Php 查询和返回不同的值&;数量之和

Php 查询和返回不同的值&;数量之和,php,mysql,sql,symfony,doctrine-orm,Php,Mysql,Sql,Symfony,Doctrine Orm,我在Symfony 2中有一个查询,我试图从一个包含联接的表中只返回唯一值以及这些唯一值的总和 例如: Inventory Table: id | product_id | qty | warehouse_id ---------------------------------------- 1 | 123 | 5 | 1 2 | 123 | 5 | 1 3 | 123 | 5 | 1 4 | 234 | 5

我在Symfony 2中有一个查询,我试图从一个包含联接的表中只返回唯一值以及这些唯一值的总和


Inventory Table: 

id | product_id | qty  | warehouse_id
1  | 123        | 5    | 1
2  | 123        | 5    | 1
3  | 123        | 5    | 1
4  | 234        | 5    | 1 
5  | 345        | 5    | 1
6  | 345        | 5    | 1
7  | 345        | 5    | 1  
8  | 345        | 5    | 1  
9  | 345        | 5    | 1  
10 | 345        | 5    | 1  

Product Table: 

id   | name       | sku        | description    |
123  | Test 123   | Test 123   | Test 123
234  | Test 234   | Test 234   | Test 234
345  | Test 345   | Test 345   | Test 345

product_id: 123   qty: 15
product_id: 234   qty: 5
product_id: 345   qty: 30
这是我的全部疑问。。。我只是不太确定如何在Symfony 2中使用该学说来实现这一点。谢谢你的帮助

$search_string = trim($search_string);
$em = $this->getEntityManager();
$query = $em->createQuery("
    SELECT    i, p, il, w
    FROM      WIC\InventoryBundle\Entity\Inventory i
    LEFT JOIN i.product p
    LEFT JOIN i.inventoryLocation il
    LEFT JOIN il.warehouse w
    WHERE     ( LIKE :tag OR p.sku LIKE :tag OR p.description LIKE :tag)
    AND       p.account = :account_id
    AND       il.warehouse = :location_id");
    'tag'           => "%$search_string%",
    'account_id'    => $account_id,
    'location_id'    => $location_id
return $query->getArrayResult();

$search_string = trim($search_string);
$q = $this->getEntityManager()
$query = $q->select('SUM(DISTINCT(i.qty))')
    ->leftJoin('i.product', 'p')
    ->leftJoin('i.inventoryLocation', 'il')
    ->where($q->exp()->like('', ':tag')
    ->orWhere($q->exp()->like('p.sku', ':tag')
    ->orWhere($q->exp()->like('p.description', ':tag')
    ->andWhere('p.account = :account_id')
    ->andWhere('il.warehouse = :location_id')
    ->setParameter('tag', $q->expr()->literal("%$search_string%"))
    ->setParameter('account_id', $account_id)
    ->setParameter('location_id', $location_id)

return $query->getResult();