual calculations here.
        echo str_repeat(" ", 5000);
        foreach (range (1, 500) as $x)
            echo "<p>$x</p><br />\n";
        }), 1000);