Python 3.x 形状[0]和形状[1]在python中做什么?

Python 3.x 形状[0]和形状[1]在python中做什么?,python-3.x,Python 3.x,在python中,[0]返回维度,但在这段代码中,它返回集合的总数。有人能告诉我形状[0]和形状[1]的作品吗 代码: 输出: Number of training examples: m_train = 209 Number of testing examples: m_test = 50 Height/Width of each image: num_px = 64 Each image is of size: (64, 64, 3) train_set_x shape: (209,




Number of training examples: m_train = 209

Number of testing examples: m_test = 50

Height/Width of each image: num_px = 64

Each image is of size: (64, 64, 3)

train_set_x shape: (209, 64, 64, 3)

train_set_y shape: (1, 209)

test_set_x shape: (50, 64, 64, 3)

test_set_y shape: (1, 50)



Number of training examples: m_train = 209

Number of testing examples: m_test = 50

Height/Width of each image: num_px = 64

Each image is of size: (64, 64, 3)

train_set_x shape: (209, 64, 64, 3)

train_set_y shape: (1, 209)

test_set_x shape: (50, 64, 64, 3)

test_set_y shape: (1, 50)