Warning: file_get_contents(/data/phpspider/zhask/data//catemap/8/mysql/60.json): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 167

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/tag.function.php on line 1116

Notice: Undefined index: in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 180

Warning: array_chunk() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /data/phpspider/zhask/libs/function.php on line 181
Php 通过SOAP检索数据并将其发送到MYSQL数据库_Php_Mysql_Web Services_Soap_Wsdl - Fatal编程技术网

Php 通过SOAP检索数据并将其发送到MYSQL数据库

Php 通过SOAP检索数据并将其发送到MYSQL数据库,php,mysql,web-services,soap,wsdl,Php,Mysql,Web Services,Soap,Wsdl,我想通过SOAP从我们的PBX系统接收一些数据,并将它们发送到我们的Mysql数据库。根据我的脚本,我能够在浏览器中显示相关数据。但是,我需要将一些数据写入Mysql数据库。例如:电话号码是:e164,当个人ID与PBX中的相同时,我需要将其写入Mysql数据库。是否可以将电话号码保存在一个数组中,然后将其发送回Mysql数据库?我有什么选择?我还为另一个任务编写了一个自动CSV导入,我可以使用它。因此,它还可以通过PHP SKcript将数据导出到CSV,然后上传。但我更喜欢直接同步。 提前谢

我想通过SOAP从我们的PBX系统接收一些数据,并将它们发送到我们的Mysql数据库。根据我的脚本,我能够在浏览器中显示相关数据。但是,我需要将一些数据写入Mysql数据库。例如:电话号码是:e164,当个人ID与PBX中的相同时,我需要将其写入Mysql数据库。是否可以将电话号码保存在一个数组中,然后将其发送回Mysql数据库?我有什么选择?我还为另一个任务编写了一个自动CSV导入,我可以使用它。因此,它还可以通过PHP SKcript将数据导出到CSV,然后上传。但我更喜欢直接同步。 提前谢谢。如果你需要更多的信息,请告诉我




// get the wrapper class

//  Display Error

// dummy classes to map SOAP results to (really would love to use namespaces here...)
// you can add methods and variables to these classes as needed
class innoUserInfo { };
class innoCallInfo { };
class innoAnyInfo { };
class innoGroup { };
class innoNo { };
class innoInfo { };

// Connectiondetails for Mysql Database
define('DB_USERNAME', 'root');
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'XXXXXX');
define('DB_DATABASE', 'Phonedatabase');

// Phonedatabase Connection Details. Soap User for connect
$server = "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX";
$user = "XXX";
// User for login
$httpu = "XXX";
// Password
$httpp = "XXX";

    if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

$inno = new innoPBX($server, $httpu, $httpp, $user,
        array('classmap' => array("UserInfo" => "innoUserInfo", 
                "CallInfo" => "innoCallInfo",
                "AnyInfo" => "innoAnyInfo",
                "Group" => "innoGroup",
                "No" => "innoNo",
                "Info" => "innoInfo",
if ($inno->key() == 0) die("failed to login to PBX");

// get version info
$v = $inno->Version();

function showInfos(&$poll, $head, $cn = "", $user = "", $call = "") {
    print $head . "\n";
    if ($cn !== null) {
    print count($poll->user) . " UserInfos\n";
    foreach($poll->user as $ui) {
        if (($cn === "") || ($cn == $ui->cn)) {
        print "     {$ui->cn} ({$ui->h323} #{$ui->e164}) state {$ui->state}\n";
    if ($call !== null) {
    print count($poll->call) . " CallInfos\n";
    foreach($poll->call as $ci) {
        if ((($user === "") || ($user == $ci->user)) &&
        (($call === "") || ($call == $ci->call))) {
            print "    {$ci->user}/{$ci->call} {$ci->No[1]->h323} #{$ci->No[1]->e164} (remote {$ci->No[0]->h323} #{$ci->No[0]->e164}) msg {$ci->msg}\n";

print "Retrieving User list for "; foreach ($v as $name => $value) print "\n  $name=$value "; print "...\n\n";
$seen = false;
$i = 1;
while (!$seen) {
    $p = $inno->Poll($inno->session());
    showInfos($p, "Poll() result #$i", "", null, null); $i++;
    if ($p->user[count($p->user)-1]->cn == "") {
    // we have seen all entries
    print " --- END OF LIST ---\n\n";
    $seen = true;



// innovaphone PBX SOAP API PHP wrapper class

class innoPBX extends SOAPClient {

    protected $___key;      // the session key
    protected $___session;  // the session id

    protected $___options = array(
                // default SOAPClient::__construct options used by the class
    "connection_timeout" => 10,
    "exceptions" => true,

    const ___wsdl = 'http://www.innovaphone.com/wsdl/pbx900.wsdl';

    // class constructor
    public function __construct(
    $server,    // the PBX IP
    $httpu,     // the HTTP user id (e.g. "admin")
    $httpp,     // the HTTP password (e.g. "ip800")
    $user = null,       // the PBX user CN to work with 
    $options = null,
            // extra or overriding options for SOAPClient::__construct
    $wsdl = null    // the wsdl file location
    ) { 
    $wsdl = ($wsdl === null) ? self::___wsdl : $wsdl;
    $usedoptions = array(           // forced options
        'login' => $httpu,
        'password' => $httpp,
        'location' => "http://$server/PBX0/user.soap",
    if (is_array($options)) $usedoptions += $options;   
                        // merge in user options
    $usedoptions += $this->___options;  // merged in class global options

    // construct parent class
    parent::__construct($wsdl, $usedoptions);

    // get the connection (using and activating v9 wsdl)
    $init = $this->Initialize($user, "PHP SOAP Wrapper", true, true, true, true, true);
    $this->___key = $init['key'];
    $this->___session = $init['return'];

    public function key() { return $this->___key; }
    public function session() { return $this->___session; }


foreach($poll->user as $ui) {
  if (($cn === "") || ($cn == $ui->cn)) {
        print "     {$ui->cn} ({$ui->h323} #{$ui->e164}) state {$ui->state}\n";
