Python 如何使函数返回所有可能的值

Python 如何使函数返回所有可能的值,python,return,lxml,Python,Return,Lxml,所以我使用编写这个方法,它在查找数字方面效果很好,但它只返回最后一个值。是否有办法使它在每次运行后返回所有值。 这是我的密码: def searchPFAM(): fileAddress = '/Volumes/interpro/data/Q14591.txt' start = None end = None with open(fileAddress,'rb') as f: root = etree.parse(f) for l

所以我使用编写这个方法,它在查找数字方面效果很好,但它只返回最后一个值。是否有办法使它在每次运行后返回所有值。 这是我的密码:

def searchPFAM():

    fileAddress = '/Volumes/interpro/data/Q14591.txt'
    start = None
    end = None
    with open(fileAddress,'rb') as f:
        root = etree.parse(f)
        for lcn in root.xpath("/protein/match[@dbname='PFAM']/lcn"):#find dbname =PFAM
            start = int(lcn.get("start"))#if it is PFAM then look for start value
            end = int(lcn.get("end"))#if it is PFAM then also look for end value
            print start, end
        return start, end


def do_something(fname):
    with open(fname,'rb') as f:
        root = etree.parse(f)
        for lcn in root.xpath("/protein/match[@dbname='PFAM']/lcn"):#find dbname =PFAM
            # Make slightly more robust
                start = int(lcn.get("start"))#if it is PFAM then look for start value
                end = int(lcn.get("end"))#if it is PFAM then also look for end value
                yield start, end
            except (TypeError , ValueError) as e:
                pass # start/end aren't usable as numbers decide what to do here...

for start, end in do_something():
    do_something_else(start, end)



def searchPFAM():
    fileAddress = '/Volumes/interpro/data/Q14591.txt'
    start = None
    end = None
    result = []
    with open(fileAddress,'rb') as f:
        root = etree.parse(f)
        for lcn in root.xpath("/protein/match[@dbname='PFAM']/lcn"):#find dbname =PFAM
            start = int(lcn.get("start"))#if it is PFAM then look for start value
            end = int(lcn.get("end"))#if it is PFAM then also look for end value
            print start, end
        result.append((start, end))
    return result

def searchPFAM():
    fileAddress = '/Volumes/interpro/data/Q14591.txt'
    start = None
    end = None
    with open(fileAddress,'rb') as f:
        root = etree.parse(f)
        result = [(int(lcn.get("start")), int(lcn.get("end"))) 
                     for lcn in root.xpath("/protein/match[@dbname='PFAM']/lcn")]
    return result
for start,end in result:
   ... # do something with pair of int values

def searchPFAM():
    fileAddress = '/Volumes/interpro/data/Q14591.txt'
    start = None
    end = None
    with open(fileAddress,'rb') as f:
        root = etree.parse(f)
        result = [(int(lcn.get("start")), int(lcn.get("end"))) 
                     for lcn in root.xpath("/protein/match[@dbname='PFAM']/lcn")]
    return result
for start,end in result:
   ... # do something with pair of int values

,以获取第n个的开始值和结束值。我是否可以将这些值传递到另一个方法上。。或者我必须结合另一种方法,以便在我的两个method@ChadD是的,您可以将这些值与其他函数一起使用。@AshwiniChaudhary我是否只将start和end作为参数传递,或者我需要做些什么,因为我之前使用的是start,end=searchPFAM()这行吗?我认为jon clements使用的for循环完全可以<代码>开始,结束于做某事():做某事(开始,结束)