Python 将值连接到Panda系列中

Python 将值连接到Panda系列中,python,pandas,beautifulsoup,Python,Pandas,Beautifulsoup,我收到API请求的以下回复: <movies> <movie> <rating>5</rating> <name>star wars</name> </movie> <movie> <rating>8</rating> <name>jurassic park</name> </


    <name>star wars</name>
    <name>jurassic park</name>



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Data' : ['<movies>','<movie>','<rating>5</rating>',
                             '<name>star wars</name>', '</movie>', 
                             '<rating>8</rating>', '<name>jurassic park</name>', 
                             '</movie>', '</movies>']})
#Filter for the relevant rows of data based upon the logic of the pattern. I have also 
#done an optional reset of the index.
df = df.loc[df['Data'].str.contains('>.*<', regex=True)].reset_index(drop=True)
#For the rows we just filtered for, get rid of the irrelevant data with some regex 
#string manipulation
df['Data'] = df['Data'].str.findall('>.*<').str[0].replace(['>','<'], '', regex=True)
#Use join with shift and add_suffix CREDIT to @joelostblom:
df = df.add_suffix('1').join(df.shift(-1).add_suffix('2'))
#Filter for numeric rows only
df = df.loc[df['Data1'].str.isnumeric() == True]
#Combine Columns with desired format
df['Movie Rating'] = df['Data1'] + ' - ' + df['Data2']
#Filter for only relevant column and print dataframe
df = df[['Movie Rating']]
'', '']})

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Data' : ['<movies>','<movie>','<rating>5</rating>',
                             '<name>star wars</name>', '</movie>', 
                             '<rating>8</rating>', '<name>jurassic park</name>', 
                             '</movie>', '</movies>']})
#Filter for the relevant rows of data based upon the logic of the pattern. I have also 
#done an optional reset of the index.
df = df.loc[df['Data'].str.contains('>.*<', regex=True)].reset_index(drop=True)
#For the rows we just filtered for, get rid of the irrelevant data with some regex 
#string manipulation
df['Data'] = df['Data'].str.findall('>.*<').str[0].replace(['>','<'], '', regex=True)
#Use join with shift and add_suffix CREDIT to @joelostblom:
df = df.add_suffix('1').join(df.shift(-1).add_suffix('2'))
#Filter for numeric rows only
df = df.loc[df['Data1'].str.isnumeric() == True]
#Combine Columns with desired format
df['Movie Rating'] = df['Data1'] + ' - ' + df['Data2']
#Filter for only relevant column and print dataframe
df = df[['Movie Rating']]