Python 2.7 Python:导入可视化模块失败

Python 2.7 Python:导入可视化模块失败,python-2.7,visualization,Python 2.7,Visualization,我试图用Python实现Chameleon的algrorithm。 我还下载了requires模块,但一个名为“可视化”的模块给我发出警告消息 import pandas as pd from visualization import * from chameleon import * # get a set of data points df = pd.read_csv('/path to/two_squares.csv', delimiter=' ', header=No



    import pandas as pd
from visualization import *
from chameleon import *

    # get a set of data points
df = pd.read_csv('/path to/two_squares.csv', delimiter=' ', header=None, names=['x', 'y'])

    # create knn graph
graph = knn_graph(df, 6, verbose=True)

    # partition graph
graph = part_graph(graph, 6, df)

    # merge clusters
while merge_best(graph, df, 1, verbose=True):

WARNING:root:Failed to import geometry msgs in
WARNING:root:Failed to import ros dependencies in
WARNING:root:autolab_core not installed as catkin package, RigidTransform ros methods will be unavailable
WARNING:root:autolab_perception is not installed as a catkin package - ROS msg conversions will not be available for image wrappers
WARNING:root:autolab_perception is not installed as a catkin package - ROS msg conversions will not be available for image wrappers

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我正在使用Python 2.7
