Prolog 向列表中的每个元素添加编号

Prolog 向列表中的每个元素添加编号,prolog,Prolog,我试图给列表和子列表中的每个元素添加一个数字。列表还包含一个树。函子不能是数字,只有叶子可以是数字 % Checking if element in a list is a tree istree(H) :- istree(_,F). istree(_,F) :- isforest(F). isforest([]). isforest([T|Ts]) :- istree(T), isforest(Ts). 当我尝试运行查询时,它失败了。 任何帮助都将不胜感激。我喜欢istree/1和isfor


% Checking if element in a list is a tree
istree(H) :- istree(_,F).
istree(_,F) :- isforest(F).
isforest([T|Ts]) :- istree(T), isforest(Ts).


istree([H|T]) :- 
   (number(H) ; istree(H)), 



istree(E) :- number(E).
istree([H|T]) :- isforest([H|T]).

% base case: empty list
addToTree([], _, []).

% case 1: head is a number
addToTree([H|T], N, [HN|Rest]) :- 
  HN is H+N, 
  addToTree(T, N, Rest).

% case 2: head is a list
addToTree([H|T], N, [NH|Rest]) :- 
  addToTree(H, N, NH), 
  addToTree(T, N, Rest).


我试图给列表和子列表中的每个元素添加一个数字。 该列表还包含一个树,函子不能是数字,只有叶子可以是数字

% Checking if element in a list is a tree
istree(H) :- istree(_,F).
istree(_,F) :- isforest(F).
isforest([T|Ts]) :- istree(T), isforest(Ts).

increment( X , Y , Z ) :- number(X)   , ! , Z is X+Y ) .
increment( X , Y , Z ) :- var(X)      , ! , Z = X .
increment( X , Y , Z ) :- atomic(X)   , ! . Z = X . % atomic terms, including the empty list, remain unchanged.
increment( X , Y , Z ) :- compound(X) , ! ,         % otherwise, we have a compound term, including a non-empty list...
  X =.. [Functor|Args] ,                            % - decompose the compound term into its functor and argument list
  increment(Args,Y,Args1) ,                         % - increment the argument list
  Z =.. [Functor|Args1] ,                           % - assemble the new, incremented compound term
  .                                                 % Easy!
increment( []     , _ , []     ) :-
increment( [X|Xs] , Y , [Z|Zs] ) :-
  transform( X  ,Y , Z  ) ,
  increment( Xs ,Y , Zs )

transform(X,Y,Z) :- var(X)      , ! , Z = X .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- number(X)   , ! , Z is X+Y .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- is_list(X)  , ! , increment(X,Y,Z) .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- atomic(X)   , ! , Z = Z .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- compound(X) , ! ,
  X =.. [F|As] ,       % - decompose the compound term into its functor and list of arguments
  increment(As,Y,A1) , % - increment the argument list
  Z =.. [F|A1]         % - assemble the incremented compount term
  .                    % Easy!
您不需要对列表进行明确性测试,因为空列表只是原子“[]”,而非空列表[Head | Tail]只是序言中术语“.”Head,Tail的语法糖,按照惯例,Tail是空列表[]或另一个非空列表



increment( X , Y , Z ) :- number(X)   , ! , Z is X+Y ) .
increment( X , Y , Z ) :- var(X)      , ! , Z = X .
increment( X , Y , Z ) :- atomic(X)   , ! . Z = X . % atomic terms, including the empty list, remain unchanged.
increment( X , Y , Z ) :- compound(X) , ! ,         % otherwise, we have a compound term, including a non-empty list...
  X =.. [Functor|Args] ,                            % - decompose the compound term into its functor and argument list
  increment(Args,Y,Args1) ,                         % - increment the argument list
  Z =.. [Functor|Args1] ,                           % - assemble the new, incremented compound term
  .                                                 % Easy!
increment( []     , _ , []     ) :-
increment( [X|Xs] , Y , [Z|Zs] ) :-
  transform( X  ,Y , Z  ) ,
  increment( Xs ,Y , Zs )

transform(X,Y,Z) :- var(X)      , ! , Z = X .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- number(X)   , ! , Z is X+Y .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- is_list(X)  , ! , increment(X,Y,Z) .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- atomic(X)   , ! , Z = Z .
transform(X,Y,Z) :- compound(X) , ! ,
  X =.. [F|As] ,       % - decompose the compound term into its functor and list of arguments
  increment(As,Y,A1) , % - increment the argument list
  Z =.. [F|A1]         % - assemble the incremented compount term
  .                    % Easy!
is_list/1是SWI Prolog的内置谓词。如果你的序言没有一个,那么你可以自己写一个。这里有两个实现

这是对倦怠的详尽测试。它验证了列表的整个递归定义:列表是atom[]或非空列表[H | T],其中T本身就是一个列表。这是SWI Prolog使用的实现:

is_list(  X    ) :- var(X) , ! , fail . % variables are not lists
is_list(  []   ) .                      % the empty list
is_list( [_|T] ) :- is_list(T) .        % a non-empty list has a tail that is itself a list

is_list(  X     ) :- var(X) , ! , fail . % variables are not lists
is_list(  []    ) .                      % the empty list
is_list(  [_|_] ) .                      % a non-empty list
