Python 如何通过tkinter删除SQL数据库中的多个数据项?

Python 如何通过tkinter删除SQL数据库中的多个数据项?,python,sqlite,tkinter,Python,Sqlite,Tkinter,我创建了一个基于tkinter的应用程序,用户可以创建条目并根据需要进行修改。此应用程序与SQLite交互以存储数据。但是,我有一个问题,就是通过tkinter删除SQL数据库中的多个数据项。您可以检查以下代码: from tkinter import * import backendv2 def get_selected_row(event): try: global selected_tuple index=list1.curselection()[


from tkinter import *
import backendv2

def get_selected_row(event):
        global selected_tuple
    except IndexError:

def view_command():                             #View button function
    list1.delete(0,END)                         #Delete items in listbox
    for row in backendv2.view():                  #loop for getting data in SQLite database    
        list1.insert(END,row)              #Insert data to listbox

def search_command():                           #Search button function
    list1.delete(0,END)                         #Delete items in listbox    
    for row in backendv2.Search(Buildingcallsign_text.get()):         #loop for fetching data in SQLite database based on search value
        list1.insert(END,row)              #Insert data in listbox    

def add_command():                              #Add entry button function
                        SE_Prism.get(),NS_Distance.get(),WE_Distance.get(),Station_ID.get(),Variable_ID.get())      #Calculate and insert data to database based on user's entry

def delete_all():

def reconnect():

def Export_file():

def delete_command():

def update_command():

window=Tk()                 #Initiate the app

window.wm_title("Virtual Variable")             #Name of the App

l1=Label(window,text="Building callsign")       #Building callsign label
l1.grid(row=0,column=0)                         #Setup location for Building callsign label    

l2=Label(window,text="All Prisms")              #All Prisms label
l2.grid(row=0,column=2)                         #Setup location for All Prisms label

l3=Label(window,text="NW Prism")                #NW Prism label
l3.grid(row=1,column=0)                         #Setup location for NW Prism

l4=Label(window,text="NE Prism")                #NE Prism label
l4.grid(row=1,column=2)                         #Setup location for NE Prism

l5=Label(window,text="SW Prism")                #SW Prism label
l5.grid(row=2,column=0)                         #Setup location for SW Prism

l6=Label(window,text="SE Prism")                #SE Prism label
l6.grid(row=2,column=2)                         #Setup location for SE Prism

l7=Label(window,text="NS Distance")             #NS Distance label
l7.grid(row=3,column=0)                         #Setup location for NS Distance

l8=Label(window,text="WE Distance")             #WE Distance label
l8.grid(row=3,column=2)                         #Setup location for WE Distance

l9=Label(window,text="Station ID")              #Station ID label
l9.grid(row=4,column=0)                         #Setup location for Station ID

l10=Label(window,text="Variable ID")            #Variable ID label
l10.grid(row=4,column=2)                        #Setup location for Variable ID

Buildingcallsign_text=StringVar()               #Create a StringVar object
e1=Entry(window,textvariable=Buildingcallsign_text,width=40)    #Create Building callsign entry box widget
e1.grid(row=0,column=1)                         #Setup Building callsign entry box widget location

AllPrisms=StringVar()                           #Create a StringVar object
e2=Entry(window,textvariable=AllPrisms,width=40)    #Create AllPrisms entry box widget
e2.grid(row=0,column=3)                         #Setup AllPrisms entry box widget location

NW_Prism=StringVar()                            #Create a StringVar object
e3=Entry(window,textvariable=NW_Prism,width=40) #Create NW Prism entry box widget
e3.grid(row=1,column=1)                         #Setup location for NW Prism entry box widget

NE_Prism=StringVar()                            #Create a StringVar object
e4=Entry(window,textvariable=NE_Prism,width=40) #Create NE Prism entry box widget
e4.grid(row=1,column=3)                         #Setup location for NE Prism entry box widget

SW_Prism=StringVar()                            #Create a StringVar object
e5=Entry(window,textvariable=SW_Prism,width=40) #Create SW Prism entry box widget
e5.grid(row=2,column=1)                         #Setup location for SW Prism entry box widget

SE_Prism=StringVar()                            #Create a StringVar object
e6=Entry(window,textvariable=SE_Prism,width=40) #Create SE Prism entry box widget
e6.grid(row=2,column=3)                         #Setup location for SE Prism entry box widget

NS_Distance=StringVar()                         #Create a StringVar object
e7=Entry(window,textvariable=NS_Distance,width=40)  #Create Ns Prism entry box widget
e7.grid(row=3,column=1)                         #Setup location for NS Prism entry box widget

WE_Distance=StringVar()                         #Create a StringVar object
e8=Entry(window,textvariable=WE_Distance,width=40)  #Create WE Prism entry box widget
e8.grid(row=3,column=3)                         #Setup location for WE Prism entry box widget

Station_ID=StringVar()                          #Create a StringVar object
e9=Entry(window,textvariable=Station_ID,width=40)   #Create Station ID Prism entry box widget
e9.grid(row=4,column=1)                         #Setup location for Station ID Prism entry box widget

Variable_ID=StringVar()                         #Create a StringVar object
e10=Entry(window,textvariable=Variable_ID,width=40) #Create Variable ID Prism entry box widget
e10.grid(row=4,column=3)                        #Setup location for Variable ID Prism entry box widget

list1=Listbox(window, height=9,width=55, selectmode=EXTENDED)            #Create a listbox and setup its size
list1.grid(row=5,column=0,rowspan=7,columnspan=2)   #Setup listbox location

sb1=Scrollbar(window)                               #Create a vertical scrollbar for the listbox
sb1.grid(row=6,column=2,rowspan=4,sticky="NS")      #Setup the scrollbar's location and size - extends from top to bottom    

list1.configure(yscrollcommand=sb1.set)             #Attach the vertical scrollbar to the listbox
sb1.configure(command=list1.yview)                  #Setup scrollbar for vertical scrolling

sb2=Scrollbar(window, orient='horizontal')          #Create a horizontal scrollbar for the listbox
sb2.grid(row=11,column=0,columnspan=2,sticky="WE")  #Setup the scrollbar's location and size - extends from left to right

list1.configure(xscrollcommand=sb2.set)             #Attach the horizontal scrollbar to the listbox
sb2.configure(command=list1.xview)                  #Setup scrollbar for horizontal scrolling


b1=Button(window,text="Add Entry",width=12,command=add_command)         #Create the Add Entry button and assign to the add_command function above
b1.grid(row=5,column=3)                                                 #Setup the Add Entru button's location    

b2=Button(window,text="Search Entry",width=12, command=search_command)  #Create the Search Entry button and assign to the search_command above
b2.grid(row=6,column=3)                                                 #Setup the Search Entry button's location

b3=Button(window,text="View All",width=12,command=view_command)         #Create the View All button and assign to the view_command above    
b3.grid(row=7,column=3)                                                 #Setup the View All button's location

b4=Button(window,text="Update",width=12,command=update_command)                                #Create the Update button
b4.grid(row=8,column=3)                                                 #Setup the Update button's location    

b5=Button(window,text="Delete",width=12,command=delete_command)             #Create the Delete button
b5.grid(row=9,column=3)                                                 #Setup the Delete button's location

b6=Button(window,text="Export",width=12,command=Export_file)            #Create the Export button
b6.grid(row=10,column=3)                                                #Setup the Export button's location

b7=Button(window,text="Close",width=12,command=window.destroy)               #Create the Close button
b7.grid(row=11,column=3)                                                #Setup the Close button's location


Building callsign: testing
All Prisms: Z101+Z102+Z103+Z104
NW Prism: Z101
NE Prism: Z102
SW Prism: Z103
SE Prism: Z104
NS Distance: 20
WE Distance: 12
Station ID: 1234






import sqlite3
import pandas
import csv
import re

def connect():                      #Function to create SQL database                                  
    conn=sqlite3.connect("lite.db")         #Establish connection to lite.db
    cur=conn.cursor()                       #Create cursor object in dataase
    cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS calculation (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,Station_ID INTEGER,Variable TEXT,\
                    Variable_ID INTEGER,Unit_ID INTEGER,Formula TEXT,RoC_Active INTEGER,RoC_Precision INTEGER,\
                    RoC_Period_Value INTEGER,RoC_Period_Type INTEGER,RoC_Unit_Value INTEGER,RoC_Unit_Type INTEGER,\
                    Datum_Variable_ID INTEGER,Datum_Timestamp TEXT,Datum_Information TEXT,Constants TEXT)")         #Create SQL table if it does not exist
    conn.commit()                   #Commit changes in database
    conn.close()                    #Close the connection to database

def calculate(Building_callsign,AllPrisms,NW_Prism,NE_Prism,SW_Prism,SE_Prism,NS_Distance,WE_Distance,Station_ID,Variable_ID):  #Function to calculate deformations and displacements
    VVListofLists=[]                            #Assign an empty list to VVListofLists
    VVList=[]                                   #Assign an empty list to VVList
    Tassgloname=Building_callsign + "Tass_Glo"  #Assign Tassgloname to the name of Tassement Global variable with corresponding to building's name
    ListAllPrisms=AllPrisms.split("+")          #Create a list with all Prisms in AllPrisms input box
    TasGLO="("+AllPrisms+")"+"/"+str(len(ListAllPrisms))        #Assign TasGLO as the calculation for Tassement Global
    VVList=[Station_ID,Tassgloname,Variable_ID,42,TasGLO]       #Put Station_ID,Tassgloname,Variable_ID,42,TasGLO into VVList of current input
    VVListofLists.append(VVList)                #Append VVList to VVListofLists

    if (NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="") or (NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!=""):      #Conditional for Tassement differentiel NS calculation is possible
        TasDifNSname=Building_callsign + "Tass_Diff_NS"                         #Assign TasDifNSname to the name of Tassement differentiel NS variable with corresponding to building's name
        if NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":     #Conditional for all prisms inputs are not empty
            TasDifNS="("+"("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"("+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)  #Assign TasDifNS as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel NS

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism=="":       #Conditional for SE_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifNS="("+"("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance) #Assign TasDifNS as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel NS

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism=="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NE_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifNS="("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"("+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)     #Assign TasDifNS as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel NS     
        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for SW_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifNS="("+"("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)     #Assign TasDifNS as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel NS
        elif NW_Prism=="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NW_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifNS="("+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+"-"+"("+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)     #Assign TasDifNS as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel NS

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism=="" and SE_Prism=="":       #Conditional for NE_Prism and SE_Prism input boxes are empty
            TasDifNS="("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)       #Assign TasDifNS as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel NS
        elif NW_Prism=="" and SW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NW_Prism and SW_Prism input boxes are empty
            TasDifNS="("+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+"-"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)       #Assign TasDifNS as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel NS
        VVList=[Station_ID,TasDifNSname,Variable_ID,101,TasDifNS]           #Put Station_ID,TasDifNSname,Variable_ID,101,TasDifNS into VVList of current input
        VVListofLists.append(VVList)                #Append VVList to VVListofLists

    else:                   #Conditional for Tassement differentiel NS calculation is not possible
        TasDifNS=""         #Set TasDifNS as blank
        TasDifNSname=""     #Set TasDifNSname as blank

    if (NW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="") or (SW_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!=""):      #Conditional for Tassement differentiel OE calculation is possible
        TasDifOEname=Building_callsign + "Tass_Diff_OE"                         #Assign TasDifOEname to the name of Tassement differentiel OE variable with corresponding to building's name
        if NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":     #Conditional for all prisms inputs are not empty
            TasDifOE="("+"("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"("+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)   #Assign TasDifOE as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel OE

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism=="":   #Conditional for SE_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifOE="("+"("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)     #Assign TasDifOE as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel OE

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism=="" and SE_Prism!="":   #Conditional for NE_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifOE="("+"("+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)     #Assign TasDifOE as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel OE
        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":   #Conditional for SW_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifOE="("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"("+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)     #Assign TasDifOE as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel OE
        elif NW_Prism=="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":   #Conditional for NW_Prism input box is empty
            TasDifOE="("+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+"-"+"("+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+"+"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)     #Assign TasDifOE as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel OE

        elif NW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SW_Prism=="" and SE_Prism=="":   #Conditional for SW_Prism and SE_Prism input boxes are empty
            TasDifOE="("+"Z"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"Z"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)       #Assign TasDifOE as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel OE
        elif NW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism=="" and SW_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":   #Conditional for NW_Prism and NE_Prism input boxes are empty
            TasDifOE="("+"Z"+str(SW_Prism)+"-"+"Z"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)       #Assign TasDifOE as the calculation for Tassement Differentiel OE

        VVList=[Station_ID,TasDifOEname,Variable_ID,101,TasDifOE]           #Put Station_ID,TasDifOEname,Variable_ID,101,TasDifOE into VVList of current input
        VVListofLists.append(VVList)                #Append VVList to VVListofLists
    else:               #Conditional for Tassement differentiel OE calculation is not possible
        TasDifOE=""         #Set TasDifOE as blank
        TasDifOEname=""     #Set TasDifOEname as blank

    if (NW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="") or (SW_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!=""):          #Conditional for Deformation Horizontal NS calculation is possible
        DEHNSname=Building_callsign + "DEH_NS"                  #Assign DEHNSname to the name of Deformation Horizontal NS variable with corresponding to building's name
        if NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":         #Conditional for all prisms inputs are not empty
            DEHNS="("+"("+"Y"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"Y"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"("+"Y"+str(NE_Prism)+"+"+"Y"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)      #Assign DEHNS as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal NS

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism=="":       #Conditional for SE_Prism input box is empty       
            DEHNS="("+"("+"Y"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"Y"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"Y"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)    #Assign DEHNS as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal NS

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism=="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NE_Prism input box is empty
            DEHNS="("+"("+"Y"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"Y"+str(NW_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"Y"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)    #Assign DEHNS as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal NS
        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for SW_Prism input box is empty
            DEHNS="("+"Y"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"("+"Y"+str(SE_Prism)+"+"+"Y"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)    #Assign DEHNS as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal NS
        elif NW_Prism=="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NW_Prism input box is empty
            DEHNS="("+"Y"+str(SW_Prism)+"-"+"("+"Y"+str(NE_Prism)+"+"+"Y"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)    #Assign DEHNS as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal NS

        elif NW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SW_Prism=="" and SE_Prism=="":       #Conditional for SW_Prism and SE_Prism input boxes are empty
            DEHNS="("+"Y"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"Y"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)  #Assign DEHNS as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal NS
        elif NW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism=="" and SW_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NW_Prism and NE_Prism input boxes are empty
            DEHNS="("+"Y"+str(SW_Prism)+"-"+"Y"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(NS_Distance)  #Assign DEHNS as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal NS

        VVList=[Station_ID,DEHNSname,Variable_ID,101,DEHNS]         #Put Station_ID,DEHNSname,Variable_ID,101,DEHNS into VVList of current input
        VVListofLists.append(VVList)                                #Append VVList to VVListofLists

    else:                       #Conditional for Deformation Horizontal NS calculation is not possible
        DEHNS=""            #Set DEHNS as blank
        DEHNSname=""        #Set DEHNSname as blank

    if (NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="") or (NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!=""):          #Conditional for Deformation Horizontal OE calculation is possible
        DEHOEname=Building_callsign + "DEH_OE"                                      #Assign DEHOEname to the name of Deformation Horizontal OE variable with corresponding to building's name
        if NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":         #Conditional for all prisms inputs are not empty
            DEHOE="("+"("+"X"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"X"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"("+"X"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"X"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)      #Assign DEHOE as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal OE

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism=="":       #Conditional for SE_Prism input box is empty
            DEHOE="("+"("+"X"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"X"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"X"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)        #Assign DEHOE as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal OE

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism=="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NE_Prism input box is empty
            DEHOE="("+"X"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"("+"X"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"X"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)        #Assign DEHOE as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal OE
        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for SW_Prism input box is empty
            DEHOE="("+"("+"X"+str(NW_Prism)+"+"+"X"+str(NE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+"-"+"X"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)        #Assign DEHOE as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal OE
        elif NW_Prism=="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NW_Prism input box is empty
            DEHOE="("+"X"+str(NE_Prism)+"-"+"("+"X"+str(SW_Prism)+"+"+"X"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+"2"+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)        #Assign DEHOE as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal OE

        elif NW_Prism!="" and SW_Prism!="" and NE_Prism=="" and SE_Prism=="":       #Conditional for NE_Prism and SE_Prism input boxes are empty
            DEHOE="("+"X"+str(NW_Prism)+"-"+"X"+str(SW_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)      #Assign DEHOE as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal OE
        elif NW_Prism=="" and SW_Prism=="" and NE_Prism!="" and SE_Prism!="":       #Conditional for NW_Prism and SW_Prism input boxes are empty
            DEHOE="("+"X"+str(NE_Prism)+"-"+"X"+str(SE_Prism)+")"+"/"+str(WE_Distance)      #Assign DEHOE as the calculation for Deformation Horizontal OE

        VVList=[Station_ID,DEHOEname,Variable_ID,101,DEHOE]         #Put Station_ID,DEHOEname,Variable_ID,101,DEHOE into VVList of current input
        VVListofLists.append(VVList)                                #Append VVList to VVListofLists
    else:                   #Conditional for Deformation Horizontal OE calculation is not possible
        DEHOE=""            #Set DEHOE as blank
        DEHOEname=""        #Set DEHOEname as blank    

    for a_list in VVListofLists:     #Loop for each list in VVListofLists
        insert(*a_list)              #Call the insert function with arguments based of items in a_list   

    return TasGLO, Tassgloname, TasDifNS, TasDifNSname, TasDifOE, TasDifOEname, DEHNS, DEHNSname, DEHOE, DEHOEname

def insert(Station_ID,Virtual_Variable,Variable_ID,Unit_ID,Formula):
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO calculation VALUES(NULL,?,?,?,?,?,0,0,1,3600,1,3600,0,\"0000-00-00 00:00:00\",0,\"\")",(Station_ID,Virtual_Variable,Variable_ID,Unit_ID,Formula))

def view():
    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM calculation")
    return rows

def drop():
    cur.execute("DROP TABLE calculation")

def Search(Virtual_Variable):
    cur.execute("SELECT * FROM calculation WHERE Variable LIKE ?",(Virtual_Variable+"%",))
    return rows

def delete(id):
    cur.execute("DELETE FROM calculation WHERE id=?",(id,))

def export():
    conn = sqlite3.connect('lite.db')
    sql = """
    '"' || COALESCE(Variable, '') || '"' Variable,
    '"' || COALESCE(Formula, '') || '"' Formula,
    '"' || COALESCE(Datum_Timestamp, '') || '"' Datum_Timestamp,
    '"' || COALESCE(Datum_Information, '') || '"' Datum_Information,
    '"' || COALESCE(Constants, '') || '"' Constants
    FROM calculation 
    csv_path = "output.csv"
    with open(csv_path, "w", newline="") as csv_file:
        csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file,delimiter=";",quotechar='',quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE)
        # Write headers.
        csv_writer.writerow([i[0] for i in cur.description])
        # Write data.

def update(id,Station_ID,Virtual_Variable,Formula):
    conn = sqlite3.connect("lite.db")
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("UPDATE calculation SET Station_ID=?, Variable=?, Formula=? WHERE id=?",(Station_ID,Virtual_Variable,Formula,id))

def delete_manyid_列表: 占位符=','。连接'?'*lenid_列表 sql=fDELETE来自计算,其中id位于{占位符} printsql,id\u列表 cur.executesql,id\u列表 主要模块:

将tkinter作为tk导入 导入后端v2 选定的_id_列表=[] def get_selectd_ROW事件: 全局选定\u id\u列表 选定的\u id\u list=[list1.getindex[0]用于列表1.1中的索引] 打印选定的\u id\u列表 def delete_命令: 如果选择了\u id\u列表: backendv2.delete_many selected_id_列表 从列表框中删除项目 对于列表1.1中的项,选择[:-1]: 列表1.deleteitem list1=tk.Listboxroot,宽度=20,选择mode=tk.EXTENDED 列表1.pack list1.bind,获取所选行 插入虚拟项目 对于范围1、11中的i: 列表1.insertend,i,1234,fItem_{i}, tk.Buttonroot,text=Delete,command=Delete\u command.pack root.mainloop 您还可以使用backendv2.delete,如下所示:

def delete_命令: 如果选择了\u id\u列表: 对于所选id列表中的id: backendv2.deleteid 删除列表框中的项目 对于列表1.1中的项,选择[:-1]: 列表1.deleteitem