Php 问题! class Order { ... public function save($conn = null) { $customer = $this->getCustomer(); $customer->setOrdersCount

Php 问题! class Order { ... public function save($conn = null) { $customer = $this->getCustomer(); $customer->setOrdersCount,php,orm,symfony1,propel,Php,Orm,Symfony1,Propel,问题! class Order { ... public function save($conn = null) { $customer = $this->getCustomer(); $customer->setOrdersCount($customer->getOrdersCount() + 1); $custoner->save(); parent::save(); } ... } <?php class TablePeer extends

class Order {
  public function save($conn = null) {
    $customer = $this->getCustomer();
    $customer->setOrdersCount($customer->getOrdersCount() + 1);

class TablePeer extends BaseTablePeer
    public static function selectWithCalculatedColumns()
        //  Do our custom selection, still using propel's column data constants
        $sql = "
            SELECT " . implode( ', ', self::getFieldNames( BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME ) ) . "
                 , count(" . JoinedTablePeer::ID . ") AS calc_col
              FROM " . self::TABLE_NAME . "
              LEFT JOIN " . JoinedTablePeer::TABLE_NAME . "
                ON " . JoinedTablePeer::ID . " = " . self::FKEY_COLUMN

        //  Get the result set
        $conn   = Propel::getConnection();
        $stmt   = $conn->prepareStatement( $sql );
        $rs = $stmt->executeQuery( array(), ResultSet::FETCHMODE_NUM );

        //  Create an empty rowset
        $rowset = array();

        //  Iterate over the result set
        while ( $rs->next() )
            //  Create each row individually
            $row = new Table();
            $startcol = $row->hydrate( $rs );

            //  Use our custom setter to populate the new column
            $row->setCalcCol( $row->get( $startcol ) );
            $rowset[] = $row;
        return $rowset;

  customer_id: # links to customer table automagically
  completed: { type: boolean, default false }
  // in lib/model/Customer.php
  class Customer extends BaseCustomer
    public function CountOrders()
      $connection = Propel::getConnection();
      $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM %s WHERE customer_id='%s'";
      $statement = $connection->prepareStatement(sprintf($query, CustomerPeer::TABLE_NAME, $this->getId());
      $resultset = $statement->executeQuery();
      return $resultset->getInt('count');
// in peer
public static function locationAsEWKTColumnIndex()
    return GeographyPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - GeographyPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS;

public static function polygonAsEWKTColumnIndex()
    return GeographyPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - GeographyPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS + 1;

public static function addSelectColumns(Criteria $criteria)
    $criteria->addAsColumn("locationAsEWKT", "AsEWKT(" . GeographyPeer::LOCATION . ")");
    $criteria->addAsColumn("polygonAsEWKT", "AsEWKT(" . GeographyPeer::POLYGON . ")");
// in object
public function hydrate($row, $startcol = 0, $rehydrate = false)
    $r = parent::hydrate($row, $startcol, $rehydrate);
    if ($row[GeographyPeer::locationAsEWKTColumnIndex()])   // load GIS info from DB IFF the location field is populated. NOTE: These fields are either both NULL or both NOT NULL, so this IF is OK
        $this->location_ = GeoPoint::PointFromEWKT($row[GeographyPeer::locationAsEWKTColumnIndex()]); // load gis data from extra select columns See GeographyPeer::addSelectColumns().
        $this->polygon_ = GeoMultiPolygon::MultiPolygonFromEWKT($row[GeographyPeer::polygonAsEWKTColumnIndex()]); // load gis data from extra select columns See GeographyPeer::addSelectColumns().
    return $r;
foreach ($pager->getResults() as $project):

 echo $project->getName() . ' and ' . $project->getNumMembers()

// symfony_behaviors behavior
foreach (sfMixer::getCallables(self::getMixerPreSelectHook(__FUNCTION__)) as $sf_hook)
  call_user_func($sf_hook, 'BaseTsProjectPeer', $criteria, $con);
// copied into ProjectPeer - overrides BaseProjectPeer::doSelectJoinUser()
public static function doSelectJoinUser(Criteria $criteria, ...)
   // copied from parent method, along with everything else
   $startcol = (ProjectPeer::NUM_COLUMNS - ProjectPeer::NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS);

   // now add our custom COUNT column after all other columns have been added
   // so as to not screw up Propel's position matching system when hydrating
   // the Project and User objects.
   $criteria->addSelectColumn('COUNT(' . ProjectMemberPeer::ID . ')');

   // now add the GROUP BY clause to count members by project

   // more parent code


   // until we get to this bit inside the hydrating loop:

   $obj1 = new $cls();

   // AND...hydrate our custom COUNT property (the last column)
   $obj1->setNumMembers($row[count($row) - 1]);

   // more code copied from parent


   return $results;         